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Book online «The Love Island Bookshop Kate Frost (best ereader for pdf and epub .TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author Kate Frost

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she could see Reef jutting out over the water, glowing invitingly. The guests would be finishing their dinner about now and having a romantic stroll back to their beach or ocean villas. She shouldn’t be wandering around looking miserable. She put her hands on her hips, stared down at the sand beneath her feet and fought back tears.


Startled, she looked up.

Zander was strolling towards her, dressed in a cream T-shirt, beige shorts and bare feet.

‘Are you okay?’ he asked as he reached her.

‘Yes, sorry,’ she said, trying to subtly wipe away tears. ‘I just needed to walk. I’m heading back to the staff village now.’

‘I’ll walk with you.’

Together they retraced her footsteps back along the beach. Freya’s heart pounded. She had no idea what to say. She’d just been to his villa, chatting with Maryam about him. It felt like a dirty secret hanging over her. They passed the villa where she’d heard laughter a few minutes earlier, and then went past the last villa on this stretch of beach, its warm-white lights disappearing behind them. It wasn’t completely dark; an occasional lantern nestled in front of the undergrowth lit the way and the moon poking above a cluster of iron-grey clouds sent a wash of silvery light across the ocean.

‘Do you want to tell me what you’re upset about?’ Zander’s voice sounded loud in the quiet of the deserted beach.

‘I, um...’

‘You can talk to me, Freya. I understand what a crappy time of it you’ve had these last few days. If you want to take some time off, that’s fine.’

‘No, it’s not that...’

‘Then what is it?’

They’d reached the beach in front of the bookshop. It was filled with memories that she’d treasure forever. She desperately didn’t want to lose that feeling. What had happened since the night of the fire had tested her happiness.

They stopped. It was where they needed to part ways; Freya past the bookshop and back to the staff village, while Zander would continue on to his villa.

Freya looked at him, a tall shadowy figure silhouetted against the silvery ocean. ‘I think I made a mistake believing Aaron.’

Zander nodded but didn’t say anything.

‘I put my trust in him and he let me down. The same way he let you down.’

Zander shoved his hands in his pockets. ‘Not quite the same way, but I’m sorry he hurt you. Do you love him?’

Freya looked sharply at him. It was the second time this evening she’d been questioned about her feelings for Aaron. ‘I er... I didn’t know...’

‘There are very few things on this island that I’m not aware of.’

Her heart sank and her cheeks flushed. ‘No, I don’t love him...’ This was absolutely the last thing she wanted to be talking to him about. It had been hard enough talking to Maryam about Aaron and Zander... She still felt like she was hiding something from him. She took a deep breath and met his gaze. ‘We did have some sort of relationship, a bit more than friends, but it had started to go wrong when I found out about his son...’

Zander’s face remained impassive, not giving anything away.

‘I shouldn’t have been so trusting.’

Zander shook his head. ‘It’s not your fault. I’m just sorry you fell for his lies.’

Freya fought back tears again. Such strong words were being directed at Aaron. How could she not have seen what he was really like before now? Yes, there had been warning signs when they’d visited his family home, and the day after their night of passion, and yet in those first few weeks on the island he’d been nothing but friendly and charming, someone she had warmed to and wanted to spend time with. By all accounts she still knew nothing about him.

Zander stepped closer and put his hand on her arm, his touch warm and comforting. ‘It’s not just you; he’s fooled a lot of people. And he almost got away with it...’ He stopped abruptly as if realising he shouldn’t say any more.

‘What is it?’

‘Nothing, really. Just don’t be too hard on yourself; you didn’t realise what he’s truly like because you’re too good a person, Freya.’

The lump in her throat threatened tears again; her emotions were all over the place, confusion and hurt and loneliness fighting together.

‘Well, isn’t this cosy.’

Aaron’s voice was filled with hatred.

Zander dropped his hand from Freya’s arm. She swung round.

Aaron was standing in the shadow of the trees, looking directly at Freya. ‘I thought you’d be here, but I’m disappointed to see you with him, though I shouldn’t be surprised.’

‘What is your problem? Why do you have so much hatred and distrust?’ Freya stepped forward, the burning pain in her chest returning with his words and attitude towards her. She shook her head. ‘I should never have believed anything you said.’

Aaron paced across the sand and got right up into Zander’s face. ‘You told her, did you? Showed her the “evidence”?’ He practically spat in Zander’s face.

‘I haven’t shown her anything.’

‘Shown me what?’ Freya asked.

Aaron ignored her and moved even closer to Zander. ‘It’s great for you though, isn’t it?’ He shoved his hand into Zander’s chest. ‘The perfect way to get rid of me and have your way yet again with someone I love.’

His words took Freya aback. This was news to her; she’d never got that sense from him. He liked her, definitely fancied her, but love?

‘Aaron, you don’t love me. If you did, you’d have told the truth from the beginning and you certainly wouldn’t have jeopardised my place on the island by burning down the bookshop.’

‘See, this is exactly it.’ He jabbed a finger at her. ‘You believe him over me.’

Zander stepped between them, shielding Freya from Aaron’s anger. ‘That’s because it’s the truth, Aaron,’ he said calmly. ‘However you try and spin this, the evidence doesn’t lie. I had no intention of telling anyone else about it, let alone Freya. I was hoping we could move on quietly without any drama, but you just can’t let it go, can

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