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Book online «The Heart of Alchemy James Wisher (book recommendations TXT) 📖». Author James Wisher

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while the remaining two stepped off the porch to greet them. Not wanting to risk getting shot, Otto bound their triggers. The guards wouldn’t notice anything amiss unless they tried to fire and if they did that, he’d kill them all before they had a chance to complain.

“What’s your business here?” the right-hand guard asked.

“We need a room for six guests,” Otto said. “My other companions will be coming and going from time to time. Having seen a bit of this city, security is paramount for our needs.”

“That is an expensive list of requirements,” the guard said. “I assume you have gold to pay for it.”

“Payment isn’t an issue, but the last time I showed my gold, I was nearly killed and robbed, so you’ll understand my reluctance.”

The guard’s stony expression finally cracked into a faint smile. “If you weren’t completely correct in everything you just said, I’d be offended on behalf of my city. As it is, I need some proof of payment before I can let you in to negotiate with the overseer.”

“Fine. I killed the last group of thieves. If I have to, I can kill a second.” Otto reached into his pocket and pulled out the same double eagle he’d shown the bartender.

“Now that’s a coin. Okay, weapons down, boys. We have a new guest. Follow me to the overseer.”

The other guards lowered their crossbows but continued to watch with narrow, suspicious eyes. He didn’t blame them. In fact, if he was going to stay here, he’d prefer suspicious guards. By the same token, Otto waited until they were inside to remove his spell.

“Wow.” Corina gaped at the inside of the inn.

Otto agreed with the sentiment even if he controlled his expression better than his apprentice. The common room was decorated with white silk tablecloths. Red lanterns hung from the ceiling casting a warm glow over the room. Attractive female servants in skimpy red dresses carried drinks to the handful of occupied tables. The guests were dressed in fine robes and tunics. At least three different nationalities were represented among the guests.

Everyone looked up when Otto and his companions entered. Apparently a large, armed group wasn’t that strange and they quickly went back to their meals. Their guide led them to a small desk off to one side of the room where a portly man with a long gray beard and expensive silk robe stood waiting.

He eyed them with the same narrow, suspicious eyes as the guards outside. “Samhain, what have you brought me?”

“Guests, sir,” the guard said. “They have gold.”

The portly man’s face brightened at once. “Well now, that’s fine. Run along, Sam, I have matters to discuss with our newest guests.”

“Yes, sir.” Sam took his leave, hurrying through the common room and out the door.

“So, what can I do for you fine people? But where are my manors? I am Clarendon, the owner of this establishment.”

“We need a room,” Otto said. “Members of my group will be coming and going and I’m not certain how long I’ll need the room, so I’d like to pay for a month in advance.”

“No problem at all, sir. We have several rooms available. A monthly rental will cost you six ounces of gold. Food and drink are extra.”

Otto placed two double eagles on the table and Clarendon pulled out a scale. He weighed the coins against a lead disk. “Looks like about seven ounces. Shall we call it five weeks?”

“That’s fine. Can you show us the room now?”

Clarendon gave a pained expression and snapped his fingers. One of the scantily clad serving girls hurried over and bowed. “Show our new guests to room seven.”

Otto accepted an iron key and followed the girl upstairs to a room marked with a golden seven. “Here you are, sir.”

She bowed again and hurried away. Otto pushed the door open. The room itself was quite large, with a living area and two bedrooms. More of a small apartment than an inn room.

“For what that thief charged, I expected more,” Axel said.

“It is sufficient.” Otto went to the left-hand bedroom.

There was plenty of clear space between the bed and the wall. A few deft slashes carved a rough symbol. Next he poured ether into it until it glowed in his magical vision. That should last at least a year or until he erased it.

He stepped back out of the room and said, “We’re all set here. Hans, no one sets foot in that room until I’m back. Understood?”

“Yes, my lord.”

“Axel, let’s return to the ship. Hopefully Captain Wainwright has completed his shopping without getting his throat cut.”

Axel chuckled though Otto hadn’t really been joking. They left Hans and his squad in the room and started toward steps.

Corina started to join them, but Otto said, “Stay here until we’re sure we weren’t followed.”

She pouted but turned back. Satisfied that she wouldn’t abandon her post, Otto went downstairs. At the foot of the steps his gaze was immediately drawn to a woman dressed in an all-black dress with a slit running to the hip standing beside an empty table. Their gazes met and she shifted, revealing a rose tattoo on her right thigh.

No question about it then, this was his contact. “Go on ahead of me. I’ll catch up.”

Axel looked from Otto to the woman and back. “Careful, little brother. She might be more than you can handle.”

Otto snorted. “We have a mutual friend. She’s supposed to be my way into the empire.”

“All the same, be careful.” Axel waved and led his scouts out of the inn.

Otto angled over to the woman. As he approached, he looked her over closer. Judging from her skin tone and black hair, she hailed from the Celestial Empire. In fact, she could have been Ulf’s younger, more attractive, sister.

He stopped across the table from her. “You’re Lady White’s associate?”

“And you are Otto. She told me a great deal about you.” Her voice held a warm, melodic tone like that of a singer. “My name is Jet and I have great

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