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cell phone logs. They showed 300 calls per monthto a man named Royce, even three calls to him on our wedding night,after I had gone to sleep. Then there were 150 calls per month toan outside voice mail box, and then, between calls to Royce andcalls to collect messages from this voice mail box, calls to men.Hundreds of different men. Terri, I feel like I’m living in “TheTwilight Zone.” I married a prostitute.

TERRI - I’m so sorry, Paul. I think Audrey will end up in jail. IfAudrey is going to Chicago a lot, that is “conspiracy to commitillegal interstate commerce,” so you should contact theFBI.

PAUL - How much money does she have stashed away?

TERRI - I believe Audrey has almost $900,000 in cash spread outbetween a dozen banks and a brokerage account. I am seeing a bigsign that says “tax fraud.” She has fraudulent tax returns. I thinkyou should contact the IRS. I’m also being shown that she has a rapsheet, and she uses aliases.

PAUL - Aliases, what aliases?

TERRI - I am seeing a “T.”

PAUL - Do you mean, Audrey T. Munson?

TERRI - No Audrey Munston. Adding a “T” to Munson. Now I amseeing a yacht where they do sex boat parties. I see a yacht, lotsof guys, six or seven girls, and lots of bedrooms.

PAUL - How many girls are there in the ring alltogether?

TERRI - At least a dozen, maybe more. Plus there is a websiteconnection. I'm hearing the words FantasyGirls. Check it out.

PAUL - I will. Also, there were lots ofcalls to hotels. How does she get the business from thehotels?

TERRI - Through the concierges. People come in on business, andtalk to the concierges. As I am tuning in on her, I feel she'sdemented, and a sociopath. I don't know exactly what's going tohappen to her, but it won't be good, because she's putting out suchlow, negative energy all the time, and this will ultimately attractthe same to her. She might end up dead.

PAUL - Well, I guess that would not be unexpected. I understandthe Law of Karma.

TERRI - Paul, you shouldn't stop your investigation. Thisprostitution ring is really big, bigger than we nowbelieve.

PAUL - Thanks for this information, Terri.

I hung up the phonefeeling validated and even more driven to seek out the truth. As ifthe words of Bob and Terri weren’t enough, I was now beginning tofeel like I had an answer to the one question that was constantlynagging me, constantly stealing my sleep: Why me? I now knew that Ihad been chosen because I would be the one to bring her down.

It was only a matter of time.


A Private Investigation

Not sure exactly what to expect, I quietlywatched her and waited for her full attention. Attractive andseemingly in her early forties, I admired her long blonde hair, thesoft tone of her voice, and the subtle way her mouth turned as shespoke. Though I had only been in her company for a few moments, herclothes, her manner, and even the way she greeted me made it clearthat I was in the presence of a professional. When she finished herphone conversation, I leaned forward, anxious to begin ourappointment.

“Sorry about that, Paul.It’s important for me to stay in constant contact with my people onthe street,” she said, smiling. For someone who’d been working as aprivate investigator for so long, I was surprised to find her notat all hardened by her experiences.

Two weeks after my readingwith Terri, I called Bob Thompson to see if he would ask hisprivate investigator, Miles, to start tailing Audrey, and I offeredto split the cost. Bob admitted that he too had thought of that,but his lawyer, Mark Applebaum, advised him against it. For legalpurposes, it would be in our best interests to employ separateprivate eyes. So, on Wednesday, eager to deepen my investigationand fully aware that Audrey would be free of kids on Friday, Ineeded to find someone who would be available to follow her on suchshort notice. That someone turned out to be JoyceFoster.

I found Joyce’s name where I had found somany others, in the phone book. I started making phone calls and onthe third one, I succeeded. Within a few minutes, Joyce impressedme with her confidence, directness, and intolerance of prostitutes.We ended the call with an appointment for the following day.

The next day, I drove to meet Joyce at herhome office. Amazingly, Joyce's house was only a mile from Audrey'strailer, even though it was in a much nicer part of Stuart. Joycewelcomed me warmly, and I took a seat at her conference table andbegan to spread out all my paperwork.

“Though we spoke brieflyon the phone, I’d like you to tell me a bit more about yourrelationship with Audrey, your suspicions about her, and what youhope to achieve through us,” Joyce began, while opening a yellowlegal pad on which to take notes. And so, with complete clarity, Irelayed the sordid details of my life with Audrey, which proved tobe as informative for Joyce as it was cathartic for me. I outlinedthe timeline of our courtship and marriage, the details of herunreasonable demands, and of course, the patterns of her deception.I explained Audrey's schedule, and where she was now living, anapartment in Jupiter as well as the trailer. She had rented anapartment in Jupiter so that her children could attend the Jupiterpublic schools, which were a lot better than the Stuart ones. HowAudrey was feeding herself and her children on her stated $1,600 amonth income, when the rent on the apartment was $1,000 and thespace rent on her trailer was $400 was a question whose answer wasnow obvious. When I finished, I handed Joyce my analysis ofAudrey’s phone logs and sat back, awaiting her response.

“I have to say, Paul, inall the years I’ve been doing this, you are certainly among themost organized and comprehensive,” she said, scanning through hernotes and nodding her head. “Really, I do think you have everyreason to pursue this and I am certain I can help you come to somesort of conclusion.” Her tone was reassuring and her words offeredsome

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