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him, it was unlikely he’d be able to resist her orders.

A new thought occurred to Tessa. Maybe that was why Timothy had looked so pale on the dock when Cynthia was killed. Perhaps he’d felt guilty for following April’s orders.

Cheryl hummed as she buzzed around the room picking things up to pack. She’d only been there one night. Yet, she’d unpacked and now repacked like she was there for the week.

Tessa eyed her, wondering how to approach the subject. Finally, she cleared her throat. “What will happen to Timothy now? Federal court martial?”

“Oh, he’ll get a fair trial.” Cheryl’s tone was vague. “But it will be Mr. Blade who ultimately decides what to do with him.”

Mr. Blade! Of course.

“When will that happen? And where?” Tessa bit her lip. Maybe she could speak to Mr. Blade in time. “Will it be here in Miami?”

Cheryl shrugged. “That’s not my area. The task force will hold Timothy safely until we receive further instructions.”

“Hold him? Hold him where?”

Cheryl’s eyebrows rose a fraction. “What are you up to, Theresa?” She crossed to pick up her phone from the nightstand.

Tessa held up her hands placatingly. “Nothing. Why would you think I’m up to something? I’m just curious. Is Timothy in some kind of government facility? Miami jail? Reaper prison? Inquiring minds want to know these things.”

Cheryl sat on the edge of the bed, scrolling on her phone. She seemed distracted. “He’s here in the hotel. You know that group from Albuquerque with the stomach bug left early, so the sixth floor is mostly empty. We secured a room there. The task force members are taking turns guarding him until someone from the main office comes and gets him. They’re traveling here from D.C.”

“Ah. Well, I’m glad that’s over with.” Tessa pulled out a swimsuit and closed her suitcase. “I think I’ll go hang out at the pool one last time.”

Cheryl’s attention was still on her phone. “Have fun, dear.”

Tessa changed, slipping a cover-up over her suit, and got out of there fast, before her mother’s distraction ended and she re-focused on her daughter.

As Tessa headed toward the pool, she kept her eyes peeled for Mr. Blade. She remembered how Silas hadn’t seemed to see Blade before. Was that because Silas wasn’t a reaper?

But no. When Tessa first met Blade in the hallway outside the conference room, other reapers had scattered out of his way but hadn’t looked directly at him. It was as though they’d sensed his presence in a way but couldn’t actually see him.

Tessa thought it was possible—maybe even likely—that Corwin Blade was only visible to people when he wanted to be. So, looking for him could be entirely a waste of time. If he didn’t want Tessa to find him, she may walk right past without even knowing he was there.

Still, she scanned the area for his tall, dark frame. At the pool, she pulled out her purple sunglasses, popped them on, and looked around.

No Corwin Blade, aka the Grim Reaper himself.

She found a chair and sat, not leaning back, and tried to put out vibes that she wanted to talk to Blade. Maybe she could will him to appear? Or maybe he could feel when a reaper reached out for him?

That reminded her of what he’d told her. Something about the Scythe.

But surely, Blade could just sort of . . . know . . . whether Timothy was telling the truth about the allocations? After all, he was the original version, right? Every reaper was doing a tiny bit of what was really, ultimately, Blade’s job. They’d been given some of his abilities, somehow. So, Blade would know whether the numbers were messed up and who was responsible.

Tessa sat for an hour, mulling over the situation and watching for Mr. Blade, who never arrived.

When her phone buzzed, she pulled it out with a sigh, resigned that he wasn’t going to show up just because she’d tried to summon him.

Silas had texted: One last vacation sunset. Want to come?

A smile leapt to her lips, and she texted back Yes without really giving it much thought.

But I have to change.

Cool. I’ll pick you up in 20 minutes.

Tessa was glad to find her hotel room empty. Cheryl must have gone downstairs. Or maybe she was taking her turn guarding Timothy. Wherever she was, Tessa was happy to change her clothes in peace and leave without having to explain to her mother where she was going.

Silas was right on time, as usual, and he gave her a warm, tight hug. Tessa relaxed in his arms.

Should she be doing this? Was it unfair to Silas to hang out with him when she was pretty sure they’d need to put an end to the budding relationship? He seemed to be over the weirdness of the night before—the lie that she’d told him.

She pushed away the doubts that tried to niggle their way between her and Silas. She was determined to live in the moment as much as possible for one more evening.

“Last chance to visit the empanada truck,” Silas suggested as they went outside.

She shook her head. “Sounds amazing, but we have our awards dinner tonight. Gloria said they really do it up with some great food.” She patted her stomach. “I’d better save my calories.”

Silas chuckled and grabbed her hand as they got to the boardwalk. “Well, if I have to have you back at a certain time, I’d better take advantage of every minute.” He glanced at her. “You know, I’ve had a great time hanging out with you.”

“Yeah.” She returned his smile and squeezed his hand. “Me too. It’s been a blast.”

“Thanks for suggesting it. And talking me into it. It’s been . . . nice . . . to have some time off to just relax for a few days.” He breathed deeply and looked out at the ocean. “This was just what I didn’t know I needed.”

Tessa nodded. “You should do it regularly. You know, at least once a year. I mean, I’m

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