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or PBRS [Joseph KURUP]; Parti
  Bersatu Sabah or PBS [Joseph PAIRIN Kitingan]; Parti Pesaka
  Bumiputera Bersatu or PBB [Abdul TAIB Mahmud]; Parti Rakyat Sarawak
  or PRS [James MASING]; Sabah Progressive Party (Parti Progresif
  Sabah) or SAPP [YONG Teck Lee]; Sarawak United People's Party (Parti
  Bersatu Rakyat Sarawak) or SUPP [George CHAN Hong Nam]; United
  Malays National Organization or UMNO [ABDULLAH bin Ahmad Badawi];
  United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organization (Pertubuhan
  Pasko Momogun Kadazan Dusun Bersatu) or UPKO [Bernard DOMPOK];
  People's Progressive Party (Parti Progresif Penduduk Malaysia) or
  PPP [M.Kayveas]; Sarawak Progressive Democratic Party or SPDP
  [William MAWAN])
  People's Alliance (Pakatan Rakyat) or PR (opposition coalition)
  consists of the following parties:: Democratic Action Party (Parti
  Tindakan Demokratik) or DAP [KARPAL Singh]; Islamic Party of
  Malaysia (Parti Islam se Malaysia) or PAS [Abdul HADI Awang];
  People's Justice Party (Parti Keadilan Rakyat) or PKR [WAN AZIZAH
  Wan Ismael]; Sarawak National Party or SNAP [Edwin DUNDANG]

  Adhaalath (Justice) Party or AP [Abdul Majeed Abdul BARI];
  Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (Maldivian People's Party) or DRP [Maumoon
  Abdul GAYOOM]; Islamic Democratic Party or IDP [Omar NASEER];
  Maldivian Democratic Party or MDP [Mohamed NASHEED]; note -
  political parties were allowed to register in June 2005

  Alliance for Democratic Change (political group comprised
  mainly of Tuareg from Mali's northern region); African Solidarity
  for Democracy and Independence or SADI [Oumar MARIKO, secretary
  general]; Alliance for Democracy and Progress or ADP (a coalition of
  political parties including ADEMA and URD formed in December 2006 to
  support the presidential candidacy of Amadou TOURE); Alliance for
  Democracy or ADEMA [Diounconda TRAORE]; Convergence 2007 [Soumeylou
  Boubeye MAIGA]; Front for Democracy and the Republic or FDR (a
  coalition of political parties including RPM and PARENA formed to
  oppose the presidential candidacy of Amadou TOURE); National
  Congress for Democratic Initiative or CNID [Mountaga TALL]; Party
  for Democracy and Progress or PDP [Me Idrissa TRAORE]; Party for
  National Renewal or PARENA [Tiebile DRAME]; Patriotic Movement for
  Renewal or MPR [Choguel MAIGA]; Rally for Democracy and Labor or
  RDT; Rally for Mali or RPM [Ibrahim Boubacar KEITA]; Sudanese
  Union/African Democratic Rally or US/RDA [Mamadou Bamou TOURE];
  Union for Democracy and Development or UDD [Moussa Balla COULIBALY];
  Union for Republic and Democracy or URD [Soumaila CISSE]

  Alternativa Demokratika/Alliance for Social Justice or AD
  [Harry VASSALLO]; Malta Labor Party or MLP [acting leader Charles
  MANGION]; Nationalist Party or PN [Lawrence GONZI]

Marshall Islands
  traditionally there have been no formally organized
  political parties; what has existed more closely resembles factions
  or interest groups because they do not have party headquarters,
  formal platforms, or party structures; the following two "groupings"
  have competed in legislative balloting in recent years - Aelon Kein
  Ad Party [Michael KABUA] and United Democratic Party or UDP [Litokwa

