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Book online «Demon Day Penelope Fletcher (which ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Penelope Fletcher

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“Don’t break thecircle,” he panted then closed his eyes and chanted withObe.

Lex was not saying anything. She stoodthere, and stared at me with red eyes, and a blank expressionbeating her drum in repetitive thumps.

My mouth dried with fear and I shot aterrified look at Tomas whose fangs had run out and who was dartingsuspicious looks between the Vodoun.

As abruptly as the ruckus had started,it stopped, and a sudden pulse of dark energy slid across my skin.I quivered, my limbs twitching uncontrollably before I was leftpanting, eyes stinging. I shuddered, realizing I was clutching thebag of bones and blood to my chest.

I thrust it out to Obe who took it andretied it to his chest. “That should provide you with someprotection.” He cupped a hand to his ear. “The whispers tell me youneed it.”

I said nothing. I turned to Ro. “I’dlike to leave please. Now.”

He set his drum down and wiped sweatbeading his brow. The beads on the end of his cornrows clinkedtogether as he shook his head. “And go where? You need to rest up,Rae.”

I wrapped my arms around my middle andsent an apologetic look at Papa Obe. After all, in his own creepyway he was being hospitable. “I can’t stay here. We can go back toTemple tonight. Amelia, Nimah, and Runt need my help. The thoughtof leaving them in that horrible prison turns my stomach to rot. Mynature does not like it here. I won’t be able to sleep. Please, I’mfine, I just want to go.”

Ro studied me. “Them demons worth it,eh?”

I bobbed my head. “I made a bargainwith their Alpha. We have a real shot at getting them out alive andunseen using the tunnel if we act fast. They might not have evenfound the Cleric you stashed in the dungeon in my placeyet.”

He shared a look with Papa Obe whoinclined his head. Ro knuckled his head then shrugged. “Say-so. Ifgoing back is what you want then I’m with you.”

“I’m sorry. I don’t mean toput you in any more danger, but I have to do this. You guys canstay here, safe.”

“No. We stay with you,” Lexsaid from beside me and I jumped, pressed a hand to myheart.

“It is decided,” Tomas saidalready half way out the crooked door.

Ro hugged his mentor and murmured histhanks. Obe clasped the back of his head and muttered a prayerpushing his fingers into Ro’s forehead. Lex bowed her head at theHoungan in a show of respect then left without a backwardglance.

Papa Obe slid in front of me when Itried to leave.

Hearing my startled gasp, Tomas wasback up the steps in a blur, and grabbed the man by throat. PapaObe’s eyes rolled back in his head and the masks on the ceilingrattled. Tomas’ knees gave out and he dropped like astone.

Infuriated, I turned on the Hounganbut he held up his palm.

“Hear me. I have a messagefrom the other side for you,” he said calmly. “It is not somethingthat happens often so I suggest you listen.”

I jutted my chin out and noddedstiffly, my eyes darting from his face to Tomas’ rigidform.

“Love your family and allwill be well,” he said. The tenor of his voice changed radically.It became gentler and more ancient.

Well that was helpful. I did love myfamily; Conall was most dear to me.

“Ta,” I mumbled and slippedpast him.

Tomas’ stiff body relaxed when Obeslammed the door. Eyes flying open he sprung up and dusted himselfoff, sending a hateful look at the shack then an accusing one atme.

With a shrug I reminded him, “You didgrab him.”

He sniffed and walked away.

I followed behind biting back asmile.

Passing the goat I paused, and chewedmy lip. He watched me with such gullibility I melted inside. Ilooked left I looked right then untied the rope around his neck andstamped my foot until he trotted off. Hopefully, he would have asmall taste of freedom before he found himself inside some hungryslum dwells cook pot. My gaze drifted back to Papa Obe’s shack …better the goat feed a starving family than die under a ceremonialknife in the name of black magics.

We made it back to Temple with noproblems, and I was so excited about getting the shifters out Ibarely thought about how odd that was – to make it back withoutseeing any Clerics on guard. I knew they couldn’t exactly publicizemy escape lest they cause mass hysteria, but still.Nothing?

Under cover of darkness we gathered attunnel opening in the compound wall that lead to the rooms beneaththe Sect Temple.

Without slowing, without a word, Tomasducked into the tunnel and was gone.

I pressed my back into the wall andcrossed my arms over my chest. I sank down onto my ass, and smiledtightly. “Lex, you got this?”

She took a long look at me thennodded. “It won’t take long. They must be in a room further down.”She ducked down into the tunnel and her slender form was swallowedinto the gloom in moments.

Ro stepped one foot in and paused,cocked his head at me questioningly.

I shook my head. “The iron,” Iexplained, thankful there were two reasons why I could not go downthat tunnel. “The walls and doors are brushed with it. It’ll weakenme and I’ll be more a threat than help. Get them out and come back.I’ll keep anyone coming in here after you.”

Ro snorted then was gone.

Sitting with my back against the wall,I kept my senses open in case of patrolling Clerics. The smell ofiron wafting out of the tunnel truly made me ill, and I scootedfurther away from the opening to turn my nose into thebreeze.

Being scared of going back down into asmall cramped place was stupid. I couldn’t have such a fear, whatif Lex or Tomas hadn’t of been here? I would have had to go inmyself and deal with it. I looked up at the sky. We still had mostof the night to work with. When we got them out we could hide inthe forest until we figured out where to go. No doubt Amelia andNimah would want to go home, but Breandan’s location had shifted.Whatever was holding him up before was gone for he drew closer tome

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