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Book online «Fatal Sight (Harbingers Of Death Book 2) LeAnn Mason (animal farm read .txt) 📖». Author LeAnn Mason

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expect me to throw my career, my life away to do so.”

“Raven,” Cole’s tone was an odd mix of soothing and admonishment, something few others could pull off without being called out for one or the other.

The little ball of fury huffed, clamping her arms across her chest in a mark of surliness. An eye-roll preceded her next words, making the statement appear less than genuine. “We can give Silver another chance if that’s what you want, lover boy, and then we’ll see about after that.”

Seke saw the lift of her sullen lips as her eyes dove to her feet. The little spitfire wasn’t nearly as adverse as she projected. The god, dare he say it if just to himself, thought Raven may even have missed Aria, though she’d never admit to it.

“If it keeps things moving smoothly and you stay focused,” Ember added pointedly. “I think she could be an asset. We are down one.”

Seke dipped his chin in acknowledgment of her pragmatism. He had definitely been… distracted since Aria’s departure, a fact he’d been reluctant to admit when Cole had called him out. It pained him to realize just how transparent he’d been to all of his team. “I am sorry for my… unprofessionalism where Aria is concerned. I have undoubtedly been affected by her. It is one reason that I allowed her to be sent away. I thought maybe—”

“You thought maybe you’d get over your animal lust?” Raven quipped, to which both Cole and Ember snorted before schooling their features.

The other two nodded with hearty agreement to Raven’s crude interjection.

Seke had to admit it was a factor. “I thought maybe my infatuation would diminish with time and space…”

“You were wrong,” Cole admitted.

“A little sloppy, I daresay.” He didn’t want to encourage their dissent and dissection of his… personal choices. Though, given how their team worked, it was bound to happen.

Every choice had an impact on the other members of their team.

“At Cole’s wise suggestion, I went to visit Aria.”

Cole’s eyebrows shot up, perhaps in surprise that the captain would reveal his secret indulgence. Honesty was imperative amongst teammates.

“I hoped to see her thriving in another unit and settle my mind.”

“You mean to say goodbye.”

He nodded at Brenna. “But Aria has a problem and could use our help.” Though, she wouldn’t admit to it, certainly not considering how she felt about him right then — she’d sent him away. But he knew better than to stay away.

“I’m glad we are all on board with a trial run to consider bringing Aria back to the HDPU. I’ve dispatched a friend to train her in using her banshee abilities, but they will be needing additional assistance soon.”

Vampires were back. And soon, they would be on Aria’s tail. Seke had originally been tasked with handling the resorbed souls. It was time he and his new team revisited that original mission of the Harbingers of Death.

“Are you ready for another mission? This one will be much harder than our normal duties and will most likely be a joint endeavor.”

“Well, don’t just dangle the carrot,” Brenna groaned petulantly.

The girl had always been a bit impatient. Making her wait to find out about the vampires might be good for her.

“What are you guys doing here?” Seeing my team — well, my first team — staring back at me outside this shithole motel as if nothing had happened…

“Might want to close that yapper, Silver. That thing is your money-maker. Wouldn’t do to waste it catching flies.”

I was used to Raven’s sharp tongue but not the humorous twinkle in her dark eyes. It made her look a little less demonic, and I wasn’t sure what to make of it, which was my excuse for standing there like an idiot even after the admonishment.

“Who are your friends?” The HDPU incredulously looked past me, checking out the vand-pony team at my back.

Better to jump in with both feet, right?

“Uh, this is Gunhilde and Torgny. They were friends of my mother’s. Seke sent them. And what are you doing here? Did Seke send you, too? Speaking of…” I looked around the nearly empty parking lot where our burgeoning herd congregated. Too much longer and we’d likely draw attention, and that was something we needed to avoid. “Where is Seke?” He sent his team but didn’t show up himself?

Doesn’t matter. I admonished my wayward thoughts. Not like you wanted to see him again, anyway.

A man walking through the parking lot squinted over at us as I searched again for the god.

“Maybe we should have this reunion elsewhere?” I suggested. “We’re a pretty eclectic group of people milling around a crappy motel. I don’t need any more police attention, like, ever.”

“Did you get arrested again?” Ember asked lightly as she ambled past me toward the wary couple at my back, head swiveling as she entered the room.

I turned with a sweeping bow, indicating that Cole and Raven should follow suit and head back indoors for what I expected to be an awkward conversation. I mean, we hadn’t exactly parted on good terms.

Add in a valkyrie and her… steed, and tensions were high.

Cole must have sensed my anxiety because he squeezed my shoulder gently as he passed, following the rest of the group into the confines of the room.

The space was nearly claustrophobic once I squeezed to join the rest of the harbingers. I closed the door. It was a facade, a dented and faded barrier that would not deter but the weakest assailants should one wish to enter the premises. Still, it would at least give the illusion of privacy.

However, once it was shut, I felt like a sardine, cramped, without light, but with an abundance of pungent smells… At least we’d left a lamp on. I didn’t want to imagine fumbling around in the dark under the current situation. Who knew what you’d trip over — or grab — in the dark?

“So…” I started uncertainly.

“So. How’ve you been?” Ember asked, tilting her head, an open and

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