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Book online «The Circadia Chronicles: Omnibus: The Complete Colonization Sci-Fi Series Heather Heckadon (books that read to you .TXT) 📖». Author Heather Heckadon

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waited for the next meeting. I finished up a few things with my current job working for a massive wheat production company. They were sad to hear I would be gone, but understood the adventure and excitement of starting a new world on Circadia. All of my co-workers wished me luck and bid me goodbye over a conference call. It wasn’t the way that I would have preferred to do things, but I didn’t have much choice.

Once everything at work was finished, I had the chance to feel a bit of freedom for once. I was in California with nowhere to be. I used the time to gather my thoughts. The whole situation had been rushed, and I hadn’t even had time to take it all in. I was leaving the planet! It was a bittersweet feeling. Excitement coursed through my veins, but an aching in my chest indicated that I already missed it.

Knowing the meeting was in three days, and that I would be leaving soon, the decision of how to spend my remaining few days was easy. I wanted to connect with nature in a way I hadn’t in a long time. Hiking the local trails just seemed like the thing to do, and what better place to do that than in California?

EACH DAY I WENT OUT hiking, I chose a different trail. I was amazed by how much different everything seemed now that I wasn’t working, and was about to leave everything behind. Every blade of grass, every leaf, every rock seemed more colorful. Every chirp from a bird was music to my ears. The trickling sound of the stream by the path was soothing and safe. Everything was beautiful, and familiar. I immersed myself completely in the wild, sitting beside the trail every mile or so to take it all in.

It made me realize the true beauty of our planet. Everyone was so anxious to see this new world, and so was I, but here on Earth, no one took the time to enjoy all it had to offer. They only complained about what they were lacking. And while I couldn’t wait to leave for Circadia, I knew in my heart that I would be ready to come home as soon as I got there.

Thursday came fast, and suddenly it was an hour before our meeting. I decided to get a fresh smoothie from the local juice shop around the corner from my hotel before heading to the facility. It was the best smoothie I’d ever had, and the quickest I’d ever seen one made. It didn’t take as long as I had planned for, so I still got to the meeting place early. Deciding to go inside while sipping my treat, I waved goodbye to the driver and started walking to the entrance.

A man parallel to me was walking up to the door at the same time. “Hello!” He waved from across the parking lot as we drew closer. “Are you on the ‘ag’ team?”

“Yeah. Hey, I’m Aella Toms. I’m the agronomist. Who are you? I’m dying to meet everyone!”

“Yeah, same here. I’m Smith Greene, the biotechnologist.” He reached out and we shook hands before he opened the door to the facility for me, and we both walked inside.

The echo of the leading officer’s voice could be heard throughout the high ceilings of the place. Walking through the doorway and around the corner, we saw him sitting with Spencer Manning. The two turned to us as we walked in, our footsteps on the tile alerting them to our presence.

“Hey guys! How’s it going? Great to see you!” Spencer gave us a pseudo salute. He gave the impression of being a surfer dude and a cowboy all at the same time. His long, blonde hair curled at the ends and was topped with his cowboy hat. A strange contrast that made for an interesting character. “It’s a bit nippy out there now, isn’t it?” he asked as both Smith and I shook his hand, then the officer’s.

“It’s really nice to meet you, Captain Idris,” I said as I shook his hand.

“You don’t have to call me that. Call me Idris! It works!” He laughed loudly. “It’s just easier that way, though I’ve always wanted to be some crazy space captain, so it would make me very happy.”

“No problem!” I laughed with him.

“Let me just say,” he said, backing away from the group to address all of us, “I am so happy that you were all put on a team together. I think we have some very intelligent individuals here, and I think we are going to make a huge difference together. Everyone thinks agriculture isn’t important, but you will be feeding and providing for every single person on Circadia. There is not a single department or team that will not be impacted by your work. I want you all to remember that.”

We heard the front door swing open and then slam shut. Spinning around, we all saw Garrett. “Why am I on the agricultural team? I have no idea! Doesn’t make one ounce of sense, but here I am!” he yelled loudly. The ceiling echoed every word. “Officer Idris, can you shed some light on why I will be working with these idiots, please?” he demanded, his eyes rolling.

Everyone stood silent and watched as he walked further into the room, ranting. “Well? Can you?” he yelled at Idris.

Idris stood quietly and waited. Garrett strolled over to Idris, swinging his arms this way and that, until he stood just a foot away from him. “Did you hear me, old man?” he asked. “Get me off this fucking shitty team, or I’ll quit. It makes no sense for me to be a part of this team.” Stepping closer to Idris, now only an inch from his face, he whispered, “Get it?”

Idris stood quietly as Garrett spoke again. “I came here to learn and experience something other people will never get to, and I’ll be damned if

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