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Book online «a Pleasure Rites, #1 Ines Johnson (rainbow fish read aloud .txt) 📖». Author Ines Johnson

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He'd seen his fathers fighting over time in the bedroom with his mother. Her door locked while one of them banged at the exterior for entrance. Would this come to a fight?

Jian didn't look adversarial. "We need to prepare her," he said.

He guided Chanyn towards the bed. When she turned, Khial caught a glimpse of the orbs of her ass. His dick, already hard as a rock, strained painfully against his pants. Khial took a step to follow, but Jian's hand stayed him once more. Khial’s glare threatened murder.

The monk, placid as ever, said, "Breathe."

Khial clenched his teeth.

Jian released Chanyn and brought both hands to Khial's shoulders. Khial's instinct was to shove him off. Jian's thumbs rubbed circles at a point on Khial's shoulders and, like magic, the aggression seeped out of Khial.

"I need you to be present, my lord," Jian said quietly, for Khial's ears only. "I need you to have a clear head. We are going to please her first."

The emphasis on her snapped the fog from Khial's mind. A front of shame moved in. He’d gone to Jian for help in making the act pleasurable for Chanyn. In the first minute, he'd let his Neanderthal instincts overpower him.

Jian tilted Khial's head up so that they looked each other in the eye. Khial wondered how this man could allow him access to the woman he so clearly worshipped. But the woman the monk worshipped was Khial's wife, now. Khial allowed Jian access to her. Once more, Khial felt Jian read his mind because what he saw reflected in the monk's dark eyes was gratitude.

Khial leaned into Jian's touch, grateful for the support. He wanted to rest in Jian's embrace for a moment longer, but Jian gave his shoulders a final squeeze and then he turned them both towards Chanyn. She lay on the bed like an offering.

Khial came before the bed and kneeled. Jian went to the other side.

Jian ran his hand over Chanyn's face. It was a move Dain had done to Khial countless times. It signified love and trust. Chanyn closed her eyes, her entire body going to another level of relaxation.

"With men, we need very little preparation other than a wink and a nod," Jian said, a smile in his voice. He nodded at Khial to mimic his motions on Chanyn's body. Khial slowly raised his hands. They shook once more as they hovered over Chanyn.

"Women's bodies are different," Jian continued his lesson. "That tremble in their bodies means that they are mentally open to intimacy. It takes a moment for their pleasure centers to awaken."

Jian's hands moved lightly over Chanyn's body. His fingertips danced across the planes of her body, around the mounds of her breasts, over the peaks of her nipples, up to the hollow of her throat, down into the valley between her thighs.

Khial felt a hand on his own. Chanyn gazed at him, kindness crinkled the corners of her eyes. Khial felt the cage around his heart fracture. Chanyn pulled his hand to her chest. He felt her strong heartbeat. The strength of it scared him. She moved his hand from her heart and brought it to her lips, kissing his fingers lightly. Trust mingled with desire in that smile. She left his hand on her breast and then closed her eyes once more.

Khial's hands traveled the mound and peaks of Chanyn's breasts. Chanyn parted her lips and sighed.

"Very good, Lord Khial. Watch for her responses. Her body will tell you what is pleasing, if you look for the signs."

Khial saw the signs instantly. When he touched her lightly, she trembled, arching up into his hands. When he firmed his touch, her lower body ground into the mattress seeking traction. She was an instrument, her limbs the chords. Khial played her, learning the keys to her melodies.

Jian sat back on his heels and watched Khial's ministrations, a smile of satisfaction on his face. That look of satisfaction made Khial prideful. He'd never been great at school, outside of music. Teachers usually looked at him with disdain. Khial couldn't muster the inclination to care. As a first born and royal, he would never need to do much with his brain. Watching the pride in the monk's eyes made Khial want to ace this examination.

The monk's smile did spread. In mischief. "Excellent job with your hands, my lord. Now, we'll use our mouths."

Both Khial and Chanyn's bodies shuddered. Jian leaned over Chanyn's body, closer to Khial. The monk's hand filled with one of Chanyn's breasts.

"I want you to determine which she likes most." Jian curled his tongue and flicked it lightly over Chanyn's nipple. "A light touch?"

Chanyn's body undulated.

Jian's tongue flattened and traced another trail. "A firm touch?"

Khial leaned into the side of the bed to give his dick some much needed friction.

"Or a bite." Jian's teeth clamped lightly around Chanyn's nipple. Her eyelids strained to her brow. Jian ran a gentle hand down the side of her face. "And remember," he said to Khial, "our intention is to make her beg for mercy."

A look of stubbornness settled over Chanyn's features. The look told them she accepted the challenge, and wouldn't be so easily won.

A smirk lit Jian's face. "You will see, my lord, that the bedroom is the only place where a man has the opportunity to rule a woman."

The monk moved to the base of the bed and settled between Chanyn's thighs. He spread Chanyn's legs wide, then stretched himself out and rested his head on the inside of one thigh as though he planned to stay for a long while.

"Go on, then," Jian nodded to her breast.

Chanyn's eyes narrowed on Khial in challenge. They were on opposite teams. He'd watched her play card games with Dain. Dain was notorious at card games. He loved to win. Khial had never been very competitive. Whenever Dain moved in to make the killer play, he got this look of challenge in his eyes. That was the look in Chanyn's eyes. And suddenly Khial

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