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Book online «Condition Evolution 2: A LitRPG / Gamelit Adventure Sinclair, Kevin (good beach reads .txt) 📖». Author Sinclair, Kevin

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time for my arm to heal. It was almost there now.

“Shaun, can you grab his head please?” came Elyek’s voice from nowhere.


“His head! Quickly! We could be running out of time.” I did as Elyek asked, even though it was totally gross. I started getting a bit squeamish, which is madness as seen as I chopped it off, but there you have it. I’m a weirdo.

I put it on the head on the desk, where it began to float up and dangle in front of the terminal, a blue light shone out to the manager's face. It beeped.

“We’re in,” Elyek said, excitedly. I had no damn clue what they were doing, but it must have been important, so I stayed quiet. The head landed on the desk and I could hear the sounds of Elyek’s tapping on the screen. A few more minutes passed and the head floated back up to the terminal, another scan and beep.

“What’s going on, Elyek?” Ember cried, slightly stressed.

“I’ve put all of his untraceable money into our account and then I removed his account completely. No one will ever know any of this happened.”

“How much?” Ember asked.

“53.4 million senlars,” came the reply.

All our eyes went wide, until Elyek brought us back to earth again, “If we manage to get out of here and off Necrus without being captured or murdered, Uprising Inc. now has one of the fastest ships in the galaxy and 58.9 million senlar in the bank.”

“That’s absolutely fucking brilliant. But you’re right: We need to get out of here to spend it,” I said.

“Elyek, can I have your cloak ? Only, mine is covered in blood,” Ember asked.

“Oh. Yes, definitely. Here.” A cloak appeared from nowhere as it left what I assumed was Elyek’s hand, and landed on the desk. Ember quickly picked it up and put it on. I did the same, grabbing my cloak from the floor where it dropped it at the start of the fight. I wrapped up Havok in Ember’s bloody cloak. It wasn’t great, but it would have to do. His original wrapping had been shot to pieces.

Once we were all sorted, we left the bloody, stinking room.

We walked back through to the foyer as casually as we could, and approached the alien clerk we first met who was watching us intently as we headed over.

“Your manager wishes to speak to Elyek alone and we’ve agreed. Is there anywhere we can wait?” Ember told him.

He gave us a creepy, smug little smile and pointed. “Over there by the front door,. You may be there a while,” he sneered.

It brought me great satisfaction to know he thought he had one over on us, but in fact we’d royally screwed them over.

We strolled over to the chairs like we didn’t have a care in the world. Ember went straight out with Elyek and I sat down. After less than a minute had passed, I got back up trying to make it look like I was just popping out to see Ember. It was a shit pretence, and was probably completely unnecessary to our plight, but it was worth a shot.

Once I was outside with Ember and the invisible Elyek, we walked slowly away from the bank until we were out of sight. Then we fucking legged it down the street. We received the occasional odd look, but we only slowed to a walk once we approached the docking bays. The guards barely even batted an eyelid at us as we passed other than to say, “Not find any crew? Looks like you lost one as well.” He laughed.

“Yeah. They are staying behind. We’ll be back later for them. The trip hasn’t gone how we’d hoped. Still, we should be able to manage.” I laughed back. It was so forced. I don’t know why he didn’t arrest me there and then for being suspicious as hell.

“Probably just as well,” he said, waving us off as he turned back to talk to his companion.

I let out a huge sigh of relief when the shuttle door finally closed behind us.

“Quick, Elyek, please get us the fuck out of here as quickly as possible. I think my heart is going to explode,” I said.

“That was the most intense time ever,” Ember added.

“I have to admit, it certainly ranks up there for me also,” Elyek said, as they materialized in the pilot’s seat.

We hightailed it out of there in our shuttle as quickly as Elyek could manage. Once I’d contacted Calegg, we all started laughing our asses off at our highly-successful, and surprisingly-lucrative mission.

“We’re millionaires, Ember. I can’t believe it!”

She laughed at me, but her reply was still less-than-positive, “Yeah, and possibly the galaxy's most wanted.”

“Thanks for putting the damper on it.”

“You’re welcome,” she smiled and lay back in her chair, looking scarily pale, but still beautiful.

The Uprising rendezvoused with our shuttle within half-an-hour of our contact. We all happily piled out into the loading bay, with yet another layer of relief sweeping over me. So happy to be back on our baby.

We went straight to the bridge to see Calegg.

“Hey, buddy. Mission was a success,” I said, as I clapped him on the back.

“You got Elyek’s money?” he asked.

“I’ll let Elyek tell you about that,” I smiled, and he looked intrigued.

“They tried to kill us in the bank manager’s office. Except, with Shaun and Havok there, they obviously failed.”

Calegg raised an eyebrow at that while I interrupted, “Hey, stop that. We did it as a team.”

“We certainly did,” Elyek said. “But you probably could have done it better without us there to protect. From my observations, anyway.”

“Elyek is right, Shaun,” Ember said, smiling from her seat. “Don’t worry. We're still all going to be a team. We're not going to just send you out there alone. I mean, who would levitate your dumb ass out of danger and who would hack into computer systems or fly ships? That’s right, not you!” Ember laughed.

“Whatever!” I snapped. “Elyek. Get to the most important bit

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