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Book online «Twisted Steel: An MC Anthology: Second Edition Elizabeth Knox (cheapest way to read ebooks .txt) 📖». Author Elizabeth Knox

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Red Dog. “You sayin’ I’m not good enough to sponsor your kid?”

Red Dog quirks a brow. “I’m sayin’ it’s more than tellin’ him to bring you beer.”

“I know that.”

Crash slaps his hand on Red Dog’s shoulder. “Maybe this isn’t such a bad idea. Maybe Green would be the perfect brother for the job.”

Red Dog whirls on him. “You’re shittin’ me, right? He never takes anything seriously, and you want me to trust him with this?”

“Dog, it’d give him some focus, and he’s the only one of us who has no outside responsibility. He’s got loads of time to devote to the boy.”

Red Dog glares at Green, but he holds his tongue, appearing to consider the idea.

Hoots and joyous shouts from across the room draw our attention and everyone turns to look.

I strain to peer around heads and spot two cute girls rolling out a giant birthday cake on a cart. Its flaming candles flicker as it moves across the room, until they bring it to a stop in front of an embarrassed kid, I’m guessing is Red Dog’s son.

A beautiful, middle-aged Asian woman with long dark hair puts her arm around him and begins to speak. “I hope you’ll all join me in wishing my son a very happy birthday.”

The crowd roars with a cheer.

“Billy, I couldn’t be prouder of the man you’ve become. Happy eighteenth birthday!” She hugs him and steps back, clapping along with everyone in the room as he bends and blows out the candles.

I can’t help but notice he’s a good-looking kid. His lanky frame already shows signs of his father’s long legs, tall height, and broad shoulders. I bet he’s not done growing, either. He’s obviously inherited his mother’s dark silky hair, and it flows past his collar. He also has his mother’s vivid green eyes. That, together with his beautiful smile, are a deadly combination and stunningly handsome. The boy is going to have girls lined up around the block, if he doesn’t already.

Some leather-clad biker across the room cups his hands and yells out, “Which of Sonny’s girls did you wish for, Billy?”

Laughter rumbles through the crowd and then the music starts up again.

My attention is drawn when Green’s VP walks over with his arm slung around a pretty blonde woman, who has her arm around his waist.

In his other hand he clutches a longneck and extends his index finger to point at Green. “You ready to go do this?”

Green nods, but then motions between me, and the blonde. “Sara, this is Angel, my VP Cole’s ol’ lady. Angel, this is Sara. Maybe you could keep her company for a few minutes.”

Angel steps forward, extending her hand. “Sure thing. Pleased to meet you, Sara.”

I shake her hand, and Cole kisses her cheek.

“Be back in a little while.”

“Okay, baby,” Angel replies.

“Let’s take Billy back to the office to talk to him,” Cole says to Green, jerking his chin toward the back of the clubhouse. A moment later they disappear through the crowd.

A man next to me gives up his stool to Angel, and she sits, smiling at him and thanking him. When he walks away, she turns back to me.

“So, tell me all about yourself,” she asks me.



We take Billy back to Cole’s office. It’s a small room that doesn’t hold much more than a desk, a couple of chairs, and a credenza.

Cole moves around and sits behind the desk. He lifts his chin to one of the worn leather chairs across from him. Billy takes a seat.

I prefer to stand, so I lean against the wall and fold my arms, the leather of my cut creaking in the quiet room, so at odds with the rowdy party that’s taking place down the hall.

Cole leans his elbows on the desk and smiles at Billy. “How’re you doin’, birthday boy?”

“Good,” Billy replies with a sheepish grin.

Cole opens a low drawer and pulls out a bottle of Jack Daniels, then grabs three shot glasses from the credenza behind him. He fills them up, his gaze lifting to Billy as he pours. “You drink, Billy?”

The kid’s knee is bouncing a mile a minute as he leans forward, his elbows on the armrests, and his fingers interlaced. “Sure. Some.”

Cole grins, and slides a shot glass across the scarred wooden desktop toward him. He hands me one, then raises his own. “Here’s to being eighteen, kid.”

We all down our shots and set them on the table.

Cole leans on his elbows again. “So, you still thinkin’ you want to prospect for the club, Billy?”

“Yes, sir.”

“You’ve thought long and hard about it?” Cole cocks a brow.

“Yes, sir.”

Cole drops his gaze to the desktop. “Well, you’ve been a hang-around now since you graduated. Guess you’ve got a feel for what goes on. The few runs you’ve gone on with us, you’ve handled yourself well. Your riding’s good. You handle that FLX with skill. I’ve got no problem with any of that.” He cocks a brow at me. “What about you, brother? You got any issues?”

“Nope,” I answer, my gaze moving to Billy. “The boy’s been handling himself well.”

Cole looks at Red Dog’s son again. “Just want to talk to you about a few things before you make this decision, because it’s a big decision, Billy.”

“Yes, sir.”

“If you join the Evil Dead MC, you need to understand that of all the things in your life, your loyalty and commitment to your club comes first, above family, friends, job, personal possessions, and even personal safety. There is never any doubt on which comes first. The only thing that even approaches your commitment to the club is your commitment to your brothers. Ain’t that right, Green?”

“You got that right, VP,” I say, watching Billy.

Cole continues talking. “Family can walk out on you just like that,” Cole snaps his fingers once to make his point, “without a second’s notice; you can lose a job overnight; close friends come and go with time. But the club and your brothers will always be here for you.

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