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Book online «Forever Hers Walters, Ednah (best novels for teenagers .TXT) 📖». Author Walters, Ednah

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captain has nothing and Nolan is still in Charlottesville, we should seriously think of flying out there and drawing him out.”


“We’ll think of something.”

Amy sighed. “I can’t take Raelynn into a situation like that, Eddie.”

“I have a suggestion.” He gripped her hands and stared at her with an earnest expression. “Let’s swing by L.A. and leave her with my family. My sister Lori is home for a short break before she starts work next month. Knowing her, she is either helping Faith in her showroom or partying and sleeping late. She’s amazing with kids.”

Amy shook her head. “I don’t know. You know Raelynn. She’s not good with strangers.”

“She’s changing, and we’ll only be gone for a few days. If she doesn’t like Lori, Kara can keep an eye on her or Aunt Estelle.”

Amy smiled. “You can’t just ask someone to watch over a total stranger’s child.”

His gripped tightened. “You and Raelynn are not strangers. Kara, Baron, all the in-laws know you. Besides, my family does things like that all the time. When there’s an emergency, we rally around each other. When my mother left, all my aunts wanted to raise Lori and me. My father is a proud man and private. I think he hoped our mother would come back, so he turned them down. Did it stop them? No. They pushed, bullied, interfered whether we wanted them or not, until my father gave in.”

“Your family sounds wonderful.”

He chuckled. “No, they’re not. They are loud and nosey and will drive any sane person crazy. What they are is Irish—loyal and bullheaded.”

Amy still hesitated.

Eddie sighed. “Okay, how about we go to L.A. and ask Lori to come with us. She can keep an eye on Raelynn at whatever hotel we’re staying at.”

She liked the sound of that. “How old is she?”


He made everything sound easy. On the other hand, she’d seen how supportive the Fitzgeralds could be. Baron and Kara had allowed her to stay as their housekeeper even after hearing her story. She’d refused to lie to them about her situation. “Let me think about it.”


It took nearly two hours before the police left. Eddie called his insurance company, e-mailed them the police report and pictures, then called a tow company to pick up the cars. The last call he made was to Baron.

His cousin reassured him that his insurance would replace the tires of the SUV, then insisted on talking to Amy. Eddie had no idea what they discussed, but she seemed less tense when she handed the phone back to him.

“How is she holding up?” Baron asked.

“She’s strong, but I don’t know how much more she can take. Her car is unsalvageable and her insurance doesn’t cover malicious damage. Nolan is acting like your average cop and his asshole henchman has disappeared. If they catch him, I can make him confirm everything Amy said.”

“Do you doubt her story?”

“Nah,” Eddie said. He’d had his moments, but not anymore. “Nolan did worse things to her, man. Stuff I can’t go into right now.”

“We’re here if you guys need us. Kara just spoke to her too and told her the same thing. Once the insurance replaces the tires on our car, which I’ll make sure they do first thing tomorrow morning, Amy can used it until she gets situated.”

Eddie grinned. “I’ll let her know.”

“She already does. Keep us updated and be careful.”

Eddie was sweeping the shards of glass from the driveway when Sally pulled up in her squad car. She rolled down the window. “Hop in, Detective. The Capt’n wants to see you.”

“Give me a second.” He gathered the yellow crime scene tape and chucked it in the garbage bag with the broken glass, then went inside the house in search of Amy. She wasn’t in the living room or with Raelynn, who was napping. He found her folding clothes in the laundry room. Her head was bent and her shoulders shook

She’d been so strong, but what she was going through could break anyone. He wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her hair. “It’s okay. Let it out. I know it’s too much.”

She chuckled and turned in his arm. Her eyes gleamed.

“You’re brilliant.” She went on her toes and kissed him.

He grinned. “What did I do?”

“Everything. You’re right. Let’s take this battle to Nolan. I want to screw with his mind the way he did with mine. From the surveillance video, he still frequents the same restaurants and bars, goes to the same gym. We even know where his girlfriend lives. I want payback and I want it mean and calculated.”

Eddie laughed. She never did things like a normal woman. No wonder he was crazy about her. He lifted her up and set her on the counter then nudged her knees apart and settled between them.

Cupping her face, he ducked his head and spoke against her lips, “You have a diabolical mind.”

“You haven’t seen anything yet. About Raelynn, I’m more comfortable having her with us. If your sister is as amazing as you claim—”

He captured her mouth in a kiss meant to silence her, tongue slipping inside her slick, silky interior to find hers. A car horn blared somewhere and sanity returned. He lifted his head, stared into her heavy-lidded eyes begging him to finish what he’d started. Her lips, swollen from their kisses, parted in invitation. His entire body throbbed with regret.

“Sally is waiting for me outside. The captain wants to see me and I don’t know how long I’ll be gone.”

“I’ll be right here, waiting for you.” She planted a quick kiss on his lips. “Go.”

He staggered away from her, paused by the door and looked back. His hunger for this woman bordered on lunacy and he loved it. Maybe he’d have one more kiss to keep him going until later.

“No, you have to go—”

He cut off her protest with his lips. The taste of her in his mouth, her scent in his nose and the feel of her imprinted on his senses,

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