  Alternative or El-Badil; Centrist Reformists (independent
  moderate Islamists); Coalition for Forces for Democratic Change or
  CFCD (coalition of political parties including APP, Centrist
  Reformists (independent moderate Islamists), HATEM-PMUC, PUDS, RD,
  RFD, UFP); Democratic and Social Republican Party or PRDS;
  Democratic Renewal or RD; Mauritanian Party for Unity and Change or
  HATEM-PMUC; Mithaq (coalition of independents and parties associated
  with the former regime including Alternative or El-Badil, PRDR, UDP,
  RDU); National Rally for Freedom, Democracy and Equality or RNDLE;
  Popular Front or FP [Ch'bih Ould CHEIKH MALAININE]; Popular
  Progressive Alliance or APP [Messoud Ould BOULKHEIR]; Rally of
  Democratic Forces or RFD [Ahmed Ould DADDAH]; Rally for Democracy
  and Unity or RDU [Ahmed Ould SIDI BABA]; Republican Party for
  Democracy and Renewal or PRDR [Boullah Ould MOGUEYA] (formerly
  ruling Democratic and Social Republican Party or PRDS); Socialist
  and Democratic Unity Party or PUDS; Union for Democracy and Progress
  or UDP [Naha Mint MOUKNASS]; Union of Democratic Centre or UCD;
  Union of the Forces for Progress or UFP

  Alliance Sociale or AS [Navinchandra RAMGOOLAM] (governing
  coalition - includes MLD, MMSM, MR, MSD, PMXD); Mauritian Labor
  Party or MLP [Navinchandra RAMGOOLAM]; Mauritian Militant Movement
  or MMM [Paul BERENGER]; Mauritian Socialist Militant Movement or
  MMSM [Madan DOLLOO]; Militant Socialist Movement or MSM [Nando
  BODHA]; Mouvement Republicain or MR [Jayarama VALAYDEN]; Parti
  Mauricien Xavier Duval or PMXD [Xavier Luc DUVAL]; Rodrigues
  Movement or MR [Joseph (Nicholas) Von MALLY]; Rodrigues Peoples
  Organization or OPR [Serge CLAIR]

  Democratic Front or FD [Youssouf MOUSSA]; Mahoran Popular
  Movement or MPM [Ahmed MADI]; Federation of Mahorans or UMP-RPR
  [Mansour KAMARDINE]; Force of the Rally and the Alliance for
  Democracy or FRAP; Movement for Department Status Mayotte or MDM
  [Mouhoutar SALIM]; Renewed Communist Party of Mayotte or MRC [Omar
  SIMBA]; Socialist Party or PS [Ibrahim ABUBACAR] (local branch of
  French Parti Socialiste); Union for French Democracy or UDF [Henri

  Convergence for Democracy or CD [Luis MALDONADO Venegas];
  Institutional Revolutionary Party or PRI [Beatriz PAREDES]; Labor
  Party or PT [Alberto ANAYA Gutierrez]; Mexican Green Ecological
  Party or PVEM [Jorge Emilio GONZALEZ Martinez]; National Action
  Party (Partido Accion Nacional) or PAN [German MARTINEZ Cazares];
  New Alliance Party (Partido Nueva Alianza) or PNA [Jorge Antonio
  KAHWAGI Macari]; Party of the Democratic Revolution (Partido de la
  Revolucion Democratica) or PRD [Leonel COTA Montano]; Social
  Democratic and Peasant Alternative Party (Partido Alternativa
  Socialdemocrata y Campesina) or Alternativa [Alberto BEGNE Guerra]

Micronesia, Federated States of
  no formal parties

  Christian Democratic People's Party or PPCD [Iurie ROSCA];
  Communist Party of the Republic of Moldova or PCRM [Vladimir
  VORONIN]; Democratic Party or PD [Dumitru DIACOV]; Liberal
  Democratic Party or PLDM [Vladmir FILAT]; National Liberal Party or
  PNL [Vitalia PAVLICENKO]; Our Moldova Alliance or AMN [Serafim
  URECHEAN]; Party for Social Democracy or PDSM [Dumitru BRAGHIS];
  Social Liberal Party or PSL [Oleg SEREBRIAN]

  Union for Monaco or UPM (including National Union for the
  Future of Monaco or UNAM); Rally and Issues for Monaco or REM;
  Monaco Together

  Democratic Party or DP [Norovyn ALTANHUYAG]; Mongolian
  People's Revolutionary Party or MPRP [Sanji BAYAR]

