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Book online «The Amish Teacher's Dilemma and Healing Their Amish Hearts Patricia Davids (best self help books to read TXT) 📖». Author Patricia Davids

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time later and went into his smithy without looking her way. She waited, afraid to breathe. When he came out of his workshop he went back into the house. Was he ignoring her request? His light went out.

She waited for another half hour and then bowed her head as the bitter truth sank in. He wasn’t coming. He didn’t love her. The tears she’d been holding back slipped free.

She made her way home, drying her eyes when she saw Danny was waiting up for her. “Well?”

“I’m going back with you.”


“The sooner the better.” She had been such a fool.

Chapter Fifteen

Willis couldn’t wait to share his good news with Eva, but he didn’t want to interrupt her during school. He’d been hired to supply all the hand-forged hardware for Ray Jackson’s shops in Portland and for his new store in Boston. Willis decided to wait until he knew Eva would be free at lunch. In the meantime he got busy on Mr. Jackson’s first order.

It was almost noon when he crossed the road and headed for the schoolhouse. He noticed a van stop in front of Eva’s house. Bethany and Michael’s buggy pulled up behind it. Dinah and Gemma got out along with Bethany and Michael. They went up to Eva’s house. Was Danny heading back today? Willis would make sure to tell him goodbye, but he had to see Eva first.

He opened the door of the schoolhouse and stepped inside. Samuel Yoder sat at the desk up front. Otto was standing beside him with his hands clenched into fists at his sides. He was shaking and there were tears on his cheeks.

Willis strode to the front of the room. “What’s going on? Otto, what’s wrong?”

“Your brother is being stubborn. He has refused to read his assignment out loud.”

Otto looked at Willis. “I can’t.”

Willis nodded. “I understand. It’s going to be okay.” He looked at Samuel. “Where is Eva?”

“Eva Coblentz no longer teaches here.”

Willis wasn’t sure that he heard right. “What do you mean she doesn’t teach here? Where is she?”

“Preparing to return to Illinois with her brother.”

“She wouldn’t leave without telling me.”

But maybe she had told him. He thought of the note he’d found on the counter last night. He had brought it with him to have Harley read it when they were alone.

Willis pulled the envelope from the pocket of his jacket and stared at it. She wouldn’t have written a goodbye letter. She would’ve come to see him in person. Wouldn’t she? He had to know if the note was from her. He held it out to Harley. “Read it.”

Samuel scowled at them. “Willis, I am trying to conduct class here. If you have business with your brother, please step outside. Otto, read the statement on the board. You will not return to your seat until you have done as I asked, even if you have to stand here all day.”

Harley came to Willis’s side, pulled the letter out of the envelope and opened it. “My dearest Willis.” Harley’s eyes grew round. “I don’t think I should read this. It’s kind of personal.”

“Is it from Eva?”


Willis took the page from his brother. “Danki. Otto, Maddie, we’re leaving.”

Samuel rose to his feet. “Willis, you are interfering with the discipline of this classroom. Your brother is not dismissed.”

“If you were half the teacher that Eva Coblentz is, you would know that Otto suffers from dyslexia. Did you even bother to read her notes about the boy? He can’t read his assignment. With special tutoring he will be able to someday, but humiliating him will not hasten that day. Come on, kids, we have to stop Eva.”

Maddie was already headed for the door. Willis, followed closely by Otto and Harley, hurried to catch up with her. Outside he saw Danny loading a pair of suitcases into the van. Eva stood beside him. She was hugging Bethany. Michael shook hands with Danny while Dinah and Gemma looked on.

Fear choked Willis and closed his throat so he could barely breathe. What if she didn’t want to stay? Why would she consider marrying a man as dimwitted as he was? She could have the choice of any man. A man who could read the books she loved and talk to her about them. He didn’t deserve her.

Maddie tugged on his hand. “Come on. What are you waiting for?”

“I guess I’m waiting for my courage to show up.”

“I don’t think you’re gonna find it standing here. You have to make Eva stay.”

He smiled at his little sister. “I think I would rather face a bear than tell her what’s wrong with me, but she has to know.”

Eva had her black traveling bonnet on. She hadn’t seen him. Willis crossed the strip of grass and ran up to the van where Danny was loading her belongings. “Eva, wait. What are you doing?”

When she looked his way, he saw her eyes were red from crying. He wanted to take her in his arms and comfort her but he didn’t know if she would allow it.

Tears glistened on her lashes. “I’m going home.”

“But why? I thought you liked it here. I thought you loved teaching the children.” He took hold of the van door.

I thought maybe you loved me.

She closed her eyes. “I explained why in my letter. I said everything there was to say. I don’t want to rehash it here. Please, just let me go. You’ve been a fine friend and I’m sorry I expected more than you could give. Goodbye, Willis Gingrich. God be with you, always.”

She was going to leave him unless he could put his pride and fear aside and make her understand. Her friends stood a few feet away watching him. Willis swallowed hard. Everyone would know what a failure he was, but he was more afraid of losing Eva. “I couldn’t read your letter.”

“I’m sorry if it embarrassed you. The feelings are my own and I understand that you couldn’t return them.”

He held the paper out to her. “You

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