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Book online «A Powerless World | Book 4 | Outlive The Darkness Hunt, Jack (feel good novels .txt) 📖». Author Hunt, Jack

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the one with a broken nose.”

“Which way did they go?”

“South. Maybe north. You know I can’t remember. Because… that’s right, I was knocked out!” he bellowed.

“So they ran. How cowardly.” She glanced at her nails. “And yet you think they are dangerous.” She laughed. “So what about you?”

“What about me?”

“Do I need to throw you back in the cargo box?”

“Look, I don’t like the way you went about gaining control. It was sneaky, underhanded and harmful but I’m sure you had your reasons. And to be frank, I don’t care about being one of the leaders. In fact I was beginning to resent it. Too much weight on my shoulders. Too many people looking to me for solutions. Others blaming me. I’m more than willing to step aside and serve. What’s that saying? Better to live with the devil you know than the devil you don’t.”

She smiled. There was a long stretch of silence as if she was contemplating.

“Not everything was a lie,” she said.


“I mean, of course I manipulated the situation but…” She wiped the bottom of her nose and he noticed white powder. Was she hooked on coke? It certainly would explain her bad judgment. “I enjoyed your company.”

“Yeah, I bet you said the same thing to Asher.”

She lifted a hand and he stared at her defiantly. “What I have had to do is for the future of this community. You might not understand it but a leader needs to lead and their decisions won’t always be popular but that’s what has always allowed civilization to evolve.”

“Civilization? Evolve? You think you’re God?”

She jabbed a finger at him. “I don’t expect you to grasp my vision for Humboldt.”

“Oh so it’s Humboldt now. I thought we were focusing on Eureka.”

“We are. But we’ll need to expand. That requires having the right people in place. The people of this town don’t have what it takes to move the needle.”

“And you think Boone does?”

“You have to have an ace in your back pocket.”

“Ah, so that’s what he is. A friend with benefits. Huh. Sounds familiar. Does he know you’re manipulating him too?”

“I was the one that gave him his freedom.”

Johnson smiled. “Of course you were. Quite the puppet master, aren’t you.”

“I get the job done.”

“So the death of twenty-three innocent people was you getting the job done?”

She shook her head, a big smile forming. “You think I’m a monster. Do you know how many innocent people have died under the rule of America? How many decisions in Washington have led to the death of innocents? Thousands upon thousands. And yet twenty-three people die and you think I’m a monster. Please. Look at how many have died because of the indecision of government. Hundreds of thousands of Americans across this country since the power grid went down, and yet you point your accusing finger at me.” She tapped the air with a finger. “That’s why you cannot be in office. You don’t have what it takes to make things happen.”

“What needs to happen, Rachel? Huh? We’re just trying to survive.”

“I don’t want to survive. I want to thrive. As long as we hold on to that scarcity mindset, we will lose more people. No. What I have put in place will ensure the survival of this county. When all is said and done, and the power grid comes back on, if it ever does — they will remember my name.”

“Oh, so that’s what this is about. Infamy. Ego. Maximizing yourself and minimizing others. Tell me, Rachel, did a boyfriend not tell you that you were pretty enough? Did a teacher not tell you that you were smart enough? Did your father not hold you enough?”

She slapped him again. “I can do this all day. Careful what comes out of your mouth next.”

Her ring caught his lip this time and made it bleed. He wiped his face revealing fresh blood, and she saw it and handed him a handkerchief. “I don’t need to justify my actions to you or anyone else. I am here to ensure the survival of this county.”

“Well with twenty-three dead, sounds like you’re off to a great start.” He then quickly slapped his own cheek, seeing her raise her hand. “Just figured I’d do it for you.”

That got a chuckle out of her.

She sniffed the air and smoothed out her jacket as they arrived at the hospital. It was strange to see the same woman that had harmed so many, go out of her way to make sure he received medical attention for a small gash. After getting butterfly stitches, he was cleaned up and released back into her care.

When he came downstairs he noticed there were far more deputies outside, and throughout the hospital. “Still here?” Johnson asked. “I figured you’d be planning your next massacre.”

She eyed him with contempt.

“So many deputies. I must be a flight risk.”

“It’s come to my attention that one of the Rikers is being treated here. Dylan Riker. If they do return, I’m sure they will come here. When they do, we’ll be ready.”

“Sounds peachy. Where’s the popcorn? I’d love to watch the show.”

He enjoyed winding her up as a deputy led him back to the truck. “Though they would have to be pretty stupid to come back here, you know, with all the people you have working for you, cops, Boone’s men and the community.”

“Look, I know you think what I did was wrong.”

“Oh, feeling guilty now, are we?” he said settling into his seat. “A little late, Rachel.”

“What I’m trying to do is help this community.”

“And you think that requires killing some of their loved ones?”

“Collateral damage. It happens every year throughout the world.”

“Well I’m glad you’ve made peace with yourself. I would hate to think you’re losing sleep over it,” he said sarcastically. “That could affect your looks.”

“Why do you insist on pushing my buttons when I could have you put back in the cargo box? Instead I brought you here. You’ve been looked after, have you not?”

“Very well, thank you.”


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