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Book online «Gone: A Shadow Slayers Story (Shadow Slayers Stories Book 3) Nellie Steele (if you liked this book .TXT) 📖». Author Nellie Steele

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joining the group. “Ah, Buckley, enjoying the party?”

“Yes. We were just thanking your gracious wife for securing an invitation for us. May I introduce my cousins, Michael and Damien Carlyle? I believe you have already met Grayson.” Alexander motioned toward Michael and Damien.

Marcus nodded his head toward them but did not extend his hand. “A pleasure,” he stated, his voice filled with anything but. “If you gentlemen would excuse us. Darling, the Williamsons are asking after you. We should speak with them.”

“Of course,” Celine responded. “Good evening, gentlemen.”

Damien shook his head as she departed. “It’s just too weird,” he said.

“What?” Gray questioned.

“To them, her behavior is strange,” Alexander explained. “They noted a similar scenario after we called on her.”

“She acts nothing like the Celine we know,” Michael added.

Gray followed her with his eyes. “She is quite lovely,” he commented.

“Careful, cousin,” Alexander warned. “She is a married woman with a powerful husband.”

“Not if we can help it,” Damien replied.

“What?” Alexander questioned.

“She’s not supposed to be married to him! We deem this is what we’re here to do. We’ve been trying to recall for days how we got here and why we’re here. And that’s what we’ve come up with. We believe we’re supposed to right the course of history. Get Celine away from that maniac and with Gray, like she’s supposed to be.”

“You two are mad!” Alexander answered. “I think we’d better be going.”

“No way, uh-uh,” Damien argued. “I’m not going anywhere. Not until we do what we’ve set out to do.” He turned to Gray. “Ask her to dance.”

“What?” Gray responded. “I couldn’t possibly.”

“I agree. It calls too much attention,” Alexander agreed.

“Fine. I’ll do it then,” Damien said. “We’ve got to make friends with her somehow!” He strode to Celine. Alexander, Michael and Gray watched in astonishment as he approached her.

Damien bowed and addressed Celine, “Duchess Northcott, might I have the pleasure of a dance? As a thank you for the invitation.”

Celine glanced at him. A confused expression passed over her face before she gave a slight smile and offered her hand. He led her to the dance floor. She curtsied to him and he bowed to her. They began to waltz. Damien had limited knowledge of the dance but tried his best to pass himself off as an expert. He cringed as he stepped on her toes time and time again.

“This is quite an interesting thank you, Mr. Carlyle.”

“Sorry,” he mumbled.

“You really are quite terrible at this,” Celine answered, laughing. He twirled her before they curtsied to each other. “Do they not dance in America?”

“It’s very different,” Damien assured her.

“I’m not surprised,” she responded as they finished their dance. They applauded. She thanked Damien for the dance, and he assured her the pleasure was all his. They left the dance floor with Damien returning to Michael, Gray and Alexander and Celine returning to Marcus.

“What was all that about?” Marcus inquired as she returned.

“A thank you for the invitation.”

“I’m surprised your toes survived his thank you.”

“He is quite clumsy, although charming in an odd sort of way,” Celine responded.

“Charming? The champagne must have gone to your head, my dear. Now, might you care for a dance with a real man?” He extended his hand to her.

She laughed, accepting his invitation and allowing him to lead her to the dance floor.

“Are you crazy?” Michael asked when Damien returned.

“No. At least I’m trying something!” Damien answered.

“Don’t look here. I’m not dancing with her, no way,” Michael responded with a shake of his head.

“That was quite a bold move,” Alexander agreed.

“Plus, you’re a terrible dancer,” Gray added.

“Yes, I know. So do her toes. It would have been better had you asked her,” Damien answered.

Gray rolled his eyes. “Perhaps later. She’s dancing with her husband now.”

The foursome continued to observe the party as it unfolded. Eventually, Gray found the opportunity to invite Celine for a dance. The two floated around the dance floor. Celine wore a wide grin for the entire dance. She laughed and appeared much more like the carefree Celine Michael and Damien were familiar with.

As they danced, Marcus approached Michael, Damien and Alexander. “Mister,” he paused, “Carlyle, was it?” he asked, addressing Damien.

Damien cleared his throat, swallowing hard. The Duke was as unnerving in this time as he was in any other. “Yes, Damien Carlyle. That’s correct.”

“What an interesting dance technique you possess.”

“I’m a little rusty,” Damien admitted. “But I wanted to thank her for arranging our invitation.”

“What business did you say you’re in?”

“Ship-building,” Damien replied, recalling this was the business of the Buckleys.

“Ship-building, of course. Perhaps we shall run into one another in our business dealings.”

“Perhaps,” Damien answered, wishing the conversation would end.

“I’d like to get better acquainted, particularly given your obvious interest in my wife.” The music ended, and the dancers applauded. With that, Marcus stalked away to retrieve Celine from the dance floor.

“Oh, man, now you made him mad,” Michael lamented. “What were you thinking pulling a stunt like that?” he questioned.

“Yes, I agree,” Alexander echoed as Gray rejoined them. “You’re all over his… what was it you said? Radar?”

“Yeah, yeah. I realize that. But I had to do something. We can’t just stand here while history goes haywire and do nothing!”

“I judge it is time we leave,” Alexander suggested.

“No, we can’t leave now. We must stay and determine if we can learn anything to help us!” Damien insisted.

“This is quite unwise,” Alexander warned.

“I’m inclined to agree,” Gray chimed in. “But I wouldn’t mind staying,” he said as his eyes followed Celine around the room.

“You are all daft,” Alexander declared.

As the party continued, Michael and Damien noticed Stefano slip in through a side door. “Look!” Damien exclaimed, nodding his head toward the man.

“Yeah, I see him. What’s he doing here?” Michael inquired.

Stefano threaded through the guests, approaching Marcus. He touched his elbow, whispering a few words to him. Marcus nodded and answered him. He approached Celine, who was speaking with Lady Blackburn and her daughter. He spoke a few words to the group, leading Celine

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