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with a polite rejectionexcuse because Elsa Purdy, the chief wardrobe designer, camebarreling toward them.

“Areyou gonna come and see me, young lady? I’ve asked you twice tocomesee me foryour fitting.”

In all honesty,Celeste had purposefully avoided the other woman. The fact that shehad a legitimate job on Broadway hadn’t fully sunk in yet. Plus, if she fell of the wagon she wouldn’t have wastedanyone’s time or money.


The dressergrasped Celeste’s wrist. “Oh, no you don’t! You’recoming with me.” Elsa shooed Samuel aside. “I have to fityou for an entire wardrobe and several pairs of tap shoes. Of course,you’ll have the requisite pair in black patent leather, butI’ve got my mind wrapped around a pair in yellow kid.”

Flabbergastedby the news, Celeste eyes widened. In all the shows she’dperformed on the circuit and in local nightclubs, not one providedher with tap shoes. “You’re providing the shoes?”

“Didn’tyou read your contract? Along with your weekly salary, all dancersreceive dance apparel free of charge.”

“I–Ijust assumed that pertained to only costumes.”

Elsa shook herhead and her pin curls wiggled in unison. “You’ve movedup, kiddo. You’re on Broadway now and we do thingsdifferently.”

Unable to helpherself or the natural high coursing through her veins, Celestesmiled from ear to ear. “How many shoes will I get?”

Elsareached into the utility belt at her waist. She pulled out a smallnotebook and pencil. “The producers plan to use you in fourdifferent numbers with five costume changes. I’d say threepairs should be sufficient.”

For the nexthalf hour, Celeste was prodded, measured and poked. That was theeasy part since she only had to stand there. If any brain cells hadbeen involved they were thoroughly occupied by analyzing every singledetail of her conversation with Shane.

What did hemean by he was going to make things right?

Shanegrimaced. The right hook landed solid, almost knocking the wind outof him. If he’d possessed a glass jaw, he would’ve landedon his back. Instead, two sparring partners bobbed and weaved justoutofarm’s reach.

“The aimhere is to avoid getting hit!”

Shaking thestars out of his head, Shane bit down on his mouthpiece. Hands up,arms tucked close to his sides and head down, he advanced on Luis. Quicker and more agile, his sparring partner retreated, remainingjust out of reach of Shane’s retaliation.

Smart guy. Hemight be slower, but Shane had hands of stone.

“Movethose feet!” Ollie barked. “He’s leading you on amerry chase. Connect already!”

Frustrated,Shane ground his teeth. His head wasn’t in the ring, hadn’tbeen for some time. Still, he needed to keep up pretenses. Trainlike he always had even though it was all for nothing.

Keeping hiseyes on his opponent, Shane digested all of his coach’s verbalabuse. He circled Luis, waited for his next move.

Sure enough theyounger fighter doled out several body shots, but none of his punchesknocked Shane to his knees.

Instead, heretaliated with two left jabs followed by a surprise right hook, oneof his favorite moves, but didn’t connect.

“ForChrist sakes stop wasting my time.” Ollie yanked his cap offand slammed it on the canvas. Both boxers stopped and waited for theold man to crawl through the ropes. “Hit the showers, Luis.”

Before Shanecould do the same, Ollie stepped forward and placed his hands on hisshoulders, staying him.

“What’sup with you?” He stepped forward, lowering his voice.“Headachesplaguing you again?”

Shane droppedhis gaze and proceeded to pick at the laces of his gloves. “Whatmakes you ask that?”

“Yourtiming’s off. You’re all over the place. You’reshuffling your feet. I don’t like the look of it.”

“Mymind’s someplace else that’s all.” It wasn’texactly a lie, but it wasn’t exactly the truth either.

“Well,straighten your act or I’m calling Dr. Rubenstein.”

“If Itrip over my own two feet, you’re threatening me with thathack,” Shane said, tired of Ollie acting like a mother hen.

Ollie refusedto be waylaid. “If you want me to call the fight, I can. Maybe you should take a—”

“I gottato go,” Shane interjected. “I’ve got to meetsomebody.”

Ollie’seyes narrowed as he pulled a bit-up cigar from betweenhis lips. “Off to see that gal again?”

Shanestiffened. He didn’t like the other man’s tone. “What’sit any business of yours?”

“Plentyif she’s affecting your boxing. I thought you were better thanthat.”

Withred hot fury pumping through his veins, Shane grabbed the front ofOllie’s shirtand pulled him close. At the drop of a dime, the gym came to astandstill, the constant thumping of punching bags, jumping ropes andspeed bags ceased.

“She’sbetter than you and I put together.”

“I…Ididn’t mean it like that,” Ollie rushed to explain. Heclawed at Shane’s fist, but the attempt was futile. Shane wasin a mood to bash someone’s face in. “I thought you wuzbetter than letting some dame get in the way of you and the title.”

Caught offguard, Shane loosened his grip. “She’s not the reason I’ma lump in the ring, Ollie.”

Ollie tookadvantage of Shane’s contriteness and stepped out of harm’sway. “Then what’s got into you?”

“Justnerves.” Shane racked his brain for a valid excuse. “Myfirst shot at a title and all.”

To Shane’srelief, his coach nodded in understanding. “Don’t youworry your head none, you got this in the bag.”

Ollie plantedhis feet, lifted his fists, and then pretended to shadowbox, backingShane into a corner. “Mountain Man Jim Clarke is a hack. You’regoing to win and win big. I’ll bet my life on it. Heck, I’llbet the entire bank.”

Feeling as ifthe wind had been knocked out of him, Shane turned away and leanedagainst the ropes.

“What’swrong with you?” Ollie squeezed his shoulder. “You lookwhite as a sheet.”

Shane shruggedoff Ollie’s hand. “Delayed reaction. I guess Luis hit meharder than I expected.”

IfOllie found out about the mess he was in, it would break his heart. The old man believed in him. From day one he’d taken him underhis wing, helpedhim get out of that wornout gym in Kansas City and made him into who he was today.

“Iguess we’re done here.” Ollie reached out to unlace hisgloves.Shanebacked away from him.

“I can doit myself.” Shane faced Ollie’s hurt look head on. Heneeded to get used to it because he’d see it

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