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His face was round, with chubby baby cheeks, and a patch of hair below his lower lip. Otto pitied anyone that had to deal with this creature on a regular basis. He’d rather take his chances with the undead.

“Marius, my friend, so good to see you again.” Hu, his voice a high, grating squeal, bowed a fraction, just enough to show respect.

“Minister,” Marius said. “How stand matters at court?”

“The same as always. My genius remains unacknowledged.” Hu glanced from Marius to Otto and back. “Is he the solution to our problem?”

“Indeed. We’re ready to move at any time.”

A ripple ran through the ether.

Otto didn’t know what spell was unleashed, but something just happened.

He stood and slowly drew his sword. “What have you done?”

“I’m sure I don’t—”

Otto put the tip of his mithril blade under Hu’s chin. “Don’t lie to me, you miserable sack of excrement.”

Jet and Marius both scrambled to their feet.

“Otto, what are you doing?” Jet asked.

“Have you lost your mind?” Marius added.

Otto never took his eyes off of Hu. “Didn’t you feel the ether shift? Someone cast a spell, a strong one. Since it happened right after this pig arrived, well, let’s just say I don’t believe in coincidences.”

“I’m sorry,” Hu blubbered. “One of my aides grew suspicious and followed me. The lords know everything. They came to my office. Made me agree to help.”

There was an explosion outside.

“If you surrender, your execution will be painless,” Hu said. “They promised me so.”

The sounds of battle grew louder by the second.

Otto flicked his wrist, cutting Hu’s throat from ear to ear. “We need to go.”

As he said it, a squad of soldiers burst into the sitting room.

Otto didn’t even think.

Threads lashed out, slicing the men to ribbons.

“How do we get out of here?” he asked.

“The basement or the front door,” Jet said.

Shouts came from the front of the house. Whoever was outside must have realized their comrades had been eliminated.

“I don’t recommend the front,” Otto said.

“We can’t use the basement either,” Marius said. “If they find the temple, the cult is finished here.”

Otto swore, turned to the wall, and conjured spinning threads of ether that sliced a disk out of the wall. Outside, another squad of soldiers waited in the yard.

Marius thrust a hand out and a black mist of corrupt ether rose up from around the men’s boots. An instant later they started to scream. An instant after that they melted into puddles of black sludge.

“Where now?” Otto asked.

“This way.” Jet led them away from the warehouse toward the city proper.

This didn’t seem like the best way to go, but given his complete lack of knowledge regarding the area, he had no choice but to follow. Marius didn’t complain either so her choice must have suited him.

Shouts rose behind them.

He risked a look back. Three squads led by a tall figure swathed from head to toe in crimson robes were headed their way. From the way the ether swirled around the tall one, Otto figured it was one of the Lords of Alchemy. Whatever magic he sensed must have come from this one.

They only had a modest lead and the soldiers were gaining quickly.

Marius pointed behind them and the black mist rose again.

The lord countered, throwing a vial that shattered in the center of the corruption. White mist formed, canceling out the demon magic.

“Astaroth take all the lords!” Marius said.

Otto would have happily seconded that had he breath to spare for curses.

They had covered two blocks and the neighborhood grew worse with each stride. Behind them, the soldiers had reduced the gap by half. They needed more than that if they hoped to escape.

“How much further?” Otto gasped.

“Not much,” Jet said. “But I don’t want to lead them to our safe house.”

Otto scanned the streets, searching for inspiration. It struck a moment later. A rickety balcony hung over an alley ahead of them.

“Turn right up ahead,” Otto said.

To her credit Jet didn’t hesitate.

They turned and ran down the alley.

The moment they passed under the balcony, Otto sliced it free and sent it crashing down behind them. Hopefully it crushed a few soldiers, but even if it only increased their lead, it would be worthwhile.

After leaving the alley, Jet led them down side streets home only to rats and sunken-eyed men and women that looked more dead than alive. Otto had never seen anyone that looked as wretched as those lost souls.

“More of your followers?” Otto asked.

Marius scowled. “Hardly. Even my lord’s creations have more will than these soulless dogs.”

“They’re addicts,” Jet said with more sympathy in her voice than Otto had expected. “The lords outlaw alchemical drugs, but that doesn’t stop anyone that wants some from getting a fix. I chose this place because the locals are so far gone they wouldn’t be able to answer a question if asked.”

Otto glanced back but there was no sign of pursuit. It seemed his efforts had thrown them off the trail. Thank heaven for that. Nothing else had gone their way tonight.

Jet stopped in front of a tenement with a rickety fire escape bolted to it. “This is us.”

Otto eyed the rungs of the fire escape. “Ladies first.”

“I didn’t take you for a coward,” Marius said.

“You’re already dead. I have a lot to live for. I’ll fight anyone without blinking, but crashing to my death in a heap of rusty iron doesn’t appeal to me.”

“Relax.” Jet started up the ladder and it didn’t so much as creak. “It’s been reinforced then aged to blend in. No need to worry.”

Otto shrugged and followed her. On the third floor they ducked through a window. He conjured a light and blinked in surprise. The safe house, while certainly not fancy, had everything they needed to be comfortable: plain, sturdy furniture, an iron stove for cooking. All in all, far better than Otto had dared hope for from the outside.

“What now?” Otto asked.

“Now we wait.” Marius dropped into the chair. “Word will reach my followers and soon they will contact me. Once we know

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