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Iraqi Communist Party [Hamid
  MAJEED]; Iraqi Front for National Dialogue [Salih al-MUTLAQ]; Iraqi
  Hizballah [Karim Mahmud al-MUHAMMADAWI]; Iraqi Independent Democrats
  or IID [Adnan PACHACHI, Mahdi al-HAFIZ]; Iraqi Islamic Party or IIP
  [Tariq al-HASHIMI]; Iraqi National Accord or INA [Ayad ALLAWI];
  Iraqi National Congress or INC [Ahmad CHALABI]; Iraqi National
  Council for Dialogue or INCD [Khalaf Ulayan al-Khalifawi
  al-DULAYMI]; Iraqi National Unity Movement or INUM [Ahmad
  al-KUBAYSI]; Islamic Action Organization or IAO [Ayatollah Muhammad
  al-MUDARRISI]; Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq or ISCI [Abd al-Aziz
  al-HAKIM]; Jama'at al Fadilah or JAF [Muhammad Ali al-YAQUBI];
  Kurdistan Democratic Party or KDP [Masud BARZANI]; Kurdistan Islamic
  Union [Salah ad-Din Muhammad BAHA al-DIN]; National Reconciliation
  and Liberation Party [Mishan al-JABBURI]; Patriotic Union of
  Kurdistan or PUK [Jalal TALABANI]; Sadrist Trend [Muqtada al-SADR]
  (not an organized political party, but it fields independent
  candidates affiliated with Muqtada al-SADR); Sahawa al-Iraq [Ahmed
  note: the Kurdistan Alliance, Iraqi National List, Tawafuq Front,
  Iraqi Front for National Dialogue, and Unified Iraqi Alliance were
  only electoral slates consisting of the representatives from the
  various Iraqi political parties

  Fianna Fail [Brian COWEN]; Fine Gael [Enda KENNY]; Green
  Party [John GORMLEY]; Labor Party [Eamon GILMORE]; Progressive
  Democrats [Mary HARNEY, acting leader]; Sinn Fein [Gerry ADAMS];
  Socialist Party [Joe HIGGINS]; The Workers' Party [Sean GARLAND]

Isle of Man
  Alliance for Progressive Government; Liberal Vannin
  Party [Peter KARRAN]; Man Labor Party; Man Nationalist Party (Mec
  Vannin) [Bernard MOFFATT]
  note: most members sit as independents

  Balad [Azmi BISHARA]; Democratic Front for Peace and Equality
  (HADASH) [Muhammad BARAKEH]; GIL (Pensioners) [Rafael "Rafi" EITAN];
  Kadima [Tzipora "Tzipi" LIVNI]; Labor Party [Ehud BARAK]; Likud
  [Binyamin NETANYAHU]; Meretz-Yachad [Haim ORON]; National Democratic
  Assembly (Balad) [Jamal ZAHALKA]; National Union (NU)/National
  Religious Party (NRP) [Binyamin ELON]; SHAS [Eliyahu YISHAI]; Torah
  and Shabbat Judaism or UTJ [Yaakov LITZMAN]; United Arab List
  [Ibrahim SARSUR]; Yisrael Beiteinu [Avigdor LIEBERMAN]

  Silvio BERLUSCONI coalition: People of Freedom or PdL [Silvio
  BERLUSCONI]; Lega Nord or LN [Umberto BOSSI]; Movement for Autonomy
  or MpA [Raffaele LOMBARDO]
  Walter VELTRONI coalition: Democratic Party or PD [Walter VELTRONI];
  Italy of Values or IdV [Antonio DI PIETRO]
  other non-allied parties: Union of the Centre or UdC [Savino

  Jamaica Labor Party or JLP [Bruce GOLDING]; People's
  National Party or PNP [Portia SIMPSON-MILLER]; National Democratic
  Movement or NDM [Michael WILLIAMS]

