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Book online «Billionaires in New York Boxed Set: Billionaires in the City Books 1-3 Laura Burton (books to read this summer .TXT) 📖». Author Laura Burton

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gasped for air.

“My throat is so dry. Suzie, can you top me up?” she said to the teenage girl standing beside her. Suzie’s wispy white hair stuck out from her tight bun and frizzed at the roots. She beamed and skipped away with the jug without another word. Catherine smiled to herself. Suzie had been volunteering at the theatre to get some work experience. It was not a glamorous job getting Catherine drinks, sweeping the stage, and putting the clothes back on the hangers. But Suzie seemed grateful for the opportunity and did all the mundane tasks with no complaints.

Josephine unfastened the clips on the back of Catherine’s dress and lowered the heavy material down her body. Catherine bent her spine and it cracked. Everything ached, even her jaw.

“I need a hot bath,” she sighed as she stretched her arms above her head and stepped out of the gown. Josephine picked up the dress and held it as if it was a newborn baby, then she draped it carefully over a chair.

“You deserve it,” she said as she passed Catherine her normal clothes. “It’s been a long month. London. Paris. Sydney. New York. Now it’s over, what’s next?” Josephine asked as Catherine dressed.

“I have a couple of gigs but most of the month off, then it’s back to the recording studio for the Christmas album,” she said with a sigh. Josephine’s sapphire eyes bulged as she gawped at Catherine.

“Christmas? It’s only March,” she said.

“Crazy, I know.”

Catherine smoothed out the creases in her white shirt and dabbed her moist brow with translucent powder as she studied her reflection. Josephine had expertly removed any evidence of her getting caught in the rain. She had dried her hair, smoothed it out and fashioned it into an oversized bun with loose curls falling down to her cheekbones. Her face was like a porcelain doll. With heavy rose blush on her cheeks, thick black false lashes and the boldest red lipstick Catherine had ever seen. She would not normally wear such heavy make-up, but the theatre lights were known to make performers look washed out.

“Here you are Miss Fisher,” Suzie said brightly as she placed a large drink of water in front of her. Catherine thanked her and looked at Josephine, her eyes wet and emotion building in her chest.

“This is our last night. It just hit me,” she said, pulling them both in for a group hug. Josephine broke away and wiped her big eyes underneath her spectacles with a sniff.

“Don’t. You’ll get me started,” she said. “And if I start crying, I won’t stop.”

Before Catherine could reply, the stage doors flung open and Louis came marching in, his arms spread open wide.

“Don’t forget me,” he said, waving his hands to pull everyone in for another hug. “Oh darling, you were a sensation. What a way to end the tour. Did you see? Everyone was on their feet.”

Catherine bowed her head humbly and blushed. She did notice. The wave of applause was still ringing in her ears. It was her favourite part. Getting a standing ovation was the sign that she had done what she set out to: made people feel something.

“Listen, I know you’re busy for the next couple of months, but I want to talk about giving you a full-time show. Right here at Lincoln Center,” Louis said at top speed.

“Oh Louis, that’s lovely, but I don’t know…”

Louis held up his hand and twirled his perfectly manicured fingernails at her.

“At least consider it. We can talk about it more when you’re back from L.A.”

Catherine’s life had been a whirlwind. She had been born and raised in New York; her parents sold their family home to pay for her education. She went to the best private school in the city and later got a scholarship at Princeton University. A scout picked her up shortly after graduation and she had been touring the world ever since. The idea of settling down in her home city had its appeal, but Catherine wasn’t sure she was ready. Or whether New York was the place to be. The city was big, yes. But knowing her ex-boyfriend walked the same streets sent shivers down her spine. She would forever be looking over her shoulder, wondering if she’d bump into him on a dark night.

That would not be good.

“I’ll have a think about it,” she said politely to Louis, who kissed her cheek.

“That is all I can hope for,” he said softly gazing into her eyes like a father would his favourite daughter. “Now, I must go. I promised the musicians VIP access to my brother’s club. Are you coming along?”

Before Catherine could answer, the stage door opened with a bang. Picture frames rattled against the wall. Catherine looked past Louis’ shocked face and beamed.

“You came!” she said, throwing her arms out. Anthony charged forward and trapped her in a bear hug.

“I wouldn’t miss your last night for anything. Well done Cathy, you should be proud of yourself,” he said in a booming voice as they broke apart. “I’ve brought some friends to meet you, hope that’s okay––”

Catherine was nodding along with a polite smile when her eyes caught sight of the last man she expected to see.

The Mechanic.

Her hands flew to her mouth with a sharp intake of breath and she stared at his face. A deep dimple appeared on his left cheek as he smiled bashfully back, his baby blues twinkling.

“This is Sam Ardent, he’s a friend from work,” Anthony continued unperturbed by Catherine’s reaction. A short stocky man with shiny blonde hair––carefully waxed to the side––stepped forward and offered his hand. She took it and glanced at the other man standing next to him.

“Great show,” Sam said. Catherine returned her gaze to him and bowed her head in thanks.

“And this here is Edward M––” Anthony began but Sam thrust his hand onto Edward’s chest and cut in.

“We call him Eddie, actually. He’s a good friend of mine. Always fixing up my cars.” He chortled nervously, his

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