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Book online «The Herbwitch's Apprentice Ireen Chau (best life changing books txt) 📖». Author Ireen Chau

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to their elbows.

I wanted desperately to use my magic as I scrubbed the inside of the porcelain with the rough brush. The handle needed a good sanding.

By the time I had worked off the stains, my hands were covered in splinters and the older maids had long gone inside after snickering at me. My back ached and my feet were numb. The hand on which Narcissa had carved her initials was throbbing. The other was bleeding from the splinters. I could not recall another time I was in such a condition.

Narcissa was nowhere to been seen when I came back with the cleaned chamber pot. I was glad of it, but Karen’s pinched face was not much better.

“What took you so long?” she demanded as I entered.

“Cleaning the chamber pot like you ordered.”

The maid snatched the porcelain pot from me with a glare. “You must have been taking breaks. It’s been three hours.”

“I merely got lost.”

She sneered. “Lady Narcissa will not be happy to hear that you’ve been lazing away. You will not have a lunch break today.”

My stomach clenched. I had no appetite after my odious task, but I knew I would be suffering later.

“Very well, Karen,” I said.

She looked surprised that I hadn’t put up more of a fight, but she recovered quickly. “You will call me Mistress Karen,” she said, putting her hands at her hips.

“Very well, Karen.”

Her face reddened again and I resisted a grin. At least in that regard I could defy her.

Unfortunately, my cheekiness did not do me any favors for the rest of the day. My next task was to bathe Misty, which proved to be more difficult than scrubbing the chamber pot. The feline’s hatred for me had not faded in the least when I unceremoniously dumped her into her bath water. I emerged with deep scratches on my arms and a drenched dress.

After that, I was sent to town to purchase the specific lavender-scented soap Narcissa wanted. I was turned out of the shop more than once, but after wiping off some of the cinders with my spit and straightening my dress in the alleyway, I was allowed to purchase the soap. I bought myself a bar with the money Karen gave me, just to spite her.

The sky had darkened when I returned to Narcissa’s chambers, dirty and exhausted. I was told to stand as she supped.

“How did you like your first day, Amarante?” Narcissa said, stirring her soup.

I made no answer. I couldn’t see her face but it was clear she was gloating. The aroma of her dinner wafted beneath my nose, tantalizing me. My stomach let out a pitiful growl.

She laughed. “Karen tells me you haven’t eaten today, isn’t that right, Karen?”

The maid bobbed her head and smiled. “Yes, milady.”

A thin gold chain glimmered around her neck. I narrowed my eyes. No doubt she had been rewarded for treating me as badly as possible.

“You may have my leftovers,” Narcissa said. She picked up a buttered roll and bit into it, chewing slowly. She set it down. “Then you may retire for the night.”

My legs trembled with relief. I had been running errands for the better half of the day. But my relief soon turned into annoyance when the minutes ticked by and it became abundantly clear Narcissa was eating as slowly as possible.

She took a spoonful of soup, ate half of it, and put the rest back in the bowl. She took miniscule nibbles of the rolls. Her salad, she ate one leaf at a time. It was nearing midnight when she finally set her napkin down and gestured for me to take the tray. I bent over and took it.

“You may go,” Narcissa said, reclining in her seat. “Karen. See her out.”

The maid ushered me out of the room. “Don’t be late tomorrow or you will be punished.”

I wanted to say doing this was already punishment, but I was too exhausted and merely went off.

The dinner tray was as good as empty. Narcissa left a drop of soup, a crumb of bread, and a piece of garnish from the salad. I ate them all as I returned to my room, which looked smaller and drearier in the dark. After putting the dishes into the scullery, I collapsed onto the hard bed and fell into uneasy sleep.

THE NEXT DAY WAS NOT easier even when I expected what was to happen. My entire body ached when I was dragged out of bed by Madam Josephine who informed me that I was late once again. I hated the woman a little less when she thrust a warm roll into my hands and barked at me to be on my way. I devoured it in seconds.

Karen took great pleasure in my late arrival and had the honor of rapping my knuckles fifty times on each hand. I was then told to draw a bath for Narcissa. It took many trips to the pump to fill her unnecessarily large bathtub and hours to heat it up. When Narcissa was finished and dressed, I was to drain the water and give the tub a thorough scrub with the small brush Karen provided me.

After that was the stables. I groomed Narcissa’s horse and cleaned its stall and nearly had my hand bitten off when I tried to give the creature an apple.

Several days passed this way under Karen and Narcissa’s tyranny. I found myself ducking out of sight when I recognized the debutantes roaming the palace grounds, especially when I saw Olivia and Cedric. My limbs constantly ached. My tasks became more and more ridiculous.

When my crystal pulsed on the fourth day of servitude, I was in the middle of polishing Narcissa’s windows with my sleeve under Karen’s scrutiny. I stilled.

“Well? Get on with it!” Karen said from her place on the chaise longue. Narcissa had gone out for the afternoon, but I suspected that she would not take well to her maid reclined like a lady on her seat.

I tucked the crystal

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