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Book online «Demon Day Penelope Fletcher (which ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Penelope Fletcher

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unfocused. “Aw,Rae. Really?”

Grabbing her hand, I dragged her withme back a few paces so we were against the wall to stop anythingcoming up behind us.

Crouching down I took my worry out onmy lip. I wasn’t going to dive into the fight and make a nuisanceof myself, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t help another way. “I’mgoing to save them, Ana. I know I am.”

She pointed at the Disciple nearest tous who tried slashing at Nimah with a stubby blade. “Rae, facefacts. They’re here to kill us,” she argued.

The shifter-girl took him down withone heavy backhand and moved on.

I scrunched up my nose and shook myhead. “Black magic aside, I think they’re in over their heads. Theydon’t understand what is really happening. I just need to show themwe’re not the enemy they’ve been told we are.”

Nimah ran back up to us then in twoswift moves yanked off her tunic and pushed down hertrousers.

I flushed and focused on herface.

Buck naked and quivering she motionedto me forcefully. “I knew your sappy ‘don’t hurt any Disciples’plan was stupid,” she hissed. “Look at Meila’s coat. She’s beensliced a dozen times trying to maim instead of kill.”

I winced as said cougar grabbed onehalf of a Cleric as her Alpha grabbed the other and they bothyanked. Blood spurted like a fountain.

“Please refrain from takinglimbs,” I added.

She glared at me.

“Why have you taken yourclothes off?” Ana asked curiously with pink cheeks.

Nimah slid her a sly look. “Melia’sgoing to Change back to human to spare her energy. She’s tooinjured to carry on much longer. She’ll need clothes, and I’m goingto shift and take her place.” Her voice took a smoother tone. “Ana,will your magic be enough to get the young humans to backdown?”

The white-witch smiled at her and feltthe air with her palms. “The magic here is strong – a powerfuldark. We’ll be lucky if they survive this, being pulled in twodirections at once would be strenuous even for a fairy mind.” Shelooked at me expectantly. “Is there any chance the bond has eased abit?”

I closed my eyes and bit my lips.“No,” I breathed and touched a hand to my lips thinking ofhis.

“Well aren’t you a wholebowl of crazy,” Nimah muttered.

I glowered at her, but my attentioncame back to what Ana said. “This spell. Something isn’t rightabout it. Only the Disciples have been affected, but it hasn’tensnared me, Lex, or Ro, and we’re Disciples too.”

“You’re not human, sworn tonone but yourself, and those old ties have broken. And your friendreeks of weeds and black magics meaning he can only be aVo–”

Her gaze slipped out of focus.Flinching, she stared at the ground by my feet in horror. She cameback to herself. Ana rammed herself into me and sent us tumblingdown. Nimah was already on all fours. I landed hard on my back,crushing a wingtip beneath me and feeling my tail become trappedunder my shoulder blade, and I yelped.

Three wicked sharp daggers sliced theair overhead.

Wide eyed I stared up at the nightsky. Then cricked my head to see down the length of my body. Ispotted the Cleric who’d almost stabbed me, and tried not to feelsatisfaction as Amelia’s maw clamped around his neck and rippedinto his jugular as her front paws dug into his chest.

I turned to Ana who trembled. “Soclose,” she whispered.

Death no longer scared me. I hadprayed for it, and so now I viewed it as a friend I had yet tomeet. My voice was calm as I said, “You were saying?”

She shot me a hard look and breathedout slowly. “The spell is targeting Disciples loyal to theSect.”

I stood and scanned over the carnagebefore me.

Nimah dragged Ana up by the arm thenlooked over to where Amelia was limping away from the fight withher Alpha hovering by her protectively, taking down anyone who gottoo close.

“I have to go,” Nimah threwover her shoulder running off toward them.

Ana and I measured each othersilently.

“It’s a spell, you’re awitch. Break it,” I said.

“I don’t think I have thekind of power,” Ana countered.

Scowling, I spotted Zoe from thecorner of my eye, purple hair and blue eyes wild, clambering herway across the bodies of Clerics to get me. “Using my magic rightnow would be dangerous and you know it, Ana, so no.”

“You are the fairyPriestess, Rae. No one is your match for raw power. You just haveto focus.” She paused, wavered at the dark expression on my face.Her eyes flicked to Zoe and impatience twisted her lips.

“Well, I’m about to be busyso can you please do it?”

“I’ll need time to focus myenergies. This will take everything I have,” she grumped with theair of a martyr.

I nodded sharply, not once taking myeyes of Zoe. It was amazing. My eyes were on her, my ears were onAna, but my other sense had stretched out across Sanctuarycourtyard.

I could feel everyone I cared about.There was the stubborn spark of Maeve, wounded, but whole, and abubbly fizz of gold that was Alec close beside her. A blank spotindicated Lex, and a pleasant buzz tinged with darkness close bythat was Ro. I could even feel the shifter twins, identical brightspots of determination, and Byron, the sheen of orange surroundingand protecting them. A brilliant white light blazed a trail in thecentre indicating none other than my brother, Conall. Runt was asmear of warm brown darting here and there. My attention lingeredon the heavy cloud of pulsing darkness that was Tomas, but I pushedit away. Dearer than the dark was the blush of silver, a shimmerthat weaved through the masses, and encircled all. I could senseothers; the hazy, clouded and confused consciousnesses of Clericsand Disciples, but none as dear as the demons that fought them. Myextra sense gave me the peace of mind to focus all my energies onthe one in front of me.

Ana knelt down and turned her face tothe sky. She raised her palms upward and chantedsomething.

Pulling a rusted daggerfrom the waistband of her jeans, Zoe smiled cruelly making her facesomewhat animated, but the smile did not meet her eyes. They had aglazed look. She felt wrong. I bared my teeth at

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