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Book online «Christmas to Come: a heartbreaking coming of age saga set in London's East End Carol Rivers (best sales books of all time .txt) 📖». Author Carol Rivers

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over, Bella joined the men who were sitting at the table. Micky lit a cigarette and came over to her, drawing her aside. 'How is Ron?'

'I had to stitch him up.'

'Christ Almighty! What with?'

'All I had was a sewing needle. I hope I've done it right.'

'Course you have, Bells.' He tried to kiss her but she turned away. 'What's wrong?'

'Tell me the truth, Micky. Was it the drink that poisoned Tony Stratton?'

'The answer to that is a definite no,' he assured her, his eyes wide and innocent. 'If Tony is in hospital it wasn't me that put him there. Ask yourself this. Why should I shoot myself in the foot? Sammy is a good customer.'

'Why won't he listen to reason, then?'

'Ronnie has damaged his men, started a war. I'm sorry to say, Bells, but my brother has cooked the proverbial goose and Sammy has to show balls. His reputation has been damaged and he has to put that right. Given the chance, I would have handled it without aggro. Talked to old Sammy, assured him my booze is one hundred percent kosher and the guilty party is still out there on the loose. And Sammy would have listened, I know it. But no, Ron had to play the big "I am". He wanted to believe it was me because he was envious of what I have created here. That's what it boils down to, I'm afraid. But Bells, I'm not a man to bear a grudge and I can overlook this.'

Bella listened to what he was telling her. She wanted to believe him and her arms ached to go round him and pull him close. She didn't want to think Ronnie had let him down, but only one of them could be right. 'Will Sammy Stratton really come here?'

'Yeah, Ronnie's right about that. And we're ready for him.' He put his arms around her and hugged her. 'You take Terry and get upstairs with Ron.'

'I'm scared, Micky. But I'm more scared for you.'

'Don't be.' He patted his overcoat pocket. 'I've got the shooter. Remember the rats down the docks?'

'You're not going to use a gun are you?'

'If I have to.'

'Does Ronnie know you've got a gun?'

'No and don't you go telling him. Ronnie don't favour guns, never has. But Bells, he's not in a position to argue is he? Look at it this way.' He lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. 'Tonight is the beginning of a new era. Okay, mistakes have been made I grant you. I should have told Ron face to face about the still and I can see his point. But when this is over, the Bryants will be the top Firm in the eyes of the East End.' His eyebrows rose. 'Remember what that bastard Router did to you and Terry? How me and Ronnie took him out? We were on our way up then, lords of our territory. And it's going to be that way again, if I have anything to do with it.'

'But Ronnie could have died tonight, Micky.'

'I know and I am sorry. But this isn't about Ron, it's about us, you and me. And our future.'

'I want you all in one piece, Micky. I love you.'

He kissed her, pulling her against him and she knew that she loved him more than ever. Ronnie had been as much to blame in all this, she could see that now. Slowly her world slipped back into place as Micky whispered, for the first time, he loved her too.

Ronnie was asleep when the cars pulled up. Their headlights reflected across the timbers and Bella listened to the voices, the sound of car doors banging and heavy boots on the stones. She and Terry waited, the only sound, Ronnie's breathing.

Suddenly there was a loud crack. Were they the same sounds as when Micky had killed the rats? Would he really use his gun to kill Sammy Stratton? Or would Sammy try to kill Micky first?

Ronnie groaned, shifting on the couch. He sat up, swinging his legs to the ground. Shaking his head, he staggered to the stairs and fumbled his way down them. A strange smell began to fill the air. Soon smoke swirled all around Bella, creeping into the timbers of the loft.

'Bella, where are you?' Micky called a few minutes later as he scrambled up the stairs. 'I can't see a foot in front of me. The still is on fire! We've got to get out of here.'

Bella began to cough as the smoke flowed across the floor and into the confined space. Micky grabbed her hand; she managed to take hold of Terry's and they somehow found the stairs. The thick stench of burning filled her nose and painfully stung her eyes. She saw the outlines of Sean and Lenny helping Ronnie past the tank as the mixture inside rumbled dangerously. 'This thing will blow any minute,' Lenny shouted and it was then that Bella knew they must run for their lives.

Chapter 15

They followed Lenny down the alley, still coughing and covered in ash. The tradesmen's entrance as Gina called it, was locked and Bella heard Lenny curse as he almost fell over the rubbish outside. 'I was out on a bender last night and she won't be best pleased.' He knocked lightly on the door. 'Gina, it's me, open up.' They stood in the darkness, waiting as a light finally came on inside. 'She's going to kill me,' Lenny muttered. 'Brain me first, then kill me.'

'Who is it?' Gina demanded from the other side of the door.

'It's me,' Lenny coughed. 'Open the door, Gina.'

'I'm not talking to you, Lenny Rigler. I've not seen you for two days. Look at my yard! Stinking it is. Whilst you're doing sweet Fanny Adams the flies are breeding in here as big as rats. And I'm supposed to be running a business!'

'I'll clear up in the morning.'

'Yeah, and I'm the pope. It's a wonder you can stand there and not drop from the

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