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considered it. “Yeah, yeah, I agree it’s not the best time, but what else could we be here for?”

Michael shrugged. “To make sure she doesn’t ruin the world with the Duke?” Damien made a face at him. “Okay, okay, your idea makes more sense. But how do we do that?”

“No idea. I only got as far as an idea of why we’re here.”

“I guess we’ll figure it out as we go.”

“Like always,” Damien agreed.

“All right. Let’s move on to working on those memories,” Michael said.

“Okay, where did we leave off?” Damien asked.

“We remembered being at Alexander’s a good bit and everyone was concerned about your health.”

“Right. My health, my health, why my health?” Damien pondered, pacing the room.

They spent their morning hours before and after breakfast attempting to recall more of the events leading to their trip to 1812. Neither of them could come up with any additional memories. The process became frustrating for them both.

After lunch, Alexander had business to attend to. He asked if they would care to join him for the walk and some fresh air. They agreed it might be best to relax their minds.

Celine approached number four Canterbury Way. She climbed the steps, knocking at the door. She adjusted her cloak and ensured her hair was presentable as she waited. The butler opened the door.

“Mrs. Marcus Northcott to see Mr. Alexander Buckley,” she presented herself.

“Mr. Buckley is currently out but should return soon. Would you care to wait, Mrs. Northcott?”

“Yes, thank you.” Celine entered the home, following the butler to the sitting room.

“I shall announce you as soon as Mr. Buckley returns,” the butler informed her.

“Thank you.” Celine perched on the edge of the couch, awaiting Alexander’s return.

Moments later, the door to the room opened, and a man walked in. Celine expected Alexander but was surprised to find an unfamiliar face. Celine gazed at him, finding his stormy blue eyes mesmerizing.

“Oh,” the man said, speechless for a moment. “Apologies, I didn’t realize anyone was in here.”

Celine smiled at him. “No apology is necessary, Mister… Well, it is my turn to apologize, I do not believe we are acquainted.”

“No, we have never been introduced. I should have remembered a face as beautiful as yours. Grayson Buckley, at your service.”

“You are too forward, Mr. Buckley,” Celine replied, extending her hand for him to take. “My husband would not appreciate your brazen sentiments. Mrs. Marcus Northcott.”

Gray stopped for a moment, realizing who she was. “You are Celine Northcott?”

“I am,” she answered.

“Forgive me, I did not expect you to be so… well, I should hold my tongue before I upset your husband again.”

Celine offered him a slight smile. The two held each other’s gazes for a moment until the door opened. “Duchess Northcott, I…” Alexander announced, stepping into the room. He stared at the scene in front of him. Celine backed a step away from Grayson, averting her eyes from his as she glanced toward the fireplace. “Oh, excuse me. I did not realize you were not alone.”

“I was fortunate to make the acquaintance of your… brother, is it?” Celine asked.

“Cousin,” Alexander corrected.

Celine nodded. “A pleasure, Mr. Buckley,” she offered a slight smile. “Thank you for providing company as I waited for your cousin’s return.”

“Of course,” Grayson answered before leaving the room.

“Allow me to begin anew,” Alexander stated. “My sincere apologies for the delay. I had business in town.”

“No doubt you are a busy man,” Celine answered. “I took a chance to pay you a call regarding your request yesterday.”

“How gracious of you,” Alexander replied.

“I have spoken with Lady Blackburn, and she was courteous enough to favor my request. I have secured an invitation to Lord Blackburn’s ball to be held two days hence.” Celine held out an invitation. Alexander accepted the card from her.

“Oh, how wonderful! My cousins will be thrilled to hear the news. We cannot thank you enough for your graciousness to orchestrate the invitation. You are too kind, Duchess.”

Celine offered a tight-lipped smile. “Tell me, will your other cousin, Grayson, attend?”

“Oh,” Alexander answered, thrown by the question, “I am unsure of his plans.”

“I see,” Celine replied. “The invitation extends to your family, please see that he is also included.”

“I will,” Alexander promised. “And thank you for waiting, I hope I did not keep you too long.”

“Not at all. I shall see you at the ball, Mr. Buckley.”

“Good day, Duchess Northcott.”

Celine departed the house, though her thoughts did not. Alexander opened the sitting room doors, finding Michael, Damien and Gray on the other side. “We just saw her leave,” Damien said. “Well?”

“She acquired the invitation.”

“All right! Now all we need is a plan,” Damien exclaimed.

“The ball is in two days. We should discuss our approach this evening.”

“We haven’t had much luck in remembering anything else,” Michael admitted.

Gray poured himself a brandy, silent thus far. “Oh, before we enter any discussions, Gray, Duchess Northcott made a point of extending the invitation to you,” Alexander said. “Thank you for keeping her company before I returned.”

Michael and Damien glanced at each other. “An easy task,” Gray remarked. “She is quite lovely.” Damien raised an eyebrow at Michael.

Alexander gave him an odd look but continued with the conversation. “Well, we need a plan, gentlemen. I suggest we discuss it following dinner.”

“Can’t plan on an empty stomach!” Damien exclaimed.

The four men dined, then spent the evening in a discussion about how to handle their interactions with Celine at the upcoming ball. By the end of the evening, they were no closer to a plan. They retired for the evening, frustrated.

Before going to bed, Damien did not miss the opportunity to call Michael’s attention to Gray’s obvious fondness for Celine. It added credibility to his theory that they were meant to restore Gray and Celine’s relationship. Damien fell asleep hoping tomorrow brought them more information.

Celine returned home after her visit at the Buckley residence. She’d expected to find Alexander Buckley at home, pass along the invitation to the ball, and return home without incident. Alexander had not been

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