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Book online «Opposites Ignite Sadira Stone (drm ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Sadira Stone

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Tell him I sent you. He’ll fix you up good.”

“Thanks,” Rosie whispered. A tear meandered down her cheek.

Eddie wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to his chest. It was like hugging a block of wood.

Dawn enclosed them both in a motherly hug. “Take her home, Eddie.”

Rosie protested, “No, I’m fine, really. They checked me out at the collision site.”

“You’re shaking like a leaf. Go home.” Dawn nudged them toward the back door.

“But Eddie—”

“Will come right back as soon as you’re safely home. Won’t you, Eddie?” It wasn’t a question.

“Of course.” His arm around Rosie, he navigated through the crowd. “Where’s your car now?”

“They towed it to the Honda place.” At her locker she wrapped up in her puffy coat, which did nothing to stop her shivering.

“You sure you don’t want to see a doctor?”

“I’m not hurt. Just shook up.” She trudged to the back door.

When they reached his car, he opened his passenger door, but she ignored his extended hand, dropped into her seat, and crossed her arms. “I can’t believe you scolded me for being late.”

He flapped his hands helplessly. “I didn’t know. You didn’t call.”

“Hard to do when your phone is smashed.” She swiped at her damp cheek.

“I was worried, okay? You haven’t been answering my calls or texts. I didn’t know what to think.”

She whirled on him, jaw tight and eyes blazing. “A real friend wouldn’t assume I was being irresponsible.”

He pounded the steering wheel. The horn gave an anemic bleat. “I never said you were irresponsible, Ro, and I’m more than just your friend. I’m—”

Her gaze dropped to her hands, clasped tightly in her lap. “Please, just drive.”

They rolled in silence through the sleet-slicked streets. When they got to her house, she sat staring dully through the windshield. “Thank you, Eddie.”

Barely controlling the urge to scream or weep or kiss her—all at once, maybe—he reached for her hand. “I love you, Rosie. Please don’t shut me out.”

She pinched the bridge of her nose. “I can’t have this conversation now. I’m too shook up.”

“Okay.” Now his voice was shaking too. “Whenever you’re ready.”

No response.

“Are you still coming to the wedding?” Idiot! Haven’t you shoved your foot far enough down your throat tonight?

She leveled him with a dead-eyed stare. “If the boss gives me time off.”

He flinched as if she’d slapped him.

Her breath whooshed out. “Hey, I’m sorry. Of course I’ll come to the wedding.” Her mouth twitched in a pale shadow of a smile. “It’ll be fun, right?”

Somehow, he doubted that very much.

Chapter Sixteen

Eddie pulled into the parking lot outside the Seattle hotel where his cousin’s wedding reception would start in—he checked the dashboard clock—fifteen minutes. Fifteen awkward, silent, prickly minutes. Rosie had maintained near-silence on the ride up and during the ceremony, thawing only to greet his parents and grandparents.

He reached for her hand. Might as well be holding a dead fish.

“I really appreciate your coming today, Ro.”

“I said I’d come, and I keep my promises.” Her gaze flicked to his, then darted away.

“So do I.” He laced his fingers through hers. “Please, babe, help me understand what I did wrong so I can make it right. I love you.”

With a groan, Rosie closed her eyes and let her head thunk back against the headrest. “That’s the problem, right there.”

He twisted in his seat, grunting in frustration as the seatbelt locked him in. “Fucker.” He punched the button, and it thwacked against the door frame. “What is the problem? Explain it to me like the idiot I clearly am.”

She rolled her head toward him and opened her misty, weary eyes. “Love. The word that caused this mess.”

His stomach dropped like a runaway elevator. “You changed your mind?”

“No, I—it just slipped out. That’s my problem, blurting out my thoughts. It was way too soon to tell you that.” A tear trickled down her cheek.

“You didn’t mean it?”

She swiped her damp cheek with the back of her hand. “I care about you, Eddie, and I think you’re a great person, but maybe we’re confusing sex with love. I mean, the sex is beyond amazing, and I like spending time with you, but we hardly know each other.” She raised her teary gaze to his. “Saying the big L word sets up expectations, you know? I expected you to know what I needed. But you didn’t, and that really hurt.” She shrugged and spread her hands. “My head knows this clusterfuck is my own fault, but my gut is still tied up in knots.”

Damn it, why did they have to tackle this conversation now, in a rapidly-filling parking lot? A trio of bridesmaids in fluttering pastel dresses shrieked with laughter as they passed.

“Ro, I’d do anything to turn back the clock and say the right thing. It’s just—” He scraped a palm down his face. “Dawn trusting me to take over for River is a huge deal. I’m terrified of screwing it up. I was obsessing about that when I should’ve been listening to you.”

“You’ll do great, Eddie.” She dabbed her eyes with a crumpled tissue. “You’re smart and organized and logical. You have everything you need.”

He clasped her hand and pressed it to his heart. “Rosie, I don’t want to break up with you. We were just getting started. Everything was so good between us.”

“But you wouldn’t have said I love you after just a few weeks. You’d have waited, like a person who has sense.”

“Maybe, but only because I was scared. I would’ve dithered for God knows how long. Should I tell her? Does she want me to say it first? Are we still just friends? I was a coward, but you were brave and honest and real. Don’t ever regret that.” He kissed her clenched knuckles. He couldn’t lose her. Not over a few clumsy words. Life couldn’t possibly be that unfair.

“We don’t fit, Eddie.” She gazed out through the sleet pattering his windshield. “I knew that from the beginning, but I ignored it. You’re a planner, a step-by-step guy. An ant.”


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