  Democratic Party of Japan or DPJ [Ichiro OZAWA]; Japan
  Communist Party or JCP [Kazuo SHII]; Komeito [Akihiro OTA]; Liberal
  Democratic Party or LDP [Taro ASO]; Social Democratic Party or SDP
  [Mizuho FUKUSHIMA]

  two declared parties: Centre Party; Jersey Democratic Alliance
  note: all senators and deputies elected in 2005 were independents

  al-Ahd Party; Arab Islamic Democratic Movement [Yusuf ABU
  BAKR]; Arab Land Party [Dr. Ayishah Salih HIJAZAYN]; Arab Socialist
  Ba'th Party [Taysir al-HIMSI]; Ba'th Arab Progressive Party [Fu'ad
  DABBUR]; Freedom Party; Future Party; Islamic Action Front or IAF
  [Zaki Sa'ed BANI IRSHEID]; Islamic Center Party [Marwan al-FAURI];
  Jordanian Arab Ansar Party; Jordanian Arab New Dawn Party; Jordanian
  Arab Party; Jordanian Citizens' Rights Movement; Jordanian Communist
  Party [Munir HAMARINAH]; Jordanian Communist Workers Party;
  Jordanian Democratic Left Party [Musa MA'AYTEH]; Jordanian
  Democratic Popular Unity Party [Sa'id Dhiyab Ali MUSTAFA]; Jordanian
  Generations Party [Muhammad KHALAYLEH]; Jordanian Green Party
  [Muhammad BATAYNEH]; Jordanian Labor Party [Dr. Mazin Sulayman
  Jiryis HANNA]; Jordanian Peace Party; Jordanian People's Committees
  Movement; Jordanian People's Democratic Party (Hashd) [Ahmad YUSUF];
  Jordanian Rafah Party; Jordanian Renaissance Party; Mission Party;
  Nation Party [Ahmad al-HANANDEH]; National Action Party (Haqq)
  [Tariq al-KAYYALI]; National Constitutional Party [Abdul Hadi
  MAJALI]; National Popular Democratic Movement [Mahmud al-NUWAYHI];
  Progressive Party [Fawwaz al-ZUBI]

  Adilet (Justice) [Maksut NARIKBAYEV, Zeynulla
  SYDYKOV] (formerly Democratic Party of Kazakhstan); Agrarian and
  Industrial Union of Workers Block or AIST (Agrarian Party and Civic
  Party); Ak Zhol Party (Bright Path) [Alikhan BAIMENOV]; Auyl
  (Village) [Gani KALIYEV]; Communist Party of Kazakhstan or KPK
  [Serikbolsyn ABDILDIN]; Communist People's Party of Kazakhstan
  [Vladislav KOSAREV]; National Social Democratic Party
  (NSDP)[Zharmakhan TUYAKBAY]; Nur-Otan [Bakhytzhan ZHUMAGULOV] (the
  Agrarian, Asar, and Civic parties merged with Otan); Patriots' Party
  [Gani KASYMOV]; Rukhaniyat (Spirituality) [Altynshash ZHAGANOVA]

  Forum for the Restoration of Democracy-Kenya or FORD-Kenya
  [Musikari KOMBO]; Forum for the Restoration of Democracy-People or
  FORD-People [Simeon NYACHAE]; Kenya African National Union or KANU
  [Uhuru KENYATTA]; National Rainbow Coalition-Kenya or NARC-Kenya
  [Raphael TUJU]; Orange Democratic Movement or ODM [Raila ODINGA];
  Orange Democratic Movement-Kenya or ODM-K [Kalonzo MUSYOKA]; Party
  of National Unity or PNU [Mwai KIBAKI]; Shirikisho Party of Kenya or
  SPK [Chirau Ali MWAKWERE]

  Boutokaan Te Koaua Party or BTK [Taberannang TIMEON];
  Maneaban Te Mauri Party or MTM [Teburoro TITO]; Maurin Kiribati Pati
  or MKP; National Progressive Party or NPP [Dr. Harry TONG]
  note: there is no tradition of formally organized political parties
  in Kiribati; they more closely resemble factions or interest groups
  because they have no party headquarters, formal platforms, or party

Korea, North
  major party - Korean Workers' Party or KWP [KIM Jong
  Il]; minor parties - Chondoist Chongu Party [RYU Mi Yong] (under KWP
  control), Social Democratic Party [KIM Yong Dae] (under KWP control)

Korea, South
  Creative Korea Party or CKP [MOON Kook-hyun];
  Democratic Labor Party or DLP [CHUN Young-se]; Grand National Party
  or GNP [PARK Hee-tae]; Liberty Forward Party or LFP [LEE Hoi-chang];
  Democratic Party or DP [CHUNG Sye-kyun] (formerly the United
  Democratic Party or UDP)

