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back. You’ll spend your life wishing you’d hung on to one good thing and allowed yourself to be happy for a change.”

“I’m happy, Raven. What more can I ask for? I have friends and a successful business…too successful, judging by our growth.”

“You have one friend. Me. Not that you couldn’t have more, but you never leave the house. And Wolf Lake Consulting allows you to hide behind your work and push people away.”

Chelsey bit her lip. She wanted to scream, to tell Raven to get the hell out and never come back. Chelsey’s hidden fears and frustrations wilted her. Where did the tears come from? It seemed she’d held them back for years, and now the dam burst.

“You don’t understand what it’s like,” Chelsey said, choking out each word. “I didn’t want to live anymore. You think I asked for my depression, that I wanted to lose my friends and family, and go to sleep at night wishing I wouldn’t wake up again?”

“My mother used to get her fix from a pusher outside the news stand in Harmon. Now she won’t read the newspaper when I bring it home, because in her cluttered head, she relates newspapers to heroin addiction.”

“What does this have to do with me?”

“You’re afraid, Chelsey. I don’t know why I didn’t recognize it until now. You associate Thomas with the nightmare you lived through. The same way you associate your high school friends and family with depression. It’s not fair what happened to you. But you let depression win with every pig-headed decision you make. In that stubborn head of yours, you believe letting Thomas into your life will open the door to depression again. That the medication and years of therapy won’t stem the tide.”

Chelsey’s head fell to her chest. It became difficult to hear Raven over her sobs.

“But you don’t need to be afraid. I’m here for you, and I sure as hell won’t let depression attack you again. Not on my watch.”

“I won’t go back to those days. I’m not strong enough to beat it a second time.”

“Give yourself a little credit. You’re stronger than anyone I know. But you don’t have to face the enemy without an army standing behind you. Let us in, Chelsey. We love you.”

Raven patted Chelsey’s hand and stood.

“It’s late…or early, I suppose. I’m going home and getting some sleep. Think about what I said. See you this afternoon, all right?”


Raven paused at the door, indecision and a sense of duty preventing her from leaving.

“You’re not alone.”

“I know.”

But after Raven turned down the hallway, Chelsey hadn’t felt so alone in years.


Sunday, July 19th

11:50 a.m.


The sun snapped Raven’s eyes open. She glanced around in confusion, expecting to see her bedroom and not recognizing the surroundings. For a fleeting second, she thought she was trapped inside the farmhouse with Damian Ramos and Mark Benson.

Then Darren emerged from the kitchen with two mugs of coffee and set hers beside the bed. He’d brought Raven back to the cabin after an endless night. After she’d ensured Chelsey would make a full recovery, Darren drove her to the sheriff’s department. Two hours of questioning later, the sun was up, and all she wanted was to crash in the closest bed.

“What time is it?” she asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

“Almost noon.”

She jolted and sat up.

“Why didn’t you wake me? My mother has been alone since—”

He set a hand on her shoulder.

“Calm down. After you fell asleep, I drove to your house and drank coffee with your mother. She’s fine.”

“Thank goodness,” she said, setting a hand over her chest. She tilted her head at his mug. “How much coffee did you drink today?”

“Too much. I’m so wired, I could power half the village.”

“You didn’t tell Mom what happened, I hope.”

“She would have heard about it on the news. Don’t worry. I made it sound less scary than it was.”

Raven picked at her nails. Battling the ropes and smacking Damian across the head hadn’t done her manicure any favors.

“I assume Ramos and Benson didn’t murder Cecilia Bond and Lincoln Ramsey.”

“No. But while you were at the farmhouse, the killer struck again. Twice. She murdered Kay Ramsey and Garrick Tillery.”


“Thea Barlow.”

“I don’t recognize that name.”

“She works at St. Mary’s church and knew the victims. Thomas shot Barlow after she broke inside his parents’ house and tried to kill Mason Shepherd.”

Raven leaned her head against the pillow and closed her eyes.

“Good lord, that’s horrible. Thomas must be a mess.”

Darren pressed his lips together and glanced away.

“You see how he is. He’s the first to help anyone in need. But he hides his emotions.”

“Reminds me of someone we know. If Chelsey and Thomas don’t work out their issues, I’m gonna slap them silly.”

He laughed and touched her face.

“I was so worried about you.”

Her hand closed over his.

“Well, you found me. And you better not let me get away next time.”

He waggled his eyebrows.


She punched his shoulder.

“Speaking of getting away, whatever happened to Damian Ramos?”

“State police caught him wandering back to the farmhouse. He had a fat lump on his forehead after you rocked his bells. Once they put the spotlight on him, he sang like a bird. He’s locked inside the county jail with Mark Benson.”

“Good. He’s a creep, and Sadie Moreno deserved better.”

Darren held Raven’s hand and stared into her eyes. His stubble was a few days old now, and she wanted to press her cheek against his and stay in bed all day. But she couldn’t leave her mother alone.

“Can I make you breakfast? Or lunch?”

She swung her legs off the mattress and stepped into her shorts.

“I’d better get back to Mom.” After he gave her a disappointed stare, she put a hand against his chest. “How would you like it if I stopped by later?”

“I’d like that a lot.”

Their lips met and lingered as Raven did the math in her head. Take a quick shower, check on Mom, and drop her off at the guest house with LeVar. If she hurried,

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