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Book online «The Forgotten Empire: War for the Empire Raymond Weil (the reading list TXT) 📖». Author Raymond Weil

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will be our first target? asked Fleet Admiral Colane, who had come over to the flagship.

A small inhabited moon is in the Ralkor Three System. It has a very strong Imperial presence. We will completely destroy the moon as an example to other worlds. From there we will split the fleet into four sections and move toward the center of the Empire. Our primary target is Golan Four. Once we take it, the war will be over.

Chapter Thirteen

Rear Admiral Glenda Krest and her fleet were above Hastings, nestled around the four ODPs in orbit. The defense grid was massive, and currently she had everything at Condition Three. From what they knew, the attack could come anytime.

“Admiral, Colonel Jenkins reports that one of their cargo ships ran into a fleet of Confederation ships in the Sigma Duros System two hours ago,” reported Major Karla Every. Colonel Jenkins was in charge of Hastings Defense Command, which was located beneath a large mountain.

“Sigma Duros,” Krest repeated, as she called up the system on the ship’s navigation display. “That puts them about four hours away. Major Every, take the defensive grid to Condition Two and be prepared to go to Condition One at a moment’s notice. I think we can expect an attack within the next twenty hours. Communications, send a hyperlight message to Golan Four and inform them Confederation ships have been spotted in the Sigma Duros System, and we expect them here shortly.”

Krest leaned back in her command chair and crossed her arms over her chest. Nothing more she could do until the Confederation showed up. She looked at the viewscreens and the defenses they had put up around Hastings. She knew they couldn’t win the battle, but her job was to kill as many Confederation ships as possible.


Down on the planet, people entered the deep bunkers, as warning sirens howled. An orderly evacuation had been rehearsed a number of times. Each family had a particular bunker assigned to them, as well as quarters. They already had clothes and other essentials stored there. Each person was allowed one additional small bag to bring into the shelter during the evacuation. No one would be left on the surface, except in the three PDCs around the capital city, as the city was also being evacuated.

In the Hastings Defense Command Center, Colonel Jenkins watched as people filed into the bunkers in an orderly manner. Each bunker had Imperial Marines present to ensure everything was coordinated.

“In three hours, everyone will be inside the bunkers, and we can close them up,” reported Major Muskin, who was Jenkins’s second in command. “No sign yet of any enemy warships.”

Jenkins nodded. “Let’s hope it stays that way, until the bunkers are closed and sealed.” Sitting down in his command chair, he wondered what the moon of Hastings would look like this time tomorrow. He was afraid he wouldn’t like it.


Druin Admiral Falorr was in his Command Center as his fleet of 2,600 warships dropped from hyperspace, followed by the Zynth fleet of 2,300 warships. It had been decided by Morag Fleet Admiral Torrant to attack all targets with overwhelming force to ensure victory. Perhaps if the Humans saw that resistance was futile, they would agree to surrender to prevent a massive loss of life.

“Detecting a powerful defensive grid, four ODPs, ten Imperial dreadnoughts, and seventy Imperial battlecruisers,” reported the sensor officer.

“A very powerful defensive force for such a small moon,” commented First Officer Dagor, looking at the admiral.

Falorr did not like what he saw, but he dared not postpone the attack. Fleet Admiral Torrant would not like that. “We will not use our attack drones against this moon. We will hold them back for a more worthy target.” He had twenty carriers full of the small AI attack drones.

Admiral Falorr studied the tactical display for several moments, as he considered how best to proceed. “Contact Admiral Donlur. He’s to hit the far side of the moon, and I’ll hit the side facing us. This battle should be short and decisive. We attack in ten minutes.”

Falorr leaned back in his command chair, his short neck balanced on his massive torso. He studied the tactical display, making sure he wasn’t missing anything. Satisfied, he was ready for his first major victory over the Humans.


Rear Admiral Krest watched tensely, as the two Confederation fleets headed toward Hastings.

“I think we’re outnumbered,” commented Major Every.

Krest nodded. “It’s nearly always that way against the Confederation. Our goal here is not to win but to bloody their nose. Inform all ships to stand by to enter hyperspace on my command. We’ll exchange blows with the enemy, until such a time as we have no choice but to pull out.” Krest wouldn’t sacrifice all her ships in a no-win scenario. She would stay as long as she could, but her orders were clear. When her position became untenable, pull out and drop back toward the next fortified Human world.

On the viewscreen, the enemy fleets drew nearer. Krest noted that the Zynth were going around the moon to attack the defenses on the other side, and the Druins were coming straight in.

On the side her fleet was defending, she had the four ODPs and the three PDCs. The other side of the moon was protected only by the defensive grid.

“Colonel Jenkins has taken the defensive grid to Condition One,” reported Karla. “Same for the ODPs and the PDCs.”

Rear Admiral Krest nodded. “Take the fleet to Condition One as well and prepare for immediate combat.”

Everyone in the Command Center was focused on the tactical display, which showed the Druin fleet nearly in combat range.

“Stand by to fire,” ordered Krest. She wanted to get in the first strike, if possible.

She felt the growing tension in the Command Center. Her hands clenched the armrests on her command chair. Krest’s gaze now focused

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