  Albanian Christian Democratic Party of Kosovo or PShDK [Mark
  KRASNIQI]; Alliance for the Future of Kosovo or AAK [Ramush
  HARADINAJ]; Alliance of Independent Social Democrats of Kososvo and
  Metohija or SDSKIM [Slavisa PETKOVIC]; Autonomous Liberal Party of
  SLS [Slobodan PETROVIC]; Bosniak Vakat Coalition [Dzezair MURATI];
  Citizens' Initiative of Gora or GIG [Murselj HALILI]; Council of
  Independent Social Democrats of Kosovo or SNSDKIM [Ljubisa ZIVIC];
  Democratic League of Dardania or LDD [Nexhat DACI]; Democratic
  League of Kosovo or LDK [Fatmir SEJDIU]; Democratic Party of Ashkali
  of Kosovo or PDAK [Sabit RAHMANI]; Democratic Party of Kosovo or PDK
  [Hashim THACI]; Kosovo Democratic Turkish Party of KDTP [Mahir
  YAGCILAR]; New Democratic Initiative of Kosovo or IRDK [Xhevdet
  NEZIRAJ]; New Democratic Party or ND [Branislav GRBIC]; New Kosovo
  Alliance or AKR [Behxhet PACOLLI]; Popular Movement of Kosovo or LPK
  [Emrush XHEMAJLI]; Reform Party Ora; Serb National Party or SNS
  [Mihailo SCEPANOVIC]; Serbian Kosovo and Metohija Party or SKMS
  [Dragisa MIRIC]; United Roma Party of Kosovo or PREBK [Haxhi Zylfi
  MERXHA]; Democratic Action Party or SDA [Numan BALIC]; Serbian List
  for Kosovo and Metohija [Oliver IVANOVIC]; Serbian National Council
  of Northern Kosovo and Metohija or SNV [Milan IVANOVIC]; Democratic
  Party of Bosniaks [Dzezair MURAIT]; Democratic Party Vatan [Sadik
  IDRIZI]; Gorani Citizens Initiative [Mursel HALJILJI]; Serbian
  People Party [Mihailo SCEPANOVIC]; Serbian Democratic Party of
  Kosovo and Metohija [Slavisa PETKOVIC]; Serb Liberal Party [Slobodan
  PETROVIC]; Independent League of Social-Democrats of Kosovo and
  Metohija [Ljubisa ZIVIC]

  none; formation of political parties is in practice illegal
  but is not forbidden by law

  Ak Jol [Avtandil ARABAYEV, Elmira IBRAIMOVA, Vladimir
  NIFADYEV, co-chairs]; Ar-Namys (Dignity) Party [Emil ALIYEV]; Asaba
  (Banner National Revival Party) [Azimbek BEKNAZAROV]; Ata-Meken
  (Fatherland) [Omurbek TEKEBAYEV]; Democratic Movement of Kyrgyzstan
  or DDK [Viktor TCHETRNOMORETS]; Erkindik (Freedom) Party [Topchubek
  TURGUNALIYEV]; Moya Strana (My Country Party of Action) [Medet
  SADYRKULOV]; Party of Communists of Kyrgyzstan or KCP [Ishak
  MASALIYEV]; Party of Justice and Progress [Muratbek IMANALIEV];
  Party of Peasants [Esengul ISAKOV]; Republican Party of Labor and
  Unity [Tabaldy OROZALIYEV]; Sanjira (Tree of Life) [Ednan
  KARABAYEV]; Social Democratic Party [Almaz ATAMBAYEV]; Union of
  Democratic Forces [Kubatbek BAIBOLOV]

  Lao People's Revolutionary Party or LPRP [CHOUMMALI Saignason];
  other parties proscribed

  First Party of Latvia/Latvia's Way or LPP/LC [Ainars SLESERS,
  Ivars GODMANIS]; For Human Rights in a United Latvia or PCTVL
  [Jakovs PLINERS]; For the Fatherland and Freedom/Latvian National
  Independence Movement or TB/LNNK [Roberts ZILE, Maris GRINBLATS];
  Harmony Center or SC [Janis URBANOVICS, Nils USAKOVS]; Latvian
  Social Democratic Workers Party (Social Democrats) or LSDSP [Juris
  BOJARS]; Latvian Socialist Party or LSP [Alfreds RUBIKS]; New
  Democrats or JD [Maris GULBIS]; New Era Party or JL [Einars REPSE,
  Krisjanis KARINS]; People's Party or TP [Aigars KALVITIS]; The Union
  of Latvian Greens and Farmers Party or ZZS [Augusts BRIGMANIS]

