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Book online «First Kiss Last Sara Miller (read after .txt) 📖». Author Sara Miller

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will probably do something for you too. This way they won’t be flying blind and you will actually get something useful. I know what I’m talking about.”

As office manager, it was usually Leah’s job to organize group gifts or showers. She had no idea if anyone else in the office would have a clue. But if she casually mentioned a registry to one of the more capable ladies . . .

“Dang it, I hate when you’re right.”

Lily smiled triumphantly.

Two hours and three trips to the bathroom later, neither sister was smiling but both were content and glad the task was accomplished. Leah had scanned items she had never seen before in her life. Lily would say “trust me” and Leah did. They covered everything from pacifiers to playpens, and everything in between.

By the time they made it home, Leah was totally worn out. Lily hugged her and sent her straight up to bed. Leah managed to wrangle herself into clean pajamas. She washed her face, brushed her teeth, and used the bathroom (again).

Leah fell into bed exhausted but happy. She snuggled under her covers and instantly drifted off to sleep.

She found herself facing a closed door. Not just any door. Cade’s bedroom door. The hallway was dark and the whole house was silent. The deep silence you can only experience in the middle of the night. Leah was afraid to move in case it would make a sound.

After several long moments, she reached out and touched the door knob. A charge of static electricity shocked her as if the door itself did not want her to enter. The sound was loud in the quiet hall. Leah pulled her hand back and shook it a few times, psyching herself up to try again.

This time she fully grasped the knob. She tensed as she tried to turn it. Her heart beat faster at the idea of seeing Cade again. What would she say? What would he do? Panic bubbled inside her.

The knob did not turn.

The door was locked.

Leah released the knob and stepped back. The floor squeaked as she made her retreat. She cringed and stepped cautiously.

Turning, Leah walked down the hallway. There were multiple closed doors. She stopped outside Liam’s bedroom and tried his knob. It was also locked. Leah did not bother with Sky’s door or the bathroom.

She wandered further and entered the living room. Leah took in the mess. It looked neglected. Like they either did not have time to clean or had given up. It made her incredibly sad. She quietly gathered up empty cups and other items she could return to the kitchen. She threw away napkins and obvious trash. Leah shelved books and movies, then put away several toys.

Anything she could do that was quiet, Leah did. She fluffed and straightened the throw pillows before picking up the afghan. Leah held it closely and breathed in the familiar scent. Her eyes suddenly burned with unshed tears. She quickly folded the blanket and set it on the back of the couch.

Leah did not survey her work. Instead she squeezed her eyes closed and wished herself far away. She decided not dreaming at all really was better.

When she woke the next morning, Leah considered just staying in bed. It was Saturday. She had nowhere to go and no one who needed her. She sighed.

Leah felt a familiar push on her bladder. She smiled. Well, maybe “no one” was not quite accurate.

Chapter 33

“Aunt Leah, will you take us to the park again?” Emmie asked quietly.

“It’s okay if you just wanna sit and watch like last time. We don’t mind, do we?” Allison looked to her sister and Emmie nodded in agreement.

Leah had spent the majority of her Saturday morning blocking out the world by reading in the living room. It had been peacefully silent until her nieces popped up. Leah quickly considered their request. She forced herself to push aside nagging concerns about returning to the park as she tried to ignore the “what if they are there again” thoughts.

“If it’s okay with your mom and dad, sure.”

Allison cheered and Emmie tried to reign her big sister in, “Mom has a headache, ‘member?”

Allison immediately looked guilty.

“What’s this noise?” Robert popped his head into the room with a scowl.

Maybe getting the girls out of the house was a really good idea.

The girls looked back and forth between the adults but neither spoke. Robert waited for an answer. He looked grumpy. No wonder the girls fell silent.

“Stop bothering your aunt. Go play downstairs quietly,” he pointed.

“Actually . . . I’m going to take them out,” Leah’s mind was made up.

“Out?” He repeated, staring blankly.

“To the park. Robert are you okay?”

“I . . .” He appeared to stop and consider, “I am a bit tired now that you mention it.”

“Go lay down and rest. I’ll take care of the girls.”

“Bless you, Leah,” he put his hands together reverently.

Leah laughed. The girls cheered silently, happily waving their arms in the air.

“We’ll be out of your hair in five minutes.”

Between bathroom breaks and packing snacks it took ten minutes, but they were soon on the road.

When they arrived, Leah drove around the parking lot twice. It was in the guise of finding a closer spot. Or at least that’s what she told the girls. In reality, she was making sure there was no black truck.

Once the girls were let loose, their routine was much like the previous weekend. Leah followed and played with the girls until she had to get off her feet. When she did, she found the same bench and claimed it as her own.

Leah’s attention was divided. She tried to focus her attention on her nieces, but she also kept an eye on the parking lot. Any time a black vehicle pulled in, her heart attempted to skip a beat. Twice now, a black sedan had driven through without stopping. This made Leah very uncomfortable. Each time she quickly turned her attention back to the girls, making sure

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