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Book online «The Heart of Alchemy James Wisher (book recommendations TXT) 📖». Author James Wisher

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confidence we will accomplish our mutual goals. Shall we sit and talk?”

Otto moved around the table and pulled her chair out for her before seating himself. With a thought, a bubble of ether surrounded them preventing anyone from listening in.

“So, from what I’ve heard, getting into the empire is a daunting proposition. How can you accomplish it?”

She smiled, revealing perfect white teeth. “Simple. I’m a registered merchant. I can come and go pretty much as I please. When we reach the wall, you’ll have to hide in a special compartment. Once we’re across, you’ll be in danger of execution every moment should you be found. As will I and all those with us.”

“Risky. What did the Cult of Astaroth have to offer a beautiful, obviously rich woman to convince you to put everything you have in danger?”

“I am all those things, but time will eventually claim everything that I have. Astaroth offers eternal life to all those that serve him. You spent time with Lady White?”


“She is beautiful as well.”

“Very,” Otto agreed.

“She is also over two centuries old. Her heart hasn’t beat for most of that time. Her demonic servants grant her immense power.” A hungry look came over her. “I want that power for myself. Rich as I am, I’m still weak compared to imperial officers. If I say or do the wrong thing, it could all be taken away. If we succeed, my place in the Immortal Circle is assured. I will gamble everything on that.”

Otto didn’t know what the Immortal Circle was, but he assumed it was some high office in the Cult of Astaroth. He also didn’t doubt Jet’s sincerity. The woman was as determined as Otto himself.

That made him feel considerably better about putting his fate in her hands.

Chapter 36

After their meeting, Otto set out with Jet’s caravan the next day. He traveled light, carrying only the clothes on his back, his mithril sword, and a modest sum of gold. Everything else he left on the ship under Axel’s supervision. There was enough wealth in the hold to resupply them several times over, so he had no fear that the others would have problems on that front. Surviving the madness that was Port Han was another matter altogether.

Given their considerable skills, he felt certain Hans and Axel would manage. Should worst come to worst, Corina’s magic would be an important asset as well. He said a silent prayer to any angel that might be listening that they avoided serious trouble.

“You look lost in thought,” Jet said.

They were seated side by side on the bench of the center wagon of her modest caravan. The journey to the border took three days so he wouldn’t have to hide for a while. Having seen the tiny smuggling compartment, he was happy to avoid it for as long as possible.

“Just worried about my people in Port Han. That is a city unlike any I have ever visited.”

She offered a bright smile. “There are certainly none like it in the Celestial Empire. The lords and ministers all desire order and control. Anything that interferes with that gets dealt with. Harshly.”

“When you say lords, you mean the Lords of Alchemy?”

She blinked in surprise. “You’ve heard of them? I’m surprised. Few outside of the empire would recognize their name. Yes, the lords are the true power in the empire since Lord Xi Cheng died. The emperor, may he rule for a thousand—”

Jet stopped in midsentence and spat over the side of the wagon. “Excuse me. I hate myself every time I repeat that stupid expression. He may sit on the throne, but that’s all he’s in charge of.”

Replacing a minister made more sense now, especially if they were the ones that wielded real power. “Are there many others who feel as you do?”

“Not that many. The empire has run this way for thousands of years. The majority are content with the current system and those who aren’t have already been either executed or driven out. Only those able to hide their true feelings and work within to undermine the system remain. But with your help, we will finally make our first decisive move.”

Otto glanced at the guards marching alongside the wagons. They didn’t so much as flinch at her seditious words.

“Don’t worry,” Jet said. “Everyone that is a part of my caravan is also a member of the cult. Their loyalty to Astaroth and our mission is absolute.”

Otto nodded, only somewhat relieved. In his experience, you could never rule out a spy or traitor in your midst.

“What, exactly, is the plan? Lady White was a little vague on the details.”

“The goal is simple.” They had fallen a little behind the lead wagon, so Jet flicked the reins prompting the mules to pick up the pace. “One of our members has worked his way up to second minister of the interior, a powerful position that oversees the day-to-day operations of the peacekeepers. Once his immediate superior is eliminated, he will move into the fifth highest post in the empire.”

“And you need me to kill this minister?” Otto asked.

“He is protected every moment by a force of twelve, totally loyal guards, the finest warriors in the empire. An ordinary assassin would have no hope of success, but a wizard is another matter. You can kill him from a mile away and no one will know.”

That was a bit of an exaggeration, but not a huge one. “Surely someone so important will have at least one wizard among his guards.”

“Wizardry of the sort you know is frowned upon. Those born with the ability to see the ether are trained as alchemists and eventually join the lords. It’s their way of controlling a potential threat.”

So even here wizards were treated as second-class citizens with no real control over their fate. He would have dearly liked to help those that wished for a different life, but had neither the time nor the power to do so, not yet anyway.

“And what is it you wish us

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