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Book online «Niyx Samantha Kroese (i am malala young readers edition .TXT) 📖». Author Samantha Kroese

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disembarked, the dragon returned to his tiny form and sat on Niyx’s shoulder once more.

Onyx led them through the quiet forest. His throat clenched and his heart pounded. He hadn’t returned to the Den of the Divide since the Lord had killed him. He reached the stone wall and triggered the switch that made the secret passage creak open to reveal stairs that descended into darkness.

Niyx rested a firm hand on his shoulder, meeting his gaze. “They have no power over you now. Remember.”

Onyx rubbed his wrist absently where the burned out scar was all that remained of the Divide’s magic brand. “The Lord is still dangerous, even if I’m not branded anymore. And this is the Den of the most well-trained assassins in Dakaal.“

“Assassins of mortals. We are not mortal.” Niyx smirked at him, his fangs gleaming in the dim moonlight and his eyes taking on a strange blue glow. “Come, my brother. Today we free you from the chains of your past.” With that, Niyx ducked into the passage and took the steps quickly. Kiril darted after him, the air around her chilling with her frost magic. Onyx took a deep breath and followed them. They communicated silently with gestures as they followed the tunnel that led deep underground.

Onyx heard the scrape of a boot on stone behind him just in time to dodge the dagger that sliced the stone just above his shoulder instead of going through his throat. Before he could react, the attacker lay on the floor. What was left of him. The hoarfrost melted the body to bones within seconds, too quickly to even see who it had been. Onyx gave Niyx a shocked look. Niyx hissed and bared his fangs in displeasure as a response, then turned and stalked forward.

Onyx grabbed his twin’s arm to slow Niyx as they came to the large open room. Most of the assassins Onyx had known, and a few new ones, lounged there engaged in various activities. Some played cards or dice games. Others sharpened weapons or practiced their skills on training dummies.

“Onyx!” A familiar female voice exclaimed from the tunnel to the right of them. Onyx whirled to face the woman who had raised him. His pseudo-mother. His previous lover. Jadeia stood there with a look of shock on her face, her weapons lowered in confusion. “I saw you die,” she whispered, her skin paling. Onyx hadn’t seen her in three years, and she had lost weight. She was no longer quite as beautiful as he remembered, much too thin, with sunken cheeks and dark circles beneath her eyes.

A storm of emotions flooded through Onyx, as part of him realized that he had missed her. He took one step toward her, but before he could reach her, she flew hard into the wall. A magical hand made of the same blue-snow magic that Ice had used now held Jadeia against the wall. Niyx stalked toward her, his fangs fully bared and his eyes glowing bright blue with his magic. He leaned in close to her neck then paused and glanced at Onyx.

Onyx saw panic and fear in Jadeia’s green eyes. She was clearly trying to struggle, but she was powerless against Niyx’s magic. Her eyes pleaded with him to save her.

“Kill her,” Kiril whispered, her tone as cold as her ice magic. “She is the one who holds him chained.” Niyx snarled in response and tightened his hold on Jadeia, making her whimper.

“No!” Onyx said quickly, but it was too late. Niyx’s long fangs tore into Jadeia’s throat. Flesh ripped. Crimson blood spattered. The sight and smell of it was too much. Onyx hadn’t drunk blood for days, and he couldn’t resist it now. He fell on Jadeia as well, driven to madness.

Niyx pulled back once Onyx joined him and let Onyx drain her dry. He released his magic and Jadeia slipped into Onyx’s arms as she drifted toward death. Onyx felt Jadeia’s fingers caress his cheek as he gently lowered her to the ground. Her touch brought him back to his senses just in time to watch her die. He dropped her body and stood up, stumbling away from it. Part of him thrilled at her death. How many years had he dreamed of it? But part of him still loved her, and it horrified him that she was gone.

“These others mean nothing but pain to you, brother. Let us end them. Together.” Niyx put a hand on Onyx’s shoulder and turned him toward the inner room. “Unleash your rage. Your hatred. Fall upon them like a plague. Destroy them as they tried to destroy you. Remember how they watched as the Lord killed you.”

Onyx turned away from Jadeia’s body. His memory replayed their jeers and their laughter at his torment as the Lord of the Divide had tortured him. He drew his daggers and bared his fangs. He summoned every bit of magic granted to him, fueled by feasting on Jadeia’s blood. Then he dashed into the main hall of the Den.

The scream of the first one to fall alerted the others. “Ladykiller!” His former Divide name was shouted in different tones ranging from fear to disbelief. “He’s come back as a vengeful ghost!” One of the assassins shouted as they scattered like rats before his attack.

“He’s no ghost,” Slice growled as he stepped out of the shadows and his long blade pierced through Onyx’s leather armor and into his side. Onyx stumbled and Slice grabbed him to drive the blade home further.

“You will pay for that,” Niyx’s cold voice came behind them. With a mighty blow from his massive broadsword, he cleaved Slice in half. Then he snarled and threw the body parts out of the way as he pulled the sword from his brother’s side. Onyx snarled at the pain, but his body started to heal itself as soon as the weapon was removed, his blood magic mending it. He leaned on a table for a moment to recover.

Niyx and Kiril swept

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