  14 March Coalition: Democratic Gathering Bloc [Walid
  JUNBLATT, leader of Progressive Socialist Party]; Democratic Left
  [Ilyas ATALLAH]; Democratic Renewal Movement [Nassib LAHUD]; Future
  Movement Bloc [Sa'ad HARIRI]; Kataeb Party [Amine GEMAYEL]; Lebanese
  Forces [Samir JA'JA]; Tripoli Independent Bloc
  8 March Coalition: Development and Resistance Bloc [Nabih BERRI,
  leader of Amal Movement]; Free Patriotic Movement [Michel AWN];
  Loyalty to the Resistance Bloc [Mohammad RA'AD] (includes Hizballah
  Party [Hassan NASRALLAH]); Nasserite Popular Movement [Ussama SAAD];
  Popular Bloc [Elias SKAFF]; Syrian Ba'th Party [Sayez SHUKR]; Syrian
  Social Nationalist Party [Ali QANSO]
  Independent: Metn Bloc [Michel MURR]; Tashnaq

  Alliance of Congress Parties or ACP; All Basotho Convention
  or ABC [Thomas THABANE]; Basotholand African Congress or BAC
  [Khauhelo RALITAPOLE]; Basotho Congress Party or BCP [Ntsukunyane
  MPHANYA]; Basotho National Party or BNP [Maj. Gen. Justin Metsing
  LEKHANYA]; Kopanang Basotho Party or KPB [Pheelo MOSALA]; Lesotho
  Congress for Democracy or LCD (the governing party) [Pakalitha
  MOSISILI]; Lesotho Education Party or LEP [Thabo PITSO]; Lesotho
  Workers Party or LWP [Macaefa BILLY]; Marematlou Freedom Party or
  MFP [Vincent MALEBO]; National Independent Party or NIP [Anthony
  MANYELI]; New Lesotho Freedom Party or NLFP [Manapo MAJARA]; Popular
  Front for Democracy or PFD [Lekhetho RAKUOANE]; Sefate Democratic
  Union or SDU [Bofihla NKUEBE]; Social Democratic Party of SDP
  [Masitise SELESO]

  Alliance for Peace and Democracy or APD [Togba-na TIPOTEH];
  Coalition for the Transformation of Liberia or COTOL [H. Varney
  SHERMAN]; Congress for Democratic Change or CDC [George WEAH];
  Liberty Party or LP [Charles BRUMSKINE]; National Patriotic Party or
  NPP [Roland MASSAQUOI]; Unity Party or UP [Ellen JOHNSON SIRLEAF]


  Patriotic Union or VU [Adolf HEEB] (was Fatherland
  Union); Progressive Citizens' Party or FBP [Marcus VOGT]; The Free
  List or FL [Claudia HEEB-FLECK and Egon MATT]

  Civil Democracy Party or PDP [Viktor MUNTIANAS]; Coalition
  of Labor Party and Youth or KDP+J [Viktor USPASKICH]; Electoral
  Action of Lithuanian Poles or LLRA [Valdemar TOMASZEVSKI]; Homeland
  Union - Lithuanian Christian Democrats or TS [Andrius KUBILIUS];
  Lithuanian Peasant Popular Union or LVLS [Kazimiera PRUNSKIENE];
  Liberal and Center Union or LCS [Arturas ZUOKAS]; Liberal Movement
  or LRLS [Eligijus MASIULIS]; National Revival or TPP [Arunas
  VALINSKAS]; New Union (Social Liberal) or NS [Arturas PAULAUSKAS];
  Order and Justice Party or TT [Rolandas PAKSAS]; Social Democratic
  Party or LSDP [Gediminas KIRKILAS]; Young Lithuania and New
  Nationalists [Stanislovas BUSKEVICIUS]

  Alternative Democratic Reform Party or ADR [Robert
  MENLEN]; Christian Social People's Party or CSV [Francois BILTGEN]
  (also known as Christian Social Party or PCS); Democratic Party or
  DP [Claude MEISCH]; Green Party [Francois BAUSCH]; Luxembourg
  Socialist Workers' Party or LSAP [Alex BODRY]; dei Lenk/la Gauche
  (the Left); other minor parties

  Civil Service Union [Jose Maria Pereira COUTINHO]; Development
  Union [KWAN Tsui-hang]; Macau Development Alliance [Angela LEONG
  On-kei]; Macau United Citizens' Association [CHAN Meng-kam]; New
  Democratic Macau Association [Antonio NG Kuok-cheong]; United Forces
  note: there is no political party ordinance, so there are no
  registered political parties; politically active groups register as
  societies or companies

