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romantic soft-X porn, but they're not soft because of censorship. There are no oppressive laws, no uptight prudishness, no interior repression.

The female directors hold nothing back. Romantic soft-X is the way a woman likes it, in her movies, and from you.

Some of the films are good. Some are mediocre.

Some are downright dumb. But they all contain elements women can relate to. Women's sex movies, in contrast to men's, are more complicated. In place of raw sex, there is steamy sensuality. The films show an emotional connection between the partners, and affection. Closeups on faces reflect the partners' feelings. (Take notes, gentlemen: You can turn a woman on during sex by your facial expressions.) Importantly, you can see where to touch a woman and how she likes to be caressed. What you'll view is a far cry from the misinformation you get from men's pornography.

Recently, in reviewing some male porn for this book, I had to laugh. A male porn star, obviously smug about the pleasure he thought he was giving his partner, was vigorously grinding the poor girl's clitoris back into her body with his middle knuckle.

Luckily, for her, he was missing his mark by a quarter of an inch, or her pain would have been excruciating. Gen-Page 245

tlemen, the benefits of viewing women's porn don't stop at geography. You'll pick up other practical hints, like suave ways to slip on your condom.

Ask for work by directors such as Candida Royalle, Gloria Leonard, and Deborah Shames, to mention only a few of the prominent women filmmakers.

Here's a preview of coming distractions. In Candida Royalle's films, you'll master techniques on how to touch and caress a woman. In Gloria Leonard's, you'll find that humor and sex mingle. In Deborah Shames's films, you'll learn more about creating just the right atmosphere to make your Quarry fall in love with you.

From all of these women's films you'll learn that humor, romance, a buildup of tension, and strong, slow hands are what work with women. You'll learn how your Quarry really likes you to give it to her between the sheets—or on the dining room table, or in the elevator, or on the beach.

In one vignette, for example, you'll see a woman emerging from a bubble bath with a bored expression on her face because she must attend a gala charity ball. She reaches into her lingerie drawer to pull out a white lace teddy. Just as she is tying the tiny satin bow, protective arms encircle her from the rear. She feels a tender kiss pressing on the back of her neck.

Sure hands delicately untie the little pink ribbon, her teddy drops to the floor, and the silent stranger lovingly traces a pattern around her nipple with his strong, sensitive pinkie.

At this point, gentlemen, you may be tempted to fast forward to the "good part." Don't, because the beginning of the film which establishes the locale, the story line, and the character

development—much of thisisthe good part for women.

Many women tie sex tightly to love, and they become fully aroused only when they feel deep affection or respect for their partner. That, too, is clear in many of the female sex films. My male buddies sometimes complain, "Why can't women forget this romance thing during sex and get down to the nitty-gritty?"

Well, gentlemen, the nitty-gritty for hiesrlove, or at Page 246

All the studies prove that women do indeed like more romance. In a typical study, a psychologist at Louisiana State University read men and women the same erotic story. Afterward the subjects were questioned. Men remembered the hot action part where the woman "clawed at her partner's back and wrapped her legs around him," whereas women remembered as the hot parts of the story scenes in which "they looked deeply into one another's eyes."

In men's porn, everyone's stacked, everyone's eager, and everyone comes. In fem-porn, everyone is loving, everyone is sensitive, and everyone is passionate. By watching sex films directed by women, you'll finally get it. You'll see with your own eyes how to make love to a woman the washyelikes it.

Hunters, if the written word has failed—if just readinmgake it last has not driven the point home—

try fem-porn. Watching the extended cinematic buildup to the sex might just do the trick. It will slow down your foreplay and build up your technique.




Hunters, there's a new breed of woman out there, and she's letting the world know what's hot—and what's not—for her between the sheets.

To drive your Quarry wild in bed, trash your men's triple-X movies. You won't learn anything from those but misinformation you already have. Pop some films by femaleartistes in your VCR.

Then take copious notes.

Gentlemen, if your good buddy runs the video store and you think he'd laugh if you asked for sissy titles likeChristine's Secret or A Taste of Ambrosia , the next best thing to do is order

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least a relationship. Loving you makes her hotter.

Your loving her makes her hotter still.

by mail. Several "Better Sex Videos" are very well done—more clinical—but also present material through a soft female lens.

Another Crash Course in Steamy Sensuality for Men

Gentlemen, if you don't have a , all is not lost.

Another graphic crash course in turning a woman VCR

on is found not in sex manuals, not in how-to books, but in hot novels, female style.

Do you know twenty-five million readers regularly buy romance novels? The most renowned are published by Harlequin. If you think only dimwitted women get off on the Harlequin-type fantasies, you're wrong. The majority of romance readers are college-educated and earn an average of $40,000 per year.

Each month, 150 new titles roll off the presses filled with hunks like the strong silent stranger, the tycoon who flips his priorities when he meets the love of his life, and even Mr. Mom.

Hunters, go to your local bookstore. Mumble to the bookstore salesclerk something about, uh, you're buying this for your, um, er, sister. Then settle down for an hour or so of very educational

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