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by the kind gesture from her friends but the excitement on Nerissa’s face is what really made her smile.

“Should I open it now?” asked Cordelia.

Nerissa nodded like an excited puppy. Cordelia untied the string bow and carefully unfolded the brown paper to reveal something quite extraordinary. Cordelia was speechless for several moments while she studied the brass cuff watch.

“It’s amazing,” said Cordelia, placing it on her wrist. “It has such intricate detail, it must have cost a fortune.”

“The cost doesn’t matter,” said Lana.

“Where did you find it?” asked Cordelia, unable to take her eyes off the watch. “I’ve never seen anything like this.”

“We met a woman on the seafront by the periwinkle stand,” said Masika. “We mentioned we were shopping for your birthday present and she told us she had the perfect gift for you.”

“Do you really like it?” asked Nerissa.

“I love it,” said Cordelia, smiling.

Cordelia felt a tickle on her arm and scratched it, only to find loose strands of hair balancing on her arm. She brushed them to the floor with her hand and pretended everything was okay.

“Have you picked out an outfit for tonight?” asked Lana.

“Not yet,” said Cordelia.

“Did I hear you girls discussing outfits?” asked Mazu chirpily as she entered the room. “I hope you don’t mind, the door was open.”

“Not at all,” said Cordelia.

“Happy birthday my dear,” said Mazu, holding Cordelia by the forearms and kissing her on each cheek.

“Thank you.”

“Oh, look at this,” said Mazu, admiring Cordelia’s watch, “isn’t it beautiful. Do you have an outfit to wear with this tonight?”

“I’ll find something,” said Cordelia.

“Indeed you will,” said Mazu, “but you’ll be wanting something new for such a special occasion, you all will, which is why I’m taking you shopping.”

The girls’ eyes lit up and they squealed with excitement, hugging Mazu and thanking her.

“I’ll meet you outside in a second,” said Cordelia, “I just want to do something with my hair.”

“Don’t be long,” said Mazu, “or all the best dresses will be gone.”

Looking in the mirror, Cordelia toyed with her hair before tying it in a pony tail. She pulled on her boots, picked up her jacket and closed the chamber door behind her. In the tunnel Cordelia came face to face with Morwen Vanora. Cordelia stared at the ground in an attempt to avoid the woman but Morwen stood in her path.

“I saw you last night, at the amphitheatre,” scowled Morwen.

Cordelia lifted her eyes and Morwen glared at her with such resentment.

“You may be able to fool everyone else,” she hissed, “but you don’t fool me.”

Cordelia never said a word. She held Morwen’s stare which seemed to irritate the woman so much that her eyes became bloodshot. Eventually, Morwen stepped aside and Cordelia carried on her way.

Outside, the sun shone brightly in the clear blue sky. The horses quietly grazed on the lush, green grass on the cliff top and a gentle sea breeze ruffled the water below. It was warm and peaceful outside, a striking contrast to the icy atmosphere Cordelia had experienced moments before. She skipped over to the others waiting in the cart.

“Will I have time to stop at the tavern on the way?” asked Cordelia.

“I don’t see why not,” said Mazu, “but we want to be in the shop by ten or we’ll be late for lunch.”

“Your hair looks good like that,” said Lana.

Cordelia smiled.

“I think you should wear it down tonight though,” said Nerissa. “It’s too pretty to hide out of the way.”

Cordelia chose not to pass comment on how she’d be wearing her hair.

It was still fairly quiet as they rode into town. Mazu stopped the horse at the rear of the tavern. Cordelia stepped down from the cart and tried the handle. The door was locked. She knocked three times and waited patiently.

Breck opened an upstairs window and called down, “Hang on, I’ll be right there!”

He rushed down the stairs and opened the door. He was short of breath and half dressed, wearing only his trousers and clutching a small package wrapped in brown paper. He rested one arm on the door frame and smiled at Cordelia in a way that made her weak at the knees.

“Happy birthday,” he said.

Cordelia gawked at Breck’s chest moving up and down as he caught his breath.

“Are you coming in?” he asked.

Cordelia glanced at the others waiting in the cart then focused on her watch.

“Only for a minute,” she said and stepped inside. “I’ve just…”

Breck planted a kiss on her lips before she could finish her sentence. Cordelia surrendered for a moment or two before pushing him away.

“What if someone sees us?” she whispered. “Where’s Flynn?”

“He’s in the bath.”

“Will you tell him I’ll be in later? Mazu’s taking us dress shopping.” Cordelia checked the time on her watch. It was nine forty five.

“That’s a nice watch,” said Breck.

“It was a gift, from the girls.”

“Speaking of gifts, I’ve one for you, in exchange for a kiss,” said Breck, playfully hiding the package behind his back.

“You’re such a tease,” said Cordelia, standing on tip toes to reach Breck’s lips.

He handed her the package. The twinkle in his eyes suggested it was something special and he waited with quiet anticipation for her response. Cordelia could tell by the shape and feel of the package that it was probably a book but she never could have known just how thoughtful a gift this would be. She peeled the paper back and gasped for breath.

“Jane Eyre,” whispered Cordelia, running her fingers over the cover. “You remembered.”

She gazed into Breck’s eyes and in this moment she realised just how much he really loved her. They shared an unspoken desire to be alone together but knew they would have to wait. Cordelia checked her watch again, the time was nine fifty.

“I love it,” said Cordelia, hugging him tight, “but I have to go. Thank you so much.” She kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll see you this evening.”

Cordelia climbed back into the cart.

“Everything okay?” asked Mazu.

“Yes thank you,” replied Cordelia.

The girls made sideways glances

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