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not sure if you’re aware of this, but there are people who actually take time off work for leisure activities sometimes.”

Silas scoffed. “Blasphemy!”

They both dissolved into giggles.

They didn’t walk too far since Tessa was on a time constraint, but the conversation was easy. Tessa didn’t think about Timothy or Mr. Blade. She was in the moment as they watched the sunset together, carrying their sandals so their toes could sink into the sand.

Back in front of the hotel, Tessa faced Silas. “I’ll see you at the airport tomorrow, I guess.” She felt bummed that vacation time was almost over.

But did it have to be? They were going back to the same place, after all. The same building, in fact. Tessa and Silas would see each other every day, like they had since Tessa moved into Mist River Manor.

Maybe this didn’t have to be the end of their budding romance—because Tessa had to admit to herself now that’s what it was. She had feelings for Silas, for sure, and he’d given off all the signals that it was reciprocal.

He leaned forward, brushing her cheek with his fingers. “Right,” he said softly, “I’ll see you at the airport.”

His lips brushed hers lightly, just for an instant, and then he winked and walked into the gathering darkness.

It had happened so fast Tessa could almost convince herself it had been in her imagination. Except it hadn’t. Silas had kissed her.

And it had been wonderful. A little short. But wonderful.

A smile played on her lips as she touched the spot where his had brushed them.

But as Tessa entered the hotel and saw a crowd of reapers passing through the lobby toward the conference room, Tessa’s elation abruptly soured. She’d almost forgotten.

How could she have a romantic relationship with Silas? Either she’d have to lie to him about her job, which was bound to end in feelings of betrayal at some point, or tell him about it, which could be dangerous for her and the other reapers.

No. As much as she didn’t want to, Tessa was going to have to find a way to break things off with Silas. For both of their sakes.

Chapter 18

“YOU LOOK LIKE SOMEBODY stole your puppy and replaced it with a big sack of stinky trash,” Gloria said.

Tessa laughed. “That’s . . . a strangely detailed and odd scenario.”

Gloria shrugged. “Well, it’s the truth. That’s exactly the face I’d expect you to make if such a thing happened. It didn’t happen, did it?”

“No!” Tessa laughed again.

“Then what’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” She sank into a chair in the conference room.

“Definitely not a nothing face.” Gloria tipped her head, examining Tessa closer. “That’s a something expression if I ever saw one. Did you have a fight with your hottie landlord?”


“But the face is about hottie landlord, isn’t it? I have a knack for these kinds of things.”

“Being nosey?” Tessa frowned and sank deeper into the chair. “Okay . . .  maybe.”

Gloria simply continued to stare expectantly at her.

“Fine,” Tessa huffed. “I’m going to tell him we can’t be together when we get home. I don’t want to do it. But it’s better for everyone if I do it now instead of letting it drag out until I hurt his feelings even worse.”

“How would you do that?”

“By continuing to lie to him every day about what I do.”

Gloria’s chest rose and fell as she sighed deeply. “You’re a slow learner, you know that?”

Tessa scowled at her friend. “Am not.”

“Are too.” Gloria looked like she was going to say more, but someone tapped on the microphone, drawing their attention.

It was Cheryl.

“Am not,” Tessa added triumphantly. She perked up, sitting straighter, wondering why her mother was speaking.

With a huge smile that made her look a tiny bit like a Mr. Ed, Cheryl lifted her hands wide and cooed into the microphone, “Thank you all for being here. Both tonight and at the conference in general. What a year. And that’s what we’re here to celebrate. Not the conference, but the year of reaping.”

Everyone cheered and clapped.

“But, as with all lovely things, this one is at an end. It’s time for us to celebrate the camaraderie we’ve had and the things we’ve learned.” She clasped her hands together and grinned like she’d just watched her offspring graduate from law school. She’d made no secret of the fact she wanted Tessa to be a high-powered lawyer. Nor had she hid her disappointment when Tessa announced that she had no intention of doing any such thing.

Cheryl continued, “I’m so proud of this community and everything we do. To that end, it’s time for our annual awards ceremony.”

The excitement was palpable in the room. Tessa realized this was a big deal for the reapers.

“Most of you know how we like to do these things. We start off a little silly—a little reminiscent of the high school yearbook. These were added when Lee was in charge of the awards.”

“They’re based off The Office, not the high school yearbook,” he called out.

Cheryl rolled her eyes. “First, we have an award for the best-dressed reaper. Now, I’d like to remind you that these awards are decided on by committee, not by me.” Cheryl placed a hand on her chest. “So, I am not the one to blame if you weren’t chosen! Remember, you have a whole year to plan a better wardrobe to try and win next year.”

Everyone laughed.

Tessa was amazed. Cheryl was gracious and funny. Everyone was engaged and enjoying themselves with her at the mic. How had that even happened? Cheryl wasn’t scheduled to be at the conference. This must be an impromptu thing for her.

Was Timothy supposed to emcee the award ceremony?

But Cheryl was opening an envelope, so Tessa had to pay attention. The room fell silent as she read a sheet inside and smiled. “Well. I will have to accept this award on behalf of the recipient, who is otherwise occupied at this time.” She held up the slip of paper. “The winner is Bubba!”

Everyone clapped and

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