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Book online «Cross My Heart Elizabeth Morgan (novels for beginners TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author Elizabeth Morgan

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think yourealize what you’re doing.”

“What’s new?”

“Than.” She grabbed myshoulders. “This isn’t a joke.”

The sight of moistureclouding her eyes took me by surprise. I knew she wouldn’t bethrilled at the idea, but the sight of concern etched on her facebrough reality crashing down once more. The bit of adrenalin, orwhatever the heck it was, that had filled me since we’d steppedinto this basement seemed to disappear.

“Elle, I’ve just foundout that I was changed just so they could have my sperm so thatthey can inject it into some female wolves and create littlemonsters.” My head was spinning again. “This is all fucking insane.I’m unwillingly going t’father a ton of bastards with women whohave no say over it. Who are being violated t’make something amillion times worse than Vampire or Werewolves or whatever the hellelse is out there. From the moment I was changed, I no longer had apurpose. I have no life. I have nothing.”

“Things you alreadyknew.”

Perhaps, but it wasstill hard to hear, to digest. Even after seven weeks of being oneof the undead.

“What were youexpecting to learn?”

I didn’t know. Wouldthere have been an explanation that would have made me feel 
better? Would I have felt better knowing that they were justgoofing around and me and Freddie had just been the unlucky pick ofthe draw?

No explanation wouldhave been okay. No explanation would have made me feel better.Listening to the worry in Elle’s voice as she told Graham what adumb idea it had been for them to kill all the Vampires—even thoughthey deserved it—had been the only thing that had made sense overthese last few weeks.

The Pack had gone anddone something that would affect Elle’s life. Not just her life,but her entire family’s, and that wasn’t okay with me. Her life wasridiculous to begin with. Ridiculous and fucking dangerous, andthese idiots had gone and caused bigger problems. Shit was going toget political, and although I wasn’t exactly one who knew the insand outs of politics, I had watched enough gangster films to knowthat another crew moving in on someone else’s turf was nobetter.

“Except for theknowledge that I have been used to harm so many. I can’t deal withthat, Elle. I can’t stand here and do nothing. Remain fuckinguseless.”

“You’re not useless.”Her arms fell to her side. “And you’re wrong.”

A dry laugh escapedme. “What’s new?”

Her attention moved tothe floor. “You have me.”

I almost missed thewords.

“No, I don’t.” Iunfolded my arms and took hold of her hands. “This is your world,and you have your purpose. You have a job to be getting on with.” Ishrugged. “I need to find my purpose as this is my 
 life now.Maybe it isn’t being Colony Leader. Maybe I should do what Lestatdid in Queen of the Damned and become a rock star.”

“Be serious.”

I gave her asmile.

“This is the only wayI can help correct all this shite that’s being inflicted oninnocent people.” I squeezed her hands. “The only way I see myselfbeing useful to you.”

A line formed at thebridge of her nose. “You don’t need to—”

“And them.” I noddedtoward the Werewolves. “There’s got to be a reason I’m here,right?”

Even if it wasn’t, itwould do for now. If it would help keep her just that extra bitsafer, it was all the reason I needed.

“God, I’m goingt’throw up.”

She took a deep breathand exhaled. “I get it, but I don’t like this.”

“Join the club.” I letgo of her hands. “This is the least I can do for you, Elle. So letme.” I wandered back to Carter and Dante. “So, what do you say,frenemies?”

Carter stared at meblankly. “What the hell is a frenemy?”

“Friend slashenemy.”

“I think acquaintanceis better.” Graham held the same blank look on his face.

I shrugged.“Acquaintance it is.”

“We need to discussthis further.” Carter glanced at Dante.

“Agreed. I think it isimportant we sit and figure out what is best for our Pack and whatthis could mean.”

“I think we need tofigure out how this can be beneficial to us all,” I stated.

“Agreed. However, nowis not the time.” Carter stood and glanced in the direction ofMichael. “We still have business to wrap up.”

“Fair enough. When’sbest to continue this chat?”

“Are you available tomeet here tomorrow evening to cement this agreement?” Dante stoodand handed me the folder.

“Yeah, we willbe.”

I arched an eyebrow asElle stopped beside me.

“I can’t even thinkabout going home until Heather gets back. So, I guess the least Ican do is go back to London with you and make sure you don’t getkilled in the first five minutes of you being challenged by a tonof Leeches.”

I wrapped my armaround her shoulders. “You’re the bestest best friend a Vampirecould have.”

She shook her head.“Jesus, give me strength.”

“Tomorrow it is,then.” I took hold of Carter’s outstretched hand. His grip was bonecrushing as we shook. My entire arm had grown tense under thepressure, but I kept a smile on my face.

“Well, dickless, itlooks like you’re playing with the big boys now.”


Dante had actuallydrafted a contract. This guy was definitely the brains behind thePack. The one who made sure everything was done properly.

The agreement wassimple.

No attacking,murdering of changing victims, unless they asked to be turned.

No kidnapping orexperimenting on humans or Werewolves, or well, any livingcreature.

Any information thatmay affect the Pack would be passed on and vice versa.

If any Vampire fromother Colonies came to claim the UK, I was to fight them off.

If any Vampires cameto seek revenge on the Werewolves, I was to find a diplomaticsolution that was agreeable to the Pack, and if that failed, I andwhoever I had with me was to help chase them away.

It was pretty simpleand straightforward as contracts went. We just needed to be civilwith one another. Something that would be easy for me, but onlytime would tell where the Wolves were concerned.

Alcander—who I hadbriefly met at the Colony Nest during ‘maintenance’—was to be myfirst point of contact for the Pack as he lived in London, and hewould have full permission to come into the Nest. He was a quietfellow with long black hair, dark eyes, and olive skin. He didn’tspeak much, but the bits that I caught were tainted with anaccent.

The one

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