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Book online «Billionaires in New York Boxed Set: Billionaires in the City Books 1-3 Laura Burton (books to read this summer .TXT) 📖». Author Laura Burton

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open up the trunk of his car and walk back with a gas container in his hand.

“You’re out of power. Thankfully I always keep a gallon of gas in my car. Just in case.”

“But it’s electric—” Catherine began as Edward leaned into the Mercedes and pulled a lever she hadn’t noticed before.

“This isn’t your car is it?” he said as he marched to the back of the car and unfastened the fuel cap.

“It’s a rental,” Catherine confessed. “I usually take the subway into the city.”

Edward focused on filling the tank, giving Catherine an opportunity to study him more closely. There was something off about his appearance. His gentlemanly manner with a posh British accent did not match his slouch jeans and scruffy jacket. A gust of wind shot past her, filling her nostrils with the woody scent of his cologne.

“That should be enough to get you to the station,” Edward said as he fastened the cap. He turned to Catherine and flashed her a broad smile. His teeth were so white and perfectly shaped, Catherine could not help but suspect they were veneers.

What kind of mechanic can afford a set of veneers?

“Thank you,” she said quickly, realising she had been staring at him in silence. “Let me repay you for the gas…” she rooted through her wallet, but Edward placed his hand on hers, making her look up at him.

“That isn’t necessary. It’s always a pleasure to help a damsel in distress.” His eyes were as bright as a summer’s day and twinkled as he looked at her like a guardian.

Catherine hummed to herself with a slight frown.

“Do you make a habit of this? Looking for vulnerable women to save?” Catherine’s question was flippant, but she noticed the smile fade from Edward’s face, and he shifted his weight. Another gust of damp wind interrupted their conversation, and almost knocked Catherine off her feet. Edward launched forward again but she steadied herself and brushed him off.

“I need to go. I’m late.”

“Right. I’d love to see you again Catherine, maybe I can—”

“Oh no,” Catherine shook her head as she climbed into her seat. “I don’t think so.”

Edward followed and looked at her with his shoulders slumped and a huge frown on his beautiful face. Worry lines formed between his brows as he looked at her like she had just cancelled Christmas.

“I’m sorry?” he said, stuffing his hands in his jean pockets. Catherine secured her keys in the ignition and turned, bringing the engine back into life. The car rumbled as she fastened her seatbelt and looked back at Edward. He stood with his shoulder resting on the open car door, Catherine suspected he wasn’t going anywhere without a reason for her abrupt dismissal.

“Look, I just got out of a bad relationship. I’m the last person you’re going to want to see.” She added a heavy sigh to give dramatic effect. Edward shrugged and his face lit up again. Unfortunately, her excuse did not seem to deter him.

“That’s great,” he said brightly. Catherine frowned. He appeared to notice because he thrust his hands out of his pockets and raised his palms in the air. “I mean, that’s terrible,” he added quickly. He ruffled his damp hair; a spray of raindrops fell to his feet as he appeared to be deep in thought. “I just mean,” he took a nervous step forward and leaned into the car. His forehead hovered close to Catherine’s face. Her eyes took in the sight of his dark bushy brows and she resisted the urge to sigh in a swoon-like manner.

“That what if our paths crossed today for a reason? What were the odds that I would bump into you today, with the one thing you need?”

“Excuse me, what exactly is that?” Catherine asked, affronted. Edward cocked a brow at her and nodded to the back of her car.

“Gas?” he said tentatively. Catherine’s shoulders relaxed with a laugh. She had already forgotten about that.

“What if Fate wanted us to meet today?” he asked, looking at her with a whimsical expression on his face. Catherine half-expected him to break out into song. She bit her lip against the grin creeping across her narrow face.

“Tell me Edward, do you really believe in Fate? That there is something––or someone––out there wanting us to meet?” she asked, dragging her fingers through her sopping wet hair.

Edward’s upper lip curved upwards and the dimple on his cheek reappeared.

“Yes, I do,” he replied with an incline of his head. Catherine looked out at the dark road ahead, the lights blurred across the windscreen and the intermittent honking sent her mind into another world for a moment as she considered it.

“I tell you what,” she said, snapping out of her thoughts. She looked at Edward as she folded her arms. “If we meet again––and you’re not allowed to follow me––I’ll accept that it is Fate and you can ask me out.”

“Is that a promise?” he asked, offering his hand again. His face in a broad grin now. That smile could light up any room, Catherine thought as she took his hand once more.

“Promise. It was nice meeting you Edward… and thank you again. For the gas.”

“Anytime. I always have gas,” Edward said, his eyes widened in horror as Catherine snorted. “And I look forward to seeing you again.” He shifted aside and gently closed the door as Catherine laughed to herself and shook her head. She gave him a little wave as he swaggered back to his car up ahead and waited for him to get in before she squealed.

“Goodbye Edward,” she said to herself as she pulled away and joined the stream of traffic, expecting never to see the mystery man again.

Chapter Two

Eyes on the Prize

“Sam, I’m just around the corner.” Edward shifted the gear and the car bolted forward with a roar as he navigated the streets of downtown New York. He reclined in his seat at total ease as he rested one hand on the steering wheel and the other on his thigh.

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