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Book online «The Love Island Bookshop Kate Frost (best ereader for pdf and epub .TXT) 📖». Author Kate Frost

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him while he’s angry. He’ll be gone tomorrow and then we can all move on, put this sorry state of affairs behind us and start rebuilding, literally and emotionally.’

Chapter Thirty

Maryam gave them the warmest smile as they returned to the villa together.

‘Everything all right?’ she asked, greeting them on the deck.

‘We had a bit of a confrontation with Aaron,’ Zander said. ‘But it’s all okay now. Would you mind preparing some drinks and nibbles before you head off to bed.’

‘Of course.’ She patted Freya on the arm and retreated inside.

Freya had lost track of time. It felt an age since she’d left Aaron on the staff beach and she’d stormed off to the bookshop and then to Zander’s villa without even her mobile. And now she was back here again, the whole evening a complete revelation. At least she now knew the truth. And she hadn’t fallen in love with Aaron. He’d confused and infuriated her, although she’d fancied him.

They sat out on the deck, on a cushioned rattan sofa next to the pool. Freya watched the gentle waves roll on to the sand. ‘It’s so sad he’s giving up any kind of meaningful relationship with his son because of what he believes.’

Zander glanced sideways at Freya. ‘We know that, but he’s so blinkered by what he believes and hatred for me that he can’t see past it, even when the truth is staring him in the face. I mean, the kid looks like him. I’ve even offered to do a paternity test but he wouldn’t take me up on it. Deep down he knows the truth, but he’d rather hate me and resent everyone than move on and have a relationship with Zahida and his son.’

‘Maybe being away from here will be the best thing for everyone. It might give him a chance to reconcile things.’

‘I hope so too. I have no time for Aaron, but I feel for Zahida and her son. They didn’t deserve to be treated the way they have. I also feel guilty for allowing the situation to arise. If I’d known how much distress giving Zahida Maryam’s job for those six months would have caused, I would have given her the choice.’

Freya frowned. ‘But it’s not your fault. And you gave Zahida a great opportunity. Maryam said so. And you did it with the best intentions.’

Zander grunted. ‘Yeah, and my past caught up with me. I’ve changed since those days, and yet people still see a playboy millionaire and believe what they want to.’

‘What made you change? If you don’t mind me asking.’

‘No, I don’t mind.’

Maryam bustled on to the deck with a tray and placed it on the low table in front of them.

‘You’re an angel, Maryam, thank you,’ Zander said with a beaming smile.

‘I’ll leave you to it. Enjoy.’

‘Night, Maryam,’ they both said as she headed back inside.

‘I honestly couldn’t do without her. She keeps me grounded and sane. I’m lucky to have her.’

‘And what a feast!’

Freya’s mouth watered at the sight of half a dozen bowls filled with juicy prawns, mini savoury tarts and spiced mixed nuts.

Zander poured them each a glass of fresh lemonade and placed the bottle back in the cooler. They clinked glasses.

‘What made me change,’ he said, continuing their conversation. ‘Was losing someone I cared for. The one person who I knew looked out for me.’

Freya swallowed a mouthful of lemonade. A chill scuttled down her back as Zander’s words hit home.

‘I had quite a sheltered upbringing with books instead of TV and of course it was in a time before social media, the bane of my life. But I was independent and headstrong from a young age, probably because my whole childhood was spent travelling the world and moving from one place to another, never staying put for very long. So I rebelled by applying to go on a TV show, which I only knew about through a friend. To cut a long story short I was picked to be one of four in a boy band which of course turned into One Love.’ He clenched his glass tighter and gazed out at the ocean. ‘We had a manager who was ruthlessly determined to make us the biggest band in the world whatever it cost, and a recording label who were happy to make as much money off us as possible, and although I made plenty of money, we were fleeced by everyone. My parents didn’t understand my decision to take part in the TV show to begin with, let alone parade about on stage and in videos with half naked women draped over me. They didn’t disown me, but I didn’t see or even speak to them for a very long time. The only person who had my back was our security guard Paul. He was British and had a tough upbringing, and he could see what was happening around us. To us. There were drugs, alcohol, so much wrong with the way we were living. He saw how it was destroying us, me in particular. From being so sheltered, I’d gone to the other extreme. He looked out for me and there were many times he made sure I got safely back to my hotel room and didn’t choke on my own vomit.’ He glanced at Freya. ‘It really wasn’t pretty.’

‘What happened to him?’

Zander downed his drink and took a shuddery breath. ‘He died in a car crash after one of our gigs. I was in the car behind and saw everything. One of my bandmates was injured – that was all over the news – but Paul died at the scene. Barely a mention. The driver was four times over the limit – that kind of thing happened all the time but that night it caused a tragedy. It made me re-evaluate everything and even at a young age it made me see past the fame, the supposed glamour, the drugs, to the truth. I was lonely, being used and grieving for the

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