  Albanian Alternative or AA [Vesel SINISHTAJ]; Coalition
  for European Montenegro or DPS-SDP (bloc) [Milo DJUKANOVIC]
  (includes Democratic Party of Socialists or DPS [Milo DJUKANOVIC]
  and Social Democratic Party of SDP [Ranko KRIVOKAPIC]); Coalition
  SNP-NS-DSS (bloc) (includes Socialist People's Party or SNP [Srdjan
  MILIC], People's Party of Montenegro or NS [Predrag POPOVIC], and
  Democratic Serbian Party of Montenegro or DSS [Ranko KADIC]);
  Democratic League-Party of Democratic Prosperity or SPP [Mehmet
  BARHDI]; Democratic Union of Albanians or DUA [Ferhat DINOSA];
  Liberals and the Bosniak Party (bloc) [Miodrag ZIVKOVIC] (includes
  Liberal Party of Montenegro or LP [Miodrag ZIVKOVIC] and Bosniak
  Party or BS [Rafet HUSOVIC]); Movement for Changes or PZP [Nebojsa
  MEDOJEVIC]; Serbian List (bloc) [Andrija MANDIC] (includes Party of
  Serb Radicals or SSR [Dusko SEKULIC], People's Socialist Party or
  NSS [Emilo LABUDOVIC], and Serbian People's Party of Montenegro or
  SNS [Andrija MANDIC])

  Montserrat Democratic Party or MDP [Lowell LEWIS];
  Movement for Change and Prosperity or MCAP [Roselyn CASSELL-SEALY];
  New People's Liberation Movement or NPLM [John A. OSBORNE]

  Action Party or PA [Muhammad EL IDRISSI]; Alliance of
  Liberties or ADL [Ali BELHAJ]; Annahj Addimocrati or Annahj
  [Abdellah EL HARIF]; Avant Garde Social Democratic Party or PADS
  [Ahmed BENJELLOUN]; Citizen Forces or FC [Abderrahman LAHJOUJI];
  Citizen's Initiatives for Development [Mohamed BENHAMOU];
  Constitutional Union or UC [Mohamed ABIED]; Democratic and
  Independence Party or PDI [Abdelwahed MAACH]; Democratic and Social
  Movement or MDS [Mahmoud ARCHANE]; Democratic Forces Front or FFD;
  Democratic Socialist Party or PSD [Aissa OUARDIGHI]; Democratic
  Society Party or PSD [Zhor CHEKKAFI]; Democratic Union or UD
  [Bouazza IKKEN]; Environment and Development Party or PED [Ahmed EL
  ALAMI]; Front of Democratic Forces or FFD [Thami EL KHYARI];
  Independence Party (Istiqlal) or PI [Abbas EL FASSI]; Justice and
  Development Party or PJD [Abdelilah BENKIRANE]; Labor Party
  [Abdelkrim BENATIK]; Moroccan Liberal Party or PML [Mohamed ZIANE];
  National Democratic Party or PND [Abdallah KADIRI]; National
  Ittihadi Congress Party or CNI [Abdelmajid BOUZOUBAA]; National
  Rally of Independents or RNI [Mustapha EL MANSOURI]; National Union
  of Popular Forces or UNFP [Abdellah IBRAHIM]; Parti Al Ahd or Al Ahd
  [Najib EL OUAZZANI]; Party of Progress and Socialism or PPS [Ismail
  ALAOUI]; Party of Renewal and Equity or PRE [Chakir ACHABAR]; Party
  of the Unified Socialist Left or GSU [Mohamed Ben Said AIT IDDER];
  Popular Movement or MP [Mohamed LAENSER]; Reform and Development
  Party or PRD [Abderrahmane EL KOUHEN]; Social Center Party or PSC
  [Lahcen MADIH]; Socialist Union of Popular Forces or USFP

  Front for the Liberation of Mozambique (Frente de
  Liberatacao de Mocambique) or FRELIMO [Armando Emilio GUEBUZA];
  Mozambique National Resistance-Electoral Union (Resistencia Nacional
  Mocambicana-Uniao Eleitoral) or RENAMO-UE [Afonso DHLAKAMA]

