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Book online «Christmas to Come: a heartbreaking coming of age saga set in London's East End Carol Rivers (best sales books of all time .txt) 📖». Author Carol Rivers

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'Gina?' Bella stepped forward. 'It's me as well.'

'Is he sozzled?'

'No, Lenny's stone cold sober. We all are.'

The lock snapped back inside. Gina, wearing a frilly blue dressing gown and no make-up, opened the door slowly. She stared accusingly at Lenny then frowned at the other black faces. 'Blimey, where have you lot been dug up from?' She pointed to Ronnie, his arms outspread around Sean and Ashley's shoulders. 'Who is he?'

'This is Ronnie, Micky's brother,' Bella said. 'He's had - an accident.'

Gina stared at the bloodstained jacket, then ignoring Lenny, she opened the door. 'You'd better come in, I suppose.' She folded her arms across her chest as she watched them enter, treading over the empty boxes, rotting vegetable and waste that Lenny had omitted to clear. 'So trouble has finally landed at your door, Micky,' she sneered as they lowered Ronnie onto the nearest seat.

'Don't start, Gina,' Micky warned as he wiped his filthy face in the crook of his arm. 'All we want is a couple of beds for the night.'

'What's wrong with your own?' Gina's tone was scathing. 'No, don't tell me, I already know the answer. As sure as pigs live in shit, it's got something to do with that bloody still!'

'Then this next bit of news is going to warm your heart,' Micky replied sourly. 'The still went up in smoke tonight, the lot of it.'

Gina looked disbelieving as she stared from one to the other. 'You're having a laugh, aren't you?'

'I wish,' Micky growled. 'The tank's gone, the booze, everything! Thanks to some bastard with a chip on his shoulder the size of Big Ben.'

'Gina?' Ronnie spoke for the first time. 'We need a safe roof for the night. I'll spare you the details, but as you can see we need somewhere to clean up and get a few hours rest.' He slumped in the chair. 'I expect nothing for free so look on this as business. Name your price and you'll have it, plus a handshake on top.'

Bella watched Gina's expression change, the lines of anger around her eyes melting out. Her shrewd mind was calculating the odds in her favour and even though she was annoyed with Lenny, had been for some while as he had spent more and more time at the still, Ronnie's words had entranced her.

'If it's business we're talking, then yes, I have some rooms available,' Gina answered with a nod. 'The kharzi is out the back, good enough for you blokes. Lenny will cook you a fry-up, but I warn you, I keep my kitchen spotless. So make sure you clear up after. As for you, Ronnie, you'd better come with me. Bella, grab one arm, I'll take the other. We'll put him in Mum's room. It's on the ground floor and he won't have to climb any stairs. It's not been used since she died but other than a few moths, it's decent.'

Between them they assisted Ronnie along the dark passage. Bella looked around the room filled with books of all shapes and sizes. A large black mantilla hung down from the wall and an ornate red fan depicting a bullfight was open above an oval mirror. The window was framed by heavy chintz curtains and under it stood a mahogany sideboard cluttered with personal effects.

'Well, ducks,' Gina sighed as Ronnie flopped down on the bed, 'this is the first time my mum ever had a fella in her boudoir. Shame she'd not here to enjoy it. Now boil me some water and bring the first aid box back with you. We'll see what we can do for this poor sod.'

Bella went to the kitchen, her hands still shaking as she lifted the big kettle to the stove.

'You did a good job on those stitches,' Gina told her as they left the room half an hour later. 'Now nature will take its course.'

'Should we get a doctor?' Bella fretted.

'He says he don't want one.'

'Is that wise?'

'No, but he's probably right to refuse. With what happened at the still it would be a mistake to broadcast a wound like that. If he don't get an infection, then I would say he stands a chance of recovery.'

When they walked in the kitchen, the smell of fried eggs and bacon still hung in the air. The others had eaten, leaving the room warm unlike the rest of the house which was sub-zero. Whilst Gina disposed of the soiled dressings, Bella washed her hands and took off her coat. She had worn it all day and the pale wool was filthy, having absorbed the alcohol fumes and the smoke.

'Look at this mess, I told them to clear up,' Gina grumbled as she began to remove the dirty plates, knives and forks from the table, transferring them to the wooden draining board. 'Men believe that women are made to be slaves. But tomorrow I'm putting Lenny straight. He's going to clear this place up and earn a living as long as he remains under my roof. I'm not having a go at you, Bella, but for nearly three months now, you and Lenny have swanned off on Sundays to the still and forgotten that we have a business to run. And despite Micky having lost his little goldmine, I for one am relieved to hear it.' She took the dirty frying pan from the stove and began to scrub it.

Bella felt guilty as she watched. Gina was such a hard worker. 'I always thought you could manage all right without me.'

'Yeah, well, you needed a day's rest. But I didn't foresee you'd work yourself to the bone for Micky.' She turned and smiled. 'Anyway, now I've got that off me chest, do you want two eggs or one with your fried bread?'

'I'm not hungry, thanks.' Bella was feeling queasy. Even the smell of food was upsetting her stomach.

'You need to keep your strength up, a growing girl like you.' Gina frowned curiously at her, placing the pan upside down to drain.

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