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and then I looked at each of the girls. Their eyes were filled with hope and trust, and I wasn’t about to let them down.

“Should we take the cart to Father’s?” Kas asked after a few moments of quiet.

“I think that’s a good idea,” I agreed. “It will probably be faster, and Blar’s made a lot of portals the past few days. I think he deserves a rest.”

“You’re right,” the strawberry-blonde said before a smirk spread across her lips. “And I think the pumpkin was a nice touch, too.”

“I thought so,” I chuckled.

While the girls finished their breakfast and got ready to go, I went over to the cart and cleared out all the valuables inside. All of the coins, jewels, and weapons we’d found lately were still inside, so I took them into the cottage and hid them away with the rest of my coins.

I made sure to grab a small bag of silver and copper coins to take with us in case we needed to purchase anything, but I didn’t think we’d need any gold. Besides, if we needed more money, we could always come back home and get more, but I doubted there would be any sort of urgency to us buying something worth more than a few silver coins.

I looked through the goods we’d gathered up for something to give Ramir as a thank you for all of his dedication and hard work for us. I found him a very nice pot we’d retrieved from the bandits we’d taken out, as well as some Alfheimian spices. I put those in a basket along with some fresh fruits and vegetables from the garden, and then I made my way over to where the girls were gathered around the cart.

“Is that for Ramir?” Asta asked with a wide smile.

“Yeah.” I nodded. “He does a lot for us, so I figured the least we could do was bring him some fresh produce and a new pot.”

“He’ll love it.” Kas’ violet eyes softened as she smiled at me. “Thank you, Rath.”

“Of course,” I said. “He deserves this, and much more.”

Blar walked up and put his front paws on my leg so he could sniff the basket.

“It’s not for you,” I chuckled.

“No, but I’m sure Father will give him whatever he wants out of it,” Kas laughed.

“Knowing Ramir, I’d say that’s a good bet,” I snorted.

My women were all ready, so I gathered the horned horses and locked them back into their positions in front of the vehicle. They’d stayed close to the house, just as I knew they would, and they were clearly full from grass and apples and peaches that had dropped onto the ground. Their bellies were wide, and I reminded myself to take them out more so they didn’t get too comfortable with not working for their meals.

The girls and I had foregone our armor for the moment, though it was placed in the back of the cart for when we needed it, but right then all we carried was our weapons. We were only traveling across Asgard, after all, so I knew we weren’t in any danger.

It would also be far more suspicious to be traveling through the city in full battle gear than to simply be in regular clothes. Besides, it was a beautiful day, and I enjoyed the feel of the sunshine on my skin as we pulled out onto the brick road that led to the city.

It had been some time since we’d really traveled through Asgard, and as we trotted along, I enjoyed the scent of the fresh flowers and trees that filled the air.

We rode in silence for a while and just enjoyed the gentle swaying of the cart, but it wasn’t long before the wonderful aromas of the marketplace hit my nose.

The market was bustling with people as usual when we passed through, and I looked out and smiled at all the vendors selling their wares. Then we passed by my favorite stand in all of Asgard, ‘Torni’s Turkey Legs’.

I didn’t know many of the vendors personally, but I knew Torni well. His booth was the only one I’d consistently visited over the years, simply because the food was absolutely delicious.

I waved to him as we passed by, and for a second, it looked like he didn’t recognize me, but then realization dawned on his face, and he grinned and waved back with his massive, tan hand.

“I remember him.” Asta smiled. “We bought turkey legs from him when I first arrived.”

“We did,” I chuckled.

“Torni’s has the best food in the entire market,” Eira sighed. “Those turkey legs are something else.”

“He does,” I agreed.

“Before I started hanging around with you all, I would get my dinner from here most nights,” Eira added.

“You don’t cook?” Kas asked, and her strawberry-blonde eyebrows pinched together.

“I was more focused on fighting than cooking as a kid,” the redhead laughed. “I guess I just never really paid too much attention to the meals I ate, so I never bothered to learn how to cook them.”

“It must have been very expensive to eat at the market every day.” Asta’s yellow eyes widened with surprise.

“It’s not cheap,” Eira chuckled. “But I made good money with the warband, and I have my own property, so what else am I using my coins for?”

The redhead shrugged, but Asta simply turned to me to see if I was as shocked as she looked.

“You have your own property?” Kas asked.

“You all really don’t know that much about me still, do you?” Eira smiled and shook her head.

“I guess not.” Kas frowned. “We’ve been a little more focused on the dragons than anything else.”

“As we should be.” The redhead nodded.

“Still, I’d like to see this property of yours sometime,” the sorceress replied with a smile.

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