  Congress of Democrats or COD [Ben ULENGA]; Democratic
  Turnhalle Alliance of Namibia or DTA [Katuutire KAURA]; Monitor
  Action Group or MAG [Jurie VILJOEN]; National Democratic Movement
  for Change or NamDMC; National Unity Democratic Organization or NUDO
  [Kuaima RIRUAKO]; Rally for Democracy and Progress or RDP [Hidipo
  HAMUTENYA]; Republican Party or RP [Henk MUDGE]; South West Africa
  National Union or SWANU [Rihupisa KANDANDO]; South West Africa
  People's Organization or SWAPO [Hifikepunye POHAMBA]; United
  Democratic Front or UDF [Justus GAROEB]

  Democratic Party [Kennan ADEANG]; Nauru Party (informal);
  Nauru First (Naoero Amo) Party; note - loose multiparty system

  Chure Bhawar Rastriya Ekata Party [Keshav Prasad MAINALI];
  Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) [Pushpa Kamal DAHAL, also known as
  PRACHANDA, chairman; Dr. Baburam BHATTARAI]; Communist Party of
  Nepal (ML) [C.P. MAINALI]; Communist Party of Nepal (Unified) [Raj
  Singh SHRIS]; Communist Party of Nepal (United) [Ganesh SHAH];
  Communist Party of Nepal/United Marxist-Leninist or CPN/UML [Amrit
  Kumar BOHARA]; Dalit Janajati Party [Vishwendraman PASHWAN];
  Janamorcha Nepal [Amik SHERCHAN]; Madhesi Jana Adhikar Forum
  [Upendra YADAV]; National Democratic Party or NDP [Pashupati
  Shumsher RANA] (also called Rastriya Prajatantra Party or RPP);
  Nepal Loktantrik Samajbadi Dal [Upendra GACHCHHADAR]; Nepal Pariwar
  Dal [Vinod DANGI]; Nepal Rastriya Party [Khushilal YADAV]; Nepal
  Sadbhavana Party (Anandi Devi) [Shyam Sundar GUPTA]; Nepal Workers
  and Peasants Party or NWPP [Narayan Man BIJUKCHHE]; Nepali Congress
  Party or NCP [Girija Prasad KOIRALA]; Nepali Janata Dal [Bharat
  Prasad MAHATO]; Rastriya Janamorcha [Chitra BAHADUR K.C.]; Rastriya
  Janamukti Party [Malwar Singh THAPA]; Rastriya Janashakti Party or
  RJP [Surya Bahadur THAPA] (split from RPP in March 2005); Rastriya
  Prajatantra Party Nepal [Kamal THAPA]; Sadbhavana Party (Mahato)
  [Rajendra MAHATO]; Samajbadi Prajatantrik Janata Party Nepal [Prem
  Bahadur SINGH]; Sanghiya Loktantrik Rastriya Manch [Kamal
  CHHARAHANG]; Terai Madhesi Democratic Party [Mahantha THAKUR]

  Christian Democratic Appeal or CDA [Jan Peter
  BALKENENDE]; Christian Union Party [Andre ROUVOET]; Democrats 66 or
  D66 [Alexander PECHTOLD]; Green Left Party [Femke HALSEMA]; Labor
  Party or PvdA [Wouter BOS]; Party for Freedom or PVV [Geert
  WILDERS]; Party for the Animals or PvdD [Marianne THIEME]; People's
  Party for Freedom and Democracy (Liberal) or VVD [Mark RUTTE];
  Reformed Political Party of SGP [Bas VAN DER VLIES]; Socialist Party
  [Jan MARIJNISSEN]; plus a few minor parties

