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Book online «Demon Day Penelope Fletcher (which ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Penelope Fletcher

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my attention was diverted yetagain. My heart pounded and my knees shook. My wings uncoiled. Mytail wound round my legs, sliding up and down. I whimpered and myeyelids drooped as I focused on the tingly buzz that drewcloser.

“Rae,” Ana said slowly, hereyes unfocused. “Is Breandan coming? Can you feel him through thebond?”

I nodded weakly, sighing at his name.“He’s coming.” The irresistible tug had my whole body swinging tothe direction he was coming from.

“What’s wrong with her?”Nimah asked. “She’s more twitchy than usual.”

“Her lack of awareness is aside effect of the bond,” Ana explained. “She and Breandan are twohalves of a whole. As they draw closer the urge to touch each otherwill increase until they, well, crash together and blow up. He’scoming for her and she can sense him. That level of emotion must bedistracting.”

I swear, just thinking of Breandan’sbody beneath my hands had heat pooling low in my belly. Had I beenin my normal frame of mind I would have been shamed by my body’sreaction. I felt sensitive, like the air merely brushing my skinwould cause me to– I swallowed loudly.

“Is this normal?” I shookmy hands, trying to physically shake the feeling off my fingertips.“It feels like I’ll combust unless he’s…. I want him, right now.Here on the ground and I’ll–” Cutting off I blushedfuriously.

“Please go on,” Nimah saiddryly, clearly enjoying the spectacle I was making ofmyself.

Ro snickered, Lex looked perplexed,and Ana’s cheeks were pink – she could not meet my eye.

Tomas, stood silently taking this allin, looked supremely pissed off.

“I told you,” Ana saidshaking her head. “I told you what it would be like.”

I spun round and jabbed a finger ather. “You never said it would be like this. You never said I wouldwant him to … to just … Unguh. I want him.”

“You need to calm down,”she ordered. “You’re no good to us like this.”

Running my hands down my body Ishuddered, thinking of Breandan’s lips on mine, his hand on mywaist, lower back. His hips grinding…. My eyes landed on the Templewall then drifted up….

Ana followed my gaze then cried,“Wait!”

Too late, I jumped and beat my wingsclearing it in one bound and landed silently the other side. Notthat my impressively quiet landing mattered.

I dropped down right in front of twoClerics.

They kind of jumped, glanced at eachother, baffled, then drew their weapons and took up warriorstances. An immediate hail went up and the edges of the courtyardfilled with Clerics.

“…so we need to catch her.”I heard Ana’s agitated voice from the other side of the wall as Ipaused, trying to decide what was best here. I did not want to hurtthem, but the way they paced forward made it clear they had everyintention of hurting me.

Lex landed on one Clerics back,digging her thumbs into his eyes. Tomas appeared behind the otherand snapped his neck. The shout to tell them not to kill died on mylips. I was way too late. Amelia and Nimah landed at my sides; bothhuman, and took hold of my arms.

“Real clever, fairy,” Nimahsighed shaking her head.

I itched to smack the smirk of herpretty face, but punching her would be like smacking Amelia, who Iwas fond of.

Ro scrambled over the wall, unlacedboots kicking wildly, Runt hanging on his back still. He jumpedonto a nearby tree, grabbing hold of the branch to shimmy down.Runt fell off him as he hit the floor but was back up on his feetin a flash.

Ana followed her face red from theexertion of climbing. Both feet back on solid ground, she calmlywalked up beside me and put her hands on her hips, frowned at thedead Clerics. Rather she frowned at Tomas who was latched onto aneck, slurping. We all watched him for a moment or so then gotfreaked out, and looked away.

Vampires were quite terrifying. Iwould hate to have to deal with more than one at a time; I don’tthink my heart would survive it.

“Rae, when you and Breandantouch none of us must be in the immediate area,” Anasaid.

I tore my eyes from the horizon, fromthe direction I knew Breandan was coming from. Each step he tookheightened my awareness of him. It was moving closer to a bonfire,and with each step toward it the temperature increased. Right nowthe heat was a balm across my skin, getting warmer, and soon itwould burn me up. I needed to touch him, to hold him, tolick–

Fingers snapped in front of my face.“Rae, focus.” I blinked repeatedly and looked at Ana. Her face wasright up in mine and I took half a step back before she grabbed myshoulder to shake me. Gods, the way she behaved reminded me ofmyself sometimes. “You must wait before you touch. You’ll want torip his clothes off, but you have to wait.”

At these words, I bared my teeth,anger bubbling forth. “Why? We’ve been apart too long. He’s mine.”My voice was a growl.

She sighed. “Would you listen toyourself? Does anything you are doing right now seem logical andsane? You have to give us time to get away before you touch. Don’tlet the bond control you. You control it and you must….”

Not really listening anymore, I noddedardently, my eyes roving across the courtyard, over the gatheringClerics heads. “Can’t you feel it?” I groaned and reached out.“It’s all hot and fidgety growing stronger inside me.”

Ana stomped a large circle mutteringcurses.

Tomas dropped the body of the Cleriche had been drinking to the ground then snatched up the wrist ofthe other and bit down. Lex watched him hungrily, but Ro had atight grip on her, expression stony.

“What’s the big deal,”Nimah asked eying me. “She and lover boy bump uglies and she’llmellow out. All the females go nutty once a season on the Pride;soon as they are mated they’re fine.”

“How long have she andBreandan been apart for?”

“At least,” Amelia lookedup and to the left, “ten hours.”

Ana frowned, worried. “The buildup ofpower starts from the moment they stop touching. It’s not so bad ifthey separate and keep the physical distance relatively small. Say,if they’re five minutes from each other for half a day, you may seea spark when they touch,

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