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them tomorrow?”

“I would, however, my conscience refuses to allow me to even consider putting it off. I’ll give AJ a call on the way. I doubt he’s going to be happy with me, although under the circumstances, a child going missing, I’m hoping he’ll at least be a bit more understanding than usual.”

“Good luck with that one.”

They switched off the computer and slipped on their jackets.

“What about Brandon?” Katy asked as they raced down the stairs and out to the car.

“Nah, I won’t bother. I have more important things on my mind than being subjected to silent treatment. I’ll suffer his wrath once I’m at home, face to face is always better than delivering the news over the phone. It is in our relationship, anyway.”

“I know things will be a thousand times worse if I don’t ring AJ. Here, you drive, that way I can concentrate on pacifying him without fear of causing an accident.” She threw Charlie the car keys.

Charlie smiled, adjusted the driver’s seat to suit her longer legs and drove out of the car park. Katy inhaled and exhaled a few times, doing her best to try to calm her racing heart.

“Hi, AJ, it’s me.”

“Are you on your way home? If so, I’ll put the dinner on.”

She closed her eyes, imagining his hopeful face and beaming smile on the other end. “No, believe me, I’m so sorry to let you down at this late stage. Something major has transpired and I have to visit someone urgently.”

“It’s fine. Don’t worry about us. Georgie, go get your coat on, sweetheart, we’re going to McDonalds for lunch.”

Georgie screeched in the background and Katy’s heart sank. She hated that place. She’d always been brought up to think of McDonalds as supporters of the IRA back in their heyday and had avoided spending her well-earned money there over the years. She tried her hardest not to react, but it was an impossible task.

“Can’t you go elsewhere? You know how I feel about that place, AJ!”

“Exactly, which is why we avoid it when we’re with you. Georgie and I love going there, we just never tell you when we have a sneaky burger and chips.”

“What? Do you realise what you’re saying? You’re teaching our child to be deceitful, you think that’s right, AJ?”

“Don’t start on me, Katy. I care about my daughter and her needs.”

“And you’re saying I don’t? How can taking her out to McDonalds like that be caring for our daughter?”

“What time should we expect you home now?” AJ swiftly changed the subject.

“I don’t know. I’ll give you a call later on.”

“Don’t bother, we probably won’t be here. I’ll take Georgie out for the day to make up for you not wanting to be with her.”

“AJ! Where the hell is this coming from? If you only knew what we were up against here, you’d be encouraging me to remain at work and do my best.”

“You have made it perfectly clear where your priorities lie over the past few weeks, Katy. Things are going to be changing around here. I’ve decided that Georgie needs at least one adult in her life who prioritises her well-being. I’m volunteering to be that person. Let’s face it, she can no longer rely on you, can she?”

Tears pricked Katy’s eyes and she shook her head. “You’re not being fair, AJ. I wasn’t going to tell you this for fear of it upsetting you, but what the heck… we have to remain out in the field on this one because as it stands, we have a child who has been kidnapped. I don’t want to get into a long drawn-out debate about this, I’m putting another child’s life before my own. I think on this occasion, it’s warranted, don’t you?”

“Umm… you should have said sooner.”

“You reckon? You didn’t give me a damn chance. Go, AJ, have your damn burger and manky fries from that place, I hope you suffer the consequences later.”

“Bloody charming.” He ended the call.

Katy jabbed at the button. Her leg bounced up and down as her anger grew. “I never expected that. What is wrong with him? I’m out here, on my day off, trying to keep this place safe, a safer environment in which to bring up our child and he slates me for it.”

Charlie gave her a sympathetic look. “It’s because he cares so much about you and Georgie. He wants to spend time with you and is bitter that you’re devoting too much time to your work, it’s only natural, Katy.”

“If he hadn’t been a copper once upon a time, I could completely understand where you’re coming from, partner. But he knows what we have to endure in order to bring down some of these criminals. You name one criminal we’ve arrested since you’ve joined us who committed all their crimes between the hours of nine to five?”

“I understand your frustrations, I truly do. But on the other hand, you need to recognise AJ’s point of view as well.”

She sighed, feeling defeated. “I do. I swear I do, especially with Georgie’s condition always rattling around in my head. Maybe I should take a leaf out of your mother’s book and bloody retire!”

Charlie bashed her hand against her thigh. “You can’t do that! I know Mum threw in the towel a number of times, but she also returned to her role a couple of times too, because she needed to feel wanted. To achieve the maximum results throughout her career, to maintain the balance in her life. That’s how I perceived it, anyway. Don’t be like Mum, you’re going to need to take a step back, delegate more if necessary, if that’s what it takes to keep your marriage alive.”

Katy shrugged. “Maybe it was the wrong call for us to tie the knot. Anyway, what made you so damn wise, young lady?”

“I think you know the answer to that one, boss.”

Her leg stilled and she inhaled her final deep, calming breath. “I do. I miss her, you know. Ouch! And that’s not

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