Netherlands Antilles
  Bonaire: Democratic Party of Bonaire or PDB
  [Jopi ABRAHAM]; Patriotic Union of Bonaire or UPB [Ramonsito BOOI]
  Curacao: Ban Vota [Norbert GEORGE]; C-93 [Stanley BROWN]; Democratic
  Party of Curacao or DP [Errol HERNANDEZ]; E Mayoria [Aurelio PEDRO];
  Forsa Korsou [Nelson NAVARRO]; Liste Ni'un Paso Atras [Nelson
  PIERRE]; Movemiento Patriotiko Korsou [Reginald LAK]; New Antilles
  Movement or MAN [Charles COOPER]; Partido Akshon Pa Prosperidat I
  Seguridat [Sonja BERKEMEYER]; Partido Laboral Krusada Popular or
  PLKP [Errol COVA]; Party for the Restructured Antilles or PAR [Emily
  de JONGH-ELHAGE]; People's National Party or PNP [Ersilia DE
  LANNOOY]; Pidjin [Jasmin PINEDO]; Pueblo Soberano [Herman WIELS];
  Workers' Liberation Front or FOL [Anthony GODETT]
  Saba: Saba Labor Party [Akilah LEVENSTONE]; Windward Islands
  People's Movement or WIPM [Ray HASSELL]
  Sint Eustatius: Democratic Party of Sint Eustatius or DP-St. E
  [Julian WOODLEY]; Progressive Labor Party [Clyde VAN PUTTEN]; St.
  Eustatius Alliance [Ingrid HOUTMAN-WHITFIELD]
  Sint Maarten: Democratic Party of Sint Maarten or DP-St. M [Sarah
  WESCOTT-WILLIAMS]; Freedom Slate of National Democratic Party
  [Theophilus PRIEST]; National Alliance or NA [William MARLIN];
  People's Progressive Alliance or PPA [Gracita ARRINDELL]; St.
  Maarten People's Party [Johan LEONARD]; United People's Labor Party
  [Bienvenido RICHARDSON]
  note: political parties are indigenous to each island

New Caledonia
  Alliance pour la Caledonie or APLC [Didier LE ROUX];
  Caledonian Union or UC; Federation des Comites de Coordination des
  Independantistes or FCCI [Francois BURCK]; Front National or FN [Guy
  GEORGE]; Front Uni de Liberation Kanak or FULK [Ernest UNE]; Kanak
  Socialist Front for National Liberation or FLNKS (includes PALIKA,
  UNI, UC, and UPM); Parti de Liberation Kanak or PALIKA [Paul
  NEAOUTYINE and Elie POIGOUNE]; Rally for Caledonia in the Republic
  (anti independence) or RPCR-UMP [Jacques LAFLEUR]; The Future
  Together or AE [Harold MARTIN]; Union Nationale pour l'Independance
  or UNI [Paul NEAOUTYINE]; note - may no longer exist, but Paul
  NEAOUTYINE has since become a president of Parti de Liberation Kanak
  or PALIKA; Union Progressiste Melanesienne or UPM [Victor TUTUGORO]

New Zealand
  ACT New Zealand [Rodney HIDE]; Green Party [Jeanette
  FITZSIMONS]; Maori Party [Whatarangi WINIATA]; National Party or NP
  [John KEY]; New Zealand First Party or NZFP [Winston PETERS]; New
  Zealand Labor Party or NZLP [Phil GOFF]; Progressive Party [James
  (Jim) ANDERTON]; United Future or UF [Peter DUNNE]

  Conservative Party or PC [Azalia AVILES Salmeron]; Liberal
  Constitutionalist Party or PLC [Jorge CASTILLO Quant]; Nicaraguan
  Liberal Alliance or ALN [Eduardo MONTEALEGRE]; Sandinista National
  Liberation Front or FSLN [Daniel ORTEGA Saavedra]; Sandinista
  Renovation Movement or MRS [Enrique SAENZ Navarrete]

  Democratic and Social Convention-Rahama or CDS-Rahama
  [Mahamane OUSMANE]; National Movement for a Developing
  Society-Nassara or MNSD-Nassara [Hama AMADOU]; Niger Social
  Democratic Party or PSDN; Nigerien Alliance for Democracy and Social
  Progress-Zaman Lahiya or ANDP-Zaman Lahiya [Moumouni DJERMAKOYE];
  Nigerien Party for Autonomy or PNA-Alouma'a [Sanousi JACKOU];
  Nigerien Party for Democracy and Socialism or PNDS-Tarrayya [Issifou
  MAHAMADOU]; Nigerien Progressive Party or PPN-RDA [Abdoulaye DIORI];
  Rally for Democracy and Progress or RDP-jama'a [Hamid ALGABID];
  Social and Democratic Rally or RSD-Gaskiyya [Cheiffou AMADOU]

  Accord Party [Ikra Aliyu BILBIS]; Action Congress or AC

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