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Book online «Cursed: Out of Ash and Flame E.C. Farrell (100 best novels of all time TXT) 📖». Author E.C. Farrell

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around Yaritza. Her eyes mist over, and she sways. As she presses the tips of her fingers against her tattoo, Iris sprints toward us, still half shifted into her phoenix form. Back teeth clenched, I send a pulse of magic toward her with my free hand, only keeping my original spell in place with the shell’s help.

Iris dodges. Her face twists in fury and she fully transforms, claws scraping the space above our heads in an attempt to break through. I flinch away from her attack. Fear needles across my skin, my new mortality sewing a new thread of terror into my heart. Heat pulses through the air. Sweat soaks the back of my shirt and my muscles shake.

Yaritza finishes mumbling the spell and the cuff on Max’s arm lights up. With sluggish movements, he tears it off, then reaches for me. Color bleeds out of his face and his hand drops inches before touching mine. Panicked, I suck in a breath and shift, hoping I’m fast enough to grab him with my talons when I drop my shield.

As both our spells die, Iris dives for Max. I snap at her with my beak and send fire toward Yaritza. Somehow, I have to stay alive and unbroken. This time, there are no take backs, no resets. Dead will be dead, and Max will be left unconscious and without any defense.

Iris lets out a loud screech, clawing at my face, trying to steer me away from Max. Yaritza ducks under our spreading fire and scrambles toward her knives. My one hope is that she won’t be able to tell the difference between Iris and me. Our distinctive markings shouldn’t be apparent in the midst of our chaotic battle.

Flaming feathers fly. Blood splatters the ground. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Yaritza sprint toward Max, brandishing her knives. Though it will give me away, I twist away from Iris and go for Yaritza’s eyes. She shrinks from my attack with a rage-filled scream. One of her sleeves ignites and gray blood flushes her face.

Hovering over Max, I spin, taking a small hunk out of Iris’ feathered neck, then cast another wave of fire at Yaritza. This time, she slumps to one knee, the heat finally getting to her. I dart at her head, slamming into the side of it with my beak hard enough to knock her prone.

She doesn’t get up.

Then talons rake deep into my back. Pain lances through me and I slip out of phoenix form, crumpling to my elbows and knees next to Max. Iris shifts. Wild-eyed, she pulls her own dagger from a pocket in her jacket and lifts it overhead.

In one last ditch effort to protect Max, I lunge in front of him. Iris’ blade slams into the right side of my chest. Pain screams through me as my legs threaten to give out. With a choking sound, Iris draws back, releasing a stream of blood from my wound. It soaks my shirt and the waistband of my jeans.

Unshed tears dampen Iris’ lashes. She covers her mouth with her free hand as I press one of mine into the wound. Knees shaking, I stand firmly in place, watching for a second attack. This clearly surprised her. I can read the regret plain as anything on her face. Maybe it’s enough to shock her out of this vendetta.

Then she lifts the knife again. “Get out of my way.”

Terror plows through me. I’ve died so many times, suffered so many broken bones, gunshot wounds, blood loss, but this is different. If I can’t convince Iris to let go of her revenge on Max before I bleed out, I don’t get another chance. This might be game over for both of us.

Adding pressure to the deep gash, I widen my stance further, fighting to stay upright even as darkness edges in on my vision. “You don’t want to do this.”

“I certainly don’t want to hurt you. But him ... It’s the only way I’ll ever get justice,” Iris says in a shaking hiss. “You heard what Yaritza said. It’s impossible to find Aline. She killed my brother. Maybe she didn’t do the actual deed, but she might as well have pushed him over that cliff when she was done with him. He was all alone. Like an addict cut off without anyone to help him. Someone has to pay for that.”

“I know.” I straighten as much as my bleeding body will allow even as my energy plummets. “I know what it’s like to not get justice, but I also know what it’s like to suffer for a wrong another person did. Please don’t take this out on someone innocent of the crime you want justice for.”

“No one’s innocent.” Iris’ voice falls to a whisper and the dagger in her hand jerks slightly.

I sniff, fighting tears from panic and pain, battling to stay conscious. “Maybe not, but Max isn’t the one who took your brother. He’s not guilty of that crime. Killing him won’t be real justice and you know it.”

A tremor runs through Iris’ body. “At least it’s something.”  She tightens her grip on her dagger.

Max stirs behind me with a small groan. “You’re right,” he says. “I’m not innocent.”

I shift my eyes to him, but don’t fully look away from Iris. “Max—”

“It’s okay.” He draws in a labored breath. “I was there when my mom was with Joel. He was a really nice guy. The nicest one she ever brought home. When he disappeared I should’ve done something. I was young but I should have tried to help him, tried to find him. So, I am guilty.”

No warmth fills the room and my heart scrambles for my throat. Weak or not, Max could so easily use his magic to get out of this, compel Iris to stop, but for whatever reason, he’s refusing to do so. Maybe he really does believe what he’s saying. Maybe he does believe he’s guilty.

Knees weak, I swivel my focus between

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