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Book online «Niyx Samantha Kroese (i am malala young readers edition .TXT) 📖». Author Samantha Kroese

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sense of longing. This warm room in this fancy manor was not his home. His family slept in the soft bed behind him, but he was lost to his thoughts and tracking his scattered people. They cowered in the forest, and some had already fled in the wake of the Templars. None had been lost yet, but it was only a matter of time before some were found by the zealots and destroyed. He had to find somewhere else to take them. But where?

A disgruntled snarl sounded at his ear, as the tiny blue dragon crawled up Niyx’s armor and nuzzled his ear. Niyx reached to pet Ice. Even the dragon had to hide his glory here by changing size to be no larger than a cat, so he could stay at Niyx’s side. They were both meant for better things. They were Night Creatures. They belonged in the night, not hiding here in the world meant for elves.

Niyx belonged to winter. The snow comforted him. Had it been just him, he would have fled into the deepest dregs of the frost-laden trees and howling cold winds. He looked over his shoulder to where Kiril lay curled around Nial. No. That was not his place any longer. His place was at their side, protecting his family. He had not doubted his relationship with Kiril for a moment. They were destined to be together.

Niyx walked over to the bed and gently set Ice down on it. The dragon huffed some smoke, then trotted over to curl up with Nek. The dire wolf puppy slept curled over Nial’s tiny feet. Niyx slowly removed his armor, then laid down next to them. He rested an arm over Nial and Kiril to hold them protectively to his chest.

Niyx knew that his people considered Nial a strange boy. The fact he had even been conceived was a bit of a surprise to most of the Night Creatures. No Night Creature before Niyx had retained the ability to create life through children. Then Nial had been born without magic even though he was more than half elven. As far as they could tell, his son had inherited none of Niyx’s Night Creature magic nor any of Kiril’s seer or ice magic, although Kiril thought maybe it would come when Nial reached manhood.

Niyx smoothed Nial’s downy brown hair with a finger, and looked up enough to see Kiril’s bright green eyes staring at him. He knew she had also been contemplating their situation and he valued her guidance, so he asked, “What will we do, Kiril?”

Kiril cuddled closer to him, hugging Nial to her bosom as the sleeping toddler curled into her. “Ruel and Rebekah are having trouble conceiving a child. They will soon, but Rebekah will be happy to watch Nial for us for a time. He will be safe here.”

Niyx bristled at the thought of leaving his son behind but knew Kiril was right. They couldn’t take a toddler to war against the Templars. Resignedly, he continued, “What else do you see?”

Kiril looked past him to the window, her brilliant eyes growing clouded, as she used the magic of her future-sight. Her voice took on a ghostly quality as she described her vision. “There is a place. We will be safe there. I know you despise indoor places but you will be able to return to the outside whenever you have need to. The Templars won’t follow us there.” She started, and her eyes cleared as they focused back on him. “Your brother knows the place. It is where he grew up. The Den of the Divide.”

Niyx hissed, baring his teeth in displeasure. He knew only a little about the assassins who had raised his twin, but it was enough to make him hate them. Kiril understood and reached over to trail her fingers gently down his cheek. “Rest now, my love. Tomorrow we drive them before us like the rats they are and save our people,” she assured him with a calming tone.

Niyx closed his eyes and held his family close. He didn’t sleep like most people. Part of his mind was always awake, always tracking his people. But by the time dusk came around the next day, he felt well rested.

Ruel’s servant brought them food, and Niyx watched Kiril and Nial eat. Elven food disgusted him. He could not fathom how anyone ate it. But his family needed it to sustain them. They didn’t drink blood as he did. He licked his fangs slowly as he rose to put on his armor. He would drink the blood of assassins this day, and he would teach his twin.

When his family was ready, Niyx told the servant to summon Onyx. He crossed his arms as he waited, watching Nial babble in Kiril’s arms. Onyx looked sleepy as he entered the room. “What do you need, Niyx?”

“We are going to claim the new home of the Night Creatures. You are coming with us,” Niyx said directly.

“We?” Onyx looked from Niyx to Kiril. “Shouldn’t she stay here with the baby where it’s safe?”

Niyx raised a brow, but before he could respond, Kiril carefully set Nial down on the floor next to Nek and stood up. She walked over to Onyx and stood right in front of him. Though she was nearly a foot shorter, she looked up at Onyx and poked him in the chest with a long fingernail.

“I am a witch. I possess both the power to see the future and the ability to conjure ice. I can freeze your blood in your veins from across the room, and you will fall to the floor dead with ice protruding from every orifice before you even comprehend that I am there. I do not need to be hidden away from danger. My place is at Niyx’s side in battle. Those who underestimate me die,” Kiril said, her tone an alluring whisper.

Onyx stared at her, horrified, for a few moments before his gaze drifted to Niyx. Onyx cleared

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