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Book online «The Heart of Alchemy James Wisher (book recommendations TXT) 📖». Author James Wisher

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pelt. The darkness was pure corruption. Looking at it made Otto nauseous. He couldn’t imagine actually touching it the way Lady White did.

When the darkness had fully engulfed the pelt, she lowered her hands. For the first time Otto saw something like strain on her beautiful features. Wrinkles creased her forehead and her lips were compressed in a tight line. Clearly the ritual took its toll.

The pelt now bobbed on top of the darkness. Slowly the two merged as the darkness gave the pelt dimension, restoring it to a semblance of life, though one far from natural.

When the ether calmed at last, a dark caricature of the six-legged leopard stood in the center of the circle, its eyes glowing red.

Lady White clapped once and the ominous aura that had filled the room vanished. “The summoning is complete.”

She pointed at her new warbeast, then at the floor. It sat on its haunches and looked up at her like a loyal pet; only the lolling tongue was missing.

“Congratulations. I’ve never witnessed anything like what you just accomplished.”

“The summoning is simple enough, the hard part is subjugating the demon to your will. Even an instant of doubt will result in you turned into a bloody lump of meat. Happily, I left my doubts behind long ago. Still, it’s thirsty work. Would you join me for a glass of wine?”

Otto nodded, his own mouth feeling as dry as a desert.

They left the warbeast in the summoning chamber and Lady White led him down a passage he hadn’t even noticed when they passed it earlier. It ended at a salon decorated in high style, the furniture all done in black leather, and a table carved from bone and ebony. She gestured to one of the tables then sat opposite him.

A bottle of wine and two glasses appeared out of nowhere, poured, and landed on the table. Lady White took the glass in front of her and drank deeply. Otto took a sip from his own glass and smiled at the high quality of the vintage. They should export it, such fine wine would bring an excellent price in Garen.

“I suppose this is where you try and recruit me to your cult,” Otto said.

Lady White set her glass down and the bottle topped her off. “Hardly. Your soul is of no interest to Astaroth. What little of your mortality remains is too mingled with the ether to be of use. No, I have another proposal for you.”

Otto took another sip to cover his surprise. He’d felt certain she would try and convince him to become a demon binder. “I’m happy to consider any proposal you’d like to make.”

“The Cult of Astaroth is currently in a poor position here. To increase our power, we have sought to expand outside of our homeland.”

Otto nodded, his expression neutral. If she imagined him welcoming demon worshippers into the empire, she was crazy. “Go on.”

“To that end, we’ve sent agents to the Celestial Empire. A small cell has established itself in their capital city. While they’ve gained some followers and created a modest force of undead warriors, the empire is too organized for us to truly thrive. I don’t directly oversee that operation and reports from my subordinate have been slow in coming. Hardly ideal, but far from a surprise given the forces opposing us. I know little of the details beyond what I’ve told you, but I believe we can help each other.”

“My interest in the empire is narrow. Getting deeply involved in local politics doesn’t concern me.”

“Exactly, that’s why you’re useful. The last message I received indicated that they want someone that can kill a high-ranking official thus clearing the way for someone allied with us to assume the post.”

“So you need an assassin. I have no problem taking on that role. But what can you do for me?”

“We can provide you with a way in.” She leaned forward so their faces were only inches apart. Up close she smelled of grave earth and decay. The lovely Lady White might be a bit less alive than he’d first thought. “You must understand, the empire is a sealed nation. They have only a single point of contact with the outside world and no foreigners are allowed in. Our agents can smuggle you across the border and into the capital. I assume that’s where you want to go.”

Otto didn’t know exactly where he wanted to go. Perhaps she could tell him. “I’m looking for the lab or workshop of their Arcane Lord. I don’t know where that is exactly.”

“Then you need our help even more. Kill the official, and we will help you complete whatever mission you’re on. I swear it in Lord Astaroth’s name.”

Was an oath sworn in the name of a demon lord worth anything? He didn’t know, but doubted he’d find a better offer.


“Excellent. One of our agents will meet you in the port city of Han. He or she, I can’t say which, will be dressed in all black with a single red flower somewhere visible.” She stood and held out her hand. “I believe Lord Astaroth guided you to us. Perhaps one day we will meet again.”

Otto gently grasped her hand. It felt cold, like the hand of a corpse. “Indeed, this has been an illuminating experience.”

They parted and soon enough he was on his way back to the ship, once again carried by the demon bearers. Illuminating or not, he’d had his fill of the Land of the Demon Binders.

After the rather harrowing events in the Land of the Demon Binders, Otto was glad to be back at sea. Their exit from the harbor had been accomplished by the same means as their entrance, the bizarre sea beast and the odd being Lady White called The Voice.

Now two days away from the fog-shrouded land and standing on deck in the bright, warm sun, Otto took a moment to consider the deal he’d made. At the time, accepting Lady White’s offer of help had

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