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Book online «Forever Hers Walters, Ednah (best novels for teenagers .TXT) 📖». Author Walters, Ednah

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envelope. “This is for you. Call it a present or an apology for my part in all this and use it as you see fit.” He placed the envelope by the pillar manning the entrance, pushed his glasses in place again, turned and started down the stairs.

“Don’t you dare leave, you bastard.” Sweat was dripping down her back, fear making her voice squeaky. “Do you think I’m stupid? Why would you change now? Bring me this…this gift after you slashed my tires and destroyed my car.”

Burgess glanced at her over his shoulder. “Sorry about your car, but I had to create a diversion and make it look authentic. You haven’t been alone since I planted Nolan’s cigarette filters under the tree. Yes, he smokes now and had the gall to tell me to pick them up after I mowed your neighbor’s lawn while he stood under the tree and stared at your house. Bastard. I also left the crowbar with his fingerprint for the police to find, the gloves which he wore and the laptop with his fingerprints.” He smiled smugly. “I could have left the thumb drive too, but it’s you I was interested in giving it to in case the police mess up like they always do. Use my gift wisely, Ms. Kincaid, and good luck.” Once again, he started to walk away.

Amy wanted to pull the trigger, maybe aim at his feet, but she couldn’t do it. She just couldn’t. Her hands shook. “Why did he kill Charles?”

Burgess threw a mocking smile toward her. “I know what you’re doing. You think if you keep me talking, the police might get here in time to capture me. They won’t. They never will. This time, I’m disappearing for good. Nolan killed Charles because he wanted you, because you look exactly like Penelope.”


“My fiancée and the woman Nolan was obsessed with. Just remember, he’s not above using those you love.” He took off, disappearing from view.

Amy stayed rooted on the spot, her body shaking so hard her teeth rattled. Tears rushed to her eyes. She slid down the pillar until her butt landed on the step. Somewhere the engine of a motorcycle started and took off. Sobs shook her body.

She didn’t know how long she sat there feeling sorry for herself before she composed herself. She eyed the envelope as one would a poisonous snake. It could be a letter bomb, something to finish off what Burgess and Nolan had started. His coming to see her and everything he’d said could all be lies to fool her.

Amy shuffled backwards inside the house, locked the door. She went to the garage for a shovel. She didn’t care that she wasn’t supposed to move suspicious packages. There was no way she was leaving that envelope near the house, where her little girl was sleeping.

She shoved the gun into the small of her back, under the waistband of her Capris, and used the shovel to scoop up the envelope. Walking slowly, she carried it as far away from the house as she could then propped it against a tree trunk, went back to the steps, sat and waited.

By the time three police cars with blazing lights screeched to a halt outside the house, she was calmer and rational. Captain Briggs heaved out of the passenger seat, his movements awkward. He hobbled toward her with his crutch. Four more cops poured from the remaining cars.

“Where’s Detective Fitzgerald?” Amy asked, jumping to her feet.

“He’s working on something for us back at the—”

“You didn’t tell him?” Her mistrust of the police returned with full force. “Why?”

“Ms. Kincaid,” the captain said soothingly, as sweat dotting his forehead even though it wasn’t hot. “Fitzgerald is trying to hack into a laptop found at Burgess’ rental home. If you want us to stop this guy, we must know everything about him.”

Taking a deep breath, she backtracked. “I’m sorry. It’s been a horrific day. He planted the laptop, the crowbar and gloves. That’s what he said. He also left that,” Amy pointed at the envelope, “called it an apology for his involvement. I moved it,” she added and grimaced when the captain frowned. “I know I’m not supposed to but my daughter is asleep in the house and I wanted that thing as far away from her as possible.”

“I understand.” The captain nodded to his driver. “Tell Jim or the new guy to get over here. I want the envelope checked for explosives, radioactive or potentially hazardous material.” While the cop disappeared inside the car to make the call, the others stared at the envelope. “Tell me exactly what happened, Ms. Kincaid,” Captain Briggs added. “What was Burgess wearing and what car was he driving?”

“His hair was dirty blond, not black, and he wore black-rimmed glasses.” She jerked a thumb toward the front door. “The camera caught the whole thing. He wore a black suit and a white dress shirt. I heard the engine of a motorcycle start after he left. I tried to detain him but…but…”

“That’s okay, Ms. Kincaid. I’m just happy you called us.” He turned to his men. “He couldn’t have gone far. Call patrol and give them the description. We’re inspecting every car leaving Sandpoint,” he explained then indicated the house. “Show me this recording.”

Inside the house, she handed him the tablet and watched his expression as he watched it. He pressed pause, called someone and added more to the description of Burgess, things she didn’t notice, then went back to watching the recording.

“Good job defending yourself. I was told you’ve been taking self-defense classes, but no one mentioned you had a gun too. ”

Amy flushed. “Much good it did me. I couldn’t stop him from leaving.”

The captain chuckled. “Don’t be too hard on yourself. It takes courage to step out of the comfort of your home like you did and confront him. You are to be commended. He also knew you wouldn’t shoot a defenseless man. I’d like a copy of that footage please.” He

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