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Book online «Fatal Mercy Dan Padavona (reading cloud ebooks .txt) 📖». Author Dan Padavona

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Monday, July 20th

11:55 a.m.


Abe Fairbanks, the head lawyer for Shepherd Systems, was a tall, imposing man. His dark, thinning hair slicked across his head. The lawyer sat across the table from Thomas, while Mason Shepherd manned the head of the table. Lindsey Shepherd watched from the doorway with her arms folded. Mason cleared his throat.

“It’s comforting you finally came to your senses, Thomas.”

Without replying, Thomas sat in silence while Fairbanks sifted through a ream of papers. Assessing Thomas through the tops of his eyes, Fairbanks slid a form across the desk.

“If you will sign beside the red X, here and here,” Fairbanks said, pointing with a pen. “The transfer will be complete.”

After Thomas penned his signatures, his mother issued a relieved sigh.

“At last,” Mason said. “You made the right decision. Shepherd Systems will enjoy a better tomorrow with my heir running the company.”

“I’ll do my best.”

Mason sniffed.

“You must do better than your best, Thomas. This is a cutthroat industry, and the competition will come for you after news spreads that I’ve stepped down. But I have faith in you.”

Thomas couldn’t recall the last time his father complimented him. The lawyer extended his hand to Mason, then shook hands with Thomas. After Fairbanks departed, Lindsey Shepherd strode to Mason’s side, helping her husband out of the chair. Mason Shepherd’s frailty grew each day. Yet he still carried an air of authority that intimidated anyone in the same room with him. The Thea Barlow attack had left his parents skittish, their eyes haunted. It would be a long time before Lindsey felt comfortable in her own home.

“When will you announce your retirement from the Nightshade County Sheriff’s Department?” Lindsey asked. “Soon, I hope. It will take weeks to spin you up.”

“I won’t be retiring from the department.”

Thomas’s parents gazed at him without blinking.

“What do you mean, you won’t retire?” Mason growled. “You can’t work two jobs at once, foolish boy.”

“I’m the owner of Shepherd Systems.”


“And as owner, I choose who runs day-to-day operations. As I’ve told you many times, I’m not qualified to run the company. But I will ensure the right person does.”

Mason’s face reddened. His body shook.

“What is the meaning of this? Call Fairbanks into the room, and order him to tear up the contracts.”

“The transfer is official, Father. I promised you Shepherd Systems will reach new heights. You must trust me to run the company as I see fit.”

“You lied to me.”

“No, I didn’t. The best leaders delegate authority and admit when they’re out of their element.”

“You’re the only Shepherd left. Nobody else is qualified.”

“There is one. As CEO and owner, my first task is to name a new company president.” Thomas turned to his mother. “I’d be honored if you accepted the position.”

Her mouth agape, Lindsey glanced from Mason to Thomas.

“You’re naming me president of Shepherd Systems?”

“Why not? You attended Union with Father and hold the same degree. In addition, you’re the only person besides Father who watched Shepherd Systems grow from a tiny startup to a national power. You know all the inner workings.” When Lindsey opened her mouth to protest, Thomas raised a hand. “And you’ll ensure my decisions do justice to Father’s legacy. I’ll need your help if this is to work, Mother.”

Lindsey glanced doubtfully at Mason.

“What do you think of this?”

“Our son pulled a fast one on me. But he’s correct about one thing. You’re the right choice for company president.” Mason straightened his jacket. “Lindsey, you could have run Shepherd Systems in my place.”

Thomas took his mother’s hands in his.

“You’ll make the best president this company has ever seen.”

“But who will run day-to-day operations?” Lindsey asked.

Thomas smiled.

“You’ll meet her soon.”


Monday, July 20th

2:30 p.m.


Chelsey’s arms trembled as she ran the brush through her hair. Staring into the mirror, appraising the ugly gash across her forehead, she daubed makeup beneath her scalp and exhaled. For too long, she’d pushed away anyone who tried to help her, guaranteeing a solitary life.

Guilt clenched her throat when she recalled how she’d treated Thomas at the hospital. How could Chelsey tell Thomas the real reason she wished he’d quit law enforcement? She was convinced something terrible would happen to him and couldn’t face life if Thomas died in the line of duty. Had she not intervened, Jeremy Hyde would have murdered Thomas inside the A-frame, leaving the madman free to stalk up the staircase and slaughter Naomi Mourning and Scout. A shiver ran down Chelsey’s back. It was only a matter of time before Thomas’s luck ran out on him. She refused to lose him again.

She loved him. God, she loved him, and had since they’d held hands at the high school football game—the night he offered his sweatshirt because she was cold, even though it left him exposed to the autumn wind. That was Thomas. Always thinking of others before he cared for himself. And that needed to change. Someone had to watch his back for a change.

She mussed her hair and questioned her reflection. Was she making a wise decision? Her body quaked with hesitancy.

Raven was right. Chelsey needed Thomas in her life. Today, she’d tell him the truth. If he spurned her, she had only herself to blame after the way she’d mistreated him.

Chelsey silenced her phone and slipped it into her purse, not wanting any interruptions. She grabbed the keys and limped to the red Kia Sorrento in the driveway, the rental she was driving until she replaced the totaled Civic. Inside the car, she rechecked her face in the mirror.

To hell with it. No more hiding her scars.

Amid a sea-blue sky, the sun shone upon the village as she turned the Sorrento toward the lake. For the first time in fourteen years, Chelsey was ready for a new beginning. And that started with correcting the worst mistake she’d ever made.

* * *

Thomas couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt this nervous. He wiped his hands on his pants, then set the tray of drinks and snacks beside

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