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Book online «Cursed: Out of Ash and Flame E.C. Farrell (100 best novels of all time TXT) 📖». Author E.C. Farrell

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low-level guard with a superiority complex. Especially if Iris isn’t even inside.

Two suits stand on either end of the doors. No signs of what brand of paranormal they might be. Either they’re wearing excellent charms, or they don’t have any outward tells. Neither are carrying guns either. Which means they trust their magic or physical might more than a human weapon.

This is going to take a bit of savvy and a whole lot of calm.

Smoothing my hands over my shirt — and hoping to the Fates I don’t have too much ash on my face — I pull my ID out of the backpack and march straight up to the front doors. “Bounty Hunter Fee Vein here to see Iris Smith,” I say, flashing the card. “Here to speak with her about a case.”

Both guards turn their heads to look at each other ever so slightly. My pulse kicks up a notch. Though looked down on, bounty hunters are still official positions that earn a small amount of respect. In theory, this should get me inside, even if Yaritza beat us here.

The taller of the two — a guy whose bushy brows threaten to overtake the top of his aviators — extends a hand. I slip my ID into it, a vein in my neck pounding, and scan the sidewalk with my peripherals. Impatience lights up my muscles. They tense to run, to fight, to do anything necessary to get to Iris and convince her to call off her bounty on Max.

I press the bottoms of my shoes into the ground to keep from swaying between my feet as the guard studies my ID. Wind whips through my hair. Sweat gathers on my palms and drips down my lower back. The minutes rush by and impatience stokes sarcasm in my brain.

What? Doesn’t he know how to read? There’s no reason he should be suspicious about my ID, he’s just on a power trip. I bite into the tip of my tongue to keep my mouth shut. Making this guy mad isn’t going to get me inside any faster.

Finally, the guard gives it back to me. “Check in with reception. They’ll contact Ms. Smith for you.”

Relief soothes some of the jitters running through me. I take back my card, and speed walk with as much decorum as possible through the doors. White, marble pillars and a wax-shined floor reflect the sun pouring in through the front windows and catch my reflection as I pick up my pace on the way to the front desk.

A young woman wearing rainbow print suspenders slides her glasses to the end of her nose when I approach, looking at me over the rims as I repeat the ID process. She folds her arms on the desk and rests her weight on them.

“Is this about her brother?” She asks under her breath, a muscle in her cheek twitching. “It’s been so long, most of us figure he’s not coming back, or that he can’t come back. It took us years to convince her to have a witch use an object that belonged to him to try and speak with the dead. For a long time, she refused to accept that possibility. Did you ... find a body?”

“I’m afraid I can’t disclose the details to anyone but Ms. Smith,” I say, fighting a million expressions that want to take control of my face.

When in doubt, claim confidentiality.

“Understood.” The woman straightens and closes her eyes. “I’ll message her to see where she is.”

It can’t be this easy, I think, sliding my ID into my back pocket. Nothing is ever this easy.

The air ripples with magic and silvery light slips along the woman’s lashes. Her lips move faintly, then wrinkles cut lines across her forehead. I tighten my grip on my backpack straps, wishing I’d learned a mind reading spell. If Yaritza already contacted Iris and confirmed I’d run off with Max, she might try to have me arrested. Or worse.

One of the woman’s hands whips out and I barely duck a binding spell. It shoots over my head, ricocheting off one of the pillars before dying out. Growling at the back of my throat, I throw up a shield to deflect a second attack, then sprint for the nearest door. A third spell hits the floor to my left as I turn the knob.

Shock crackles through me when it actually gives, and I burst into a stairwell. Safely behind a wall, I transfer my shield to the lock, then shift into my phoenix form and travel up, aiming for the roof exit. At this speed, I find it quickly, coming up short when I see it standing wide open.

I change back into human form to peek out onto the roof before charging right into another possible attack. A platinum blonde strides away from the door. Iris Smith. Flames lick her fingertips. Phoenix flames. As her arms shift into wings, I spring out of the hallway, shouting her name.

Iris pauses and turns to face me, eyes hard. “You. You’re the one who tried to keep me from getting justice.”

I lift my hands. “Trying to stop you from taking revenge on an innocent person.”

Flapping her wings, Iris lifts off the ground, the fire casting light across her freckled face. “Innocent?” She scoffs. “I’m surprised Yaritza works with someone so gullible. I don’t plan on falling into the same pitfall.”

With that, she transforms completely, then soars off the roof and away from the Tribunal Building.

Clenching my fists, I sprint to the spot she just left. Against every driving force inside me, I stop and dig the crystal out of my backpack. I could easily give chase, but if I lose her, having the ability to scry will be vital. Which means I need her vibrations.

I mumble a spell and my sight shifts. Layers of color tremble in the space Iris just abandoned, colors like phoenix feathers. Blues bleed into oranges and finally to brilliant gold. Reaching out, I sweep my fingers through

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