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hispersonality changes and with that so does his person. One minute heis Gareth, the next he can be Scott, or Deirdre—”

“Who the fuckis Deirdre?” she blurted out.

“Deirdre isone of his alters, Sam. I have not yet met her. I’ve only metScott.”

She droppedher head in her hands. “I don’t know if I can...I mean...what do Isay or do with this?” She lifted her head, displaying a look ofcomplete stupefaction.

“I don’t know,Hun. It might help to research the condition before you do anythingbrash, though. I can tell you that he sees the family psychologistfor therapy weekly and takes medication daily to supress the altersfrom dominating him.”

“Why didn’t hetell me?” she asked in an angry tone.

“I don’t know.Maybe he was scared, or maybe it’s because as part of his treatmenthe is encouraged to live his life normally, and telling everyone hecomes in contact with about the DID would hinder that.”

“Right,” sheanswered, still looking completely lost.

“I’m sorry,Sam. I just thought you should know the whole truth.”

She smiledmildly at me. “No, that’s okay. Thank you for telling me, Iappreciate it. I just have a lot to consider now.”

“I know youdo. But make sure you consider everything, okay?”

She stood upand helped me up with her. “So, how long are you in that stylishthing?” she pointed to my moon boot.

“Five to sevenweeks,” I answered with a pout.

“Well, itcould be worse...” she froze and her eyes widened. “Oh, shit!Sorry, I didn’t...see what I mean? I’m hopeless, absolutelyhopeless.”

“Sam,seriously...” I placed my hand on her shoulder as I picked up mycrutches. “I’m sure you are not the only one who mouth-farts at thewrong time. We are all capable of it.”

After Sam leftthe office, I felt only mildly better. Better, because she was nowaware of Gareth’s situation and could make her own informeddecision about what to do in regards to their relationship. But Ialso felt terrible, because I could see Sam’s heart break as sherealised her partner was not who she thought he was.


Later thatevening, Derek stayed for dinner after knuckling down and giving mesome more lessons.

“How’s shecoming along?” Lucy asked him as we each ate our meals ordered fromthe hotel’s kitchen. I missed my smirky chef and his culinarywizardry.

“She’s anatural, or I am the bomb when it comes to teaching.” He shot asmile at me. “Yeah, I’m thinking I’m just that good.”

I rolled myeyes, so did Lucy.

“So, Alexis,how do you plan on springing your new found guitar talent on mybrother?”

“I don’t know.I was just going to sit him down and play something I guess, whenthe time was right,” I explained as I popped my fork in mymouth.

“That’sboring, and plain and just...boring. You need to do it in a waythat says ‘Look the fuck at what I have learned for you’.”

I laughed,“And how do I do that exactly?”

“At our gig ina couple of month,” she said proudly.

Derek chokedon his mouthful, and Nic screwed up her face.

“I’m singingat that gig you know,” Charli added.

“You are, areyou?” Derek asked, obviously this being news to him.

“Yep, Brycesaid I could. I’ve been practising.”

“He did, andshe has,” I confirmed.

“Yeah,” Natemoaned. “She has been practising a lot.”

I squinted myeyes at my son, a warning to be nice or else.

Lucy stood upand took her plate to the sink. “Perfect, a family gig. Nic, do youwant to join in too?” She raised her eyebrows at her partner.

“Do you wantto change Alexander’s nappies for a month?” Nic counter offeredback.

“Point taken,”Lucy replied in a sweet voice. “So what song are you going to playfor him, Alexis? Do you need help choosing? The gig is in twomonths you might want to start practising it.” Um, fuck! I onlyjust picked up the bloody guitar, steady on.

“I haven’treally thought about it, Luce, maybe “The Only Exception” byParamore. I don’t know.”

“Actually,that would be doable, Alexis. It’s a very basic song to learn onthe guitar for most part, and I could play what you might not beable to learn in such a short space of time,” Derek said as thecogs in his brain started to turn.

“Yes, greatsong choice Alexis and perfect for your voice,” Lucy added, herbrain cogs turning too. I’m sorry, did you just say myvoice?

“What do youmean perfect for my voice?”

“It’s theperfect song for you to play and sing to Bryce at our gig. Oh myGod, he is gonna die when you perform this for him.” She was soexcited.

“I dunno, it’sone thing doing it in private for him, but up on stage at one ofyour gigs? I don’t think I can do that.” Already I felt clammy andnervous.

“Alexis, howmuch do you love him?”

“Lucy, that’sunfair.” You sneaky little guilt tripper.

“Well? Howmuch?”

“More thananything.”

“Then youshould do it, because I can tell you this would absolutely blow hismind.” Really?

“Can yousing?” asked Derek.


“Yes, shecan,” Lucy interrupted.

“I can hold atune, that’s different from being able to sing,” I corrected.

“Pfft, I knowfor a fact you can sing,”


“How did Brycesay you put it? Oh, yeah...Creepy Research.”

Oh, for thelove of...


So, it wasset. In just over two months’ time when I was no longer supportedby crutches and a hideous looking boot, I would be performing “TheOnly Exception” for Bryce at one of Live Trepidation’s gigs. Howthe flying fuck did they talk me into that? Oh, yeah...it wasbecause it was ‘going to absolutely blow his mind’. How could Ihave possibly refused when Lucy put it like that? And, after givingit more thought, he had gone over and beyond when it came to doingthings for me: helicopter rescue, Tel V Awards, 4Life, ‘Kings ofLeon’, Uluru, Brylexis, the list went on. I really had no choice,and I had to perform the absolute shit out of it because hedeserved nothing less.

For the pastfew days, Derek and I had been practising as much as we possiblycould, and my lessons had gone from actually learning how tounderstand and play music, to listen, copy, and wing it—which hadbeen working nicely. Already, I was getting used to the 6/8 timesignature and the introduction of the capo on the second fret. Iwas also getting used to different methods of strumming thestrings.


Bryce was duehome the next day, and I was beyond

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