  Democratic Alliance [Pavle TRAJANOV]; Democratic League of
  Bosniaks [Rafet MUMINOVIC]; Democratic Party of Albanians or
  PDSh/DPA [Menduh THACI]; Democratic Party of Serbs [Ivan
  STOILJKOVIC]; Democratic Party of Turks [Kenan HASIPI]; Democratic
  Renewal of Macedonia [Liljana POPOVSKA]; Democratic Union of
  Albanians or BDSh [BardYL MAHMUTI]; Democratic Union of Vlachs for
  Macedonia [Mitko KOSTOV]; Democratic Union for Integration or
  BDI/DUI [Ali AHMETI]; For a Better Macedonia coalition [Nikola
  GRUEVSKI] (includes VMRO-DPMNE, SP, Democratic Union, Democratic
  Renewal of Macedonia, Democratic Party of Turks, Democratic Party of
  Serbs, SR, and smaller parties); Internal Macedonian Revolutionary
  Organization-Democratic Party for Macedonian National Unity or
  VMRO-DPMNE [Nikola GRUEVSKI]; Internal Macedonian Revolutionary
  Organization-People's Party or VMRO-Narodna [Gjorgji TRENDAFILOV];
  League for Democracy [Gjorgi MARJANOVIC]; Liberal Democratic Party
  or LDP [Jovan MANSIEVSKI]; Liberal Party [Stojan ANDOV]; National
  Alternative [Harun ALIU]; National Democratic Union or BDK [Hysni
  SHAQIR]; New Social Democratic Party or NSDP [Tito PETKOVSKI]; Party
  for Democratic Prosperity or PPD/PDP [Abduljhadi VEJSELI]; Party for
  European Future or PEI [Fijat CANOSKI]; Party of Free Democrats or
  PSD [Ljubco JORDANOVSKI]; Social Democratic Alliance of Macedonia or
  SDSM [Zoran ZAEV (until May 2009)]; Socialist Party of Macedonia or
  SP [Ljubisav IVANOV-ZINGO]; Sun-Coalition for Europe [Radmila
  SKERINSKA] (includes SDSM, NSDP, LDP, Liberal Party and smaller
  parties); Union of Romas or SR [Shaban SALIU]; United Party for
  Emancipation or OPE [Nezdet MUSTAFA]

  Association for the Rebirth of Madagascar or AREMA
  [Pierrot RAJAONARIVELO]; Democratic Party for Union in Madagascar or
  PSDUM [Jean LAHINIRIKO]; Economic Liberalism and Democratic Action
  for National Recovery or LEADER/Fanilo [Herizo RAZAFIMAHALEO];
  Fihaonana Party or FP [Guy-Willy RAZANAMASY]; I Love Madagascar or
  TIM [Marc RAVALOMANANA]; Renewal of the Social Democratic Party or
  RPSD [Evariste MARSON]

  Alliance for Democracy or AFORD; Congress for National Unity
  or CONU; Democratic Progressive Party or DPP [Bingu wa MUTHARIKA];
  Malawi Congress Party or MCP [John TEMBO]; Malawi Democratic Party
  or MDP [Kampelo KALUA]; Malawi Forum for Unity and Development or
  MAFUNDE [George MNESA]; Mgwirizano Coalition or MC [Gwandaguluwe
  Movement for Genuine Democratic Change or MGODE [Sam Kandodo BANDA];
  National Democratic Alliance or NDA [Brown MPINGANJIRA]; National
  Unity Party or NUP [Harry CHIUME]; People's Progressive Movement or
  PPM [Aleke BANDA]; People's Transformation Movement or PETRA [Kamuzu
  CHIBAMBO]; Republican Party or RP [Gwandaguluwe CHAKUAMBA]; United
  Democratic Front or UDF [Bakili MULUZI]

  National Front (Barisan Nasional) or BN (ruling coalition)
  consists of the following parties: Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia Party or
  PGRM [KOH Tsu Koon - acting]; Liberal Democratic Party (Parti
  Liberal Demokratik - Sabah) or LDP [LIEW Vui Keong]; Malaysian
  Chinese Association (Persatuan China Malaysia) or MCA [ONG Ka Ting];
  Malaysian Indian Congress (Kongres India Malaysia) or MIC [S. Samy
  VELLU]; Parti Bersatu Rakyat Sabah

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