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Book online «ELEMENTS: Acquiesce Kathryn Andrews (guided reading books .TXT) 📖». Author Kathryn Andrews

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grey. “Are you joking?”

Cordelia raised her eyebrows. “Would I be searching for books in the library at this hour on a Sunday if I was joking?”

“This isn’t good,” said Nixie. “It’s a bad omen.”

“What does it want?” asked Cordelia, scanning the contents and turning straight to the page about Pooka.

“I don’t know,” said Nixie.

Cordelia traced the text with her finger, then read aloud, “This shapeshifting fairy creature is a portent of oncoming doom.”

Startled by a sudden hammering on her chamber door, Cordelia looked to Nixie for reassurance. Nixie poked her head through the chamber wall to see who was there.

“It’s your friends,” whispered Nixie.

Cordelia breathed a sigh of relief, adjusted the towel on her head to make sure it was secure and slowly opened the door.

“Can we come in?” asked Lana.

Cordelia looked to Nixie for reassurance but she’d gone. Cordelia stepped back, opening the door a little wider.

“We’ve been so worried about you,” said Nerissa. “We waited up half the night for you but you didn’t come back,” said Masika. “We didn’t know whether to report you missing or not.”

“That won’t be necessary,” said Cordelia, “but I appreciate the concern.”

“As long as you’re alright, that’s the main thing,” said Lana.

Nerissa glanced at the towel on Cordelia’s head. “Is everything okay?”

Cordelia knew what she was referring to. “I suppose now is as good a time as any,” she said and unraveled the towel from her head.

Lana and the twins gasped.

“Thank heavens for that,” said Nerissa, reaching out to touch Cordelia’s arm. “I thought you were bald under there.”

“Would it have mattered if she was?” asked Masika.

“No, not at all,” replied Nerissa, a little put out by her sister’s moody tone. “I’m just relieved for her. A woman’s hair is her crown, is it not?”

“It’s so different,” said Lana.

“I’ve never known a mermaid’s hair to fall out and grow back a different colour,” said Masika.

“There’s a first time for everything,” said Lana and she smiled at Cordelia.

“It’s beautiful,” said Nerissa.

“You’ll be the topic of conversation on everyone’s lips,” said Masika.

Cordelia looked disappointed.

“Why must you say such things?” asked Nerissa. “You’re in a strange mood this morning.”

“That would be typical, wouldn’t it?” said Cordelia. “People talked about me because I had grey hair and now they’ll talk about me because it’s not grey anymore. They’ll probably say I’m a witch.”

Lana and the twins sensed the despair in Cordelia’s voice and they huddled around their friend, hugging her tight. Cordelia wanted to yelp from the pain in her shoulder blades but she daren’t. The hair was one thing but feathers sprouting from her shoulders was not something she was about to share. She looked Masika in the eyes to sense if she was reading her mind; at this moment, there was nothing to suggest that she was. The girls released their hug.

“A lot happened last night Cordelia,” said Lana, “are you sure you’re okay?”

Cordelia shrugged.

“I’m sure everything will work out,” said Nerissa, hopefully.

“You were there, weren’t you?” said Masika in a brusque tone.

“There’s no need to be like that,” said Nerissa. “I’m just trying to help.”

“Neither of you are being particularly helpful,” said Lana.

“Sorry,” said Nerissa, looking rather disheartened.

“It’s me who should be apologising,” said Cordelia. “I ruined your evening. I ruined everyone’s evening.”

“Have you spoken to either of them since?” asked Lana.

Cordelia shook her head. “It’s all such a mess.”

“Flynn just needs time to get used to the idea,” said Lana. “It all came as a bit of a shock, that’s all. Let the dust settle. I’m sure he’ll come round.”

“I doubt it,” said Cordelia.

“Maybe you should talk to Breck,” said Nerissa.

“Maybe he’s been able to talk Flynn round.”

“They’ve probably killed each other,” said Cordelia, “and it’s all my fault.”

“You weren’t to know that Flynn was Breck’s father,” said Lana.

“No, but I have known for a while,” said Cordelia, “and I did nothing about it. I should have ended it.”

“But you love Breck,” said Nerissa. “That must count for something.”

“I do love him,” said Cordelia. “That’s why I can’t ask him to choose me over his own father. I’ll tell them it was a mistake. It’s over.”

Masika spotted the book, open on Cordelia’s bed. “Is there something you need to tell us?”

Lana and Nerissa wondered what on earth Masika was talking about until Masika picked up the book and showed them the page about Pooka.

“I was going to tell you,” said Cordelia.

“Tell us what?” asked Lana.

“She’s seen Pooka,” said Masika. “This morning.”

As Masika spoke of Pooka, the candles flickered. Nerissa’s eyes widened and she hugged herself.

“I thought we’d spoken about this,” said Cordelia. “Stop reading my thoughts, please.”

“You can’t keep something like this to yourself,” said Masika. “This affects us all.”

“I was going to tell you.”

“Everyone calm down,” said Lana. “Have you told anyone else?”

“Only Wade,” said Cordelia. “He lent me the book. Oh, and Nixie.”

“Did Wade offer any advice?” asked Masika.

“Not really,” said Cordelia, “he just said to read the book.”

“I don’t think we should panic,” said Lana. “Mother always said to surround myself with shamrock to ward off Pooka.”

“Does it work?” asked Nerissa.

“I don’t know,” said Lana. “I’ve never had the need to try it.”

“There’s a first time for everything,” said Cordelia, smiling.

“I think we should tell someone,” said Nerissa.

“She’s right,” said Lana. “I’ll let father know. He’ll pass the message on.”

“What exactly does Pooka do?” asked Cordelia.

“Causes mischief,” said Nerissa. “Usually at night.”

“It’s a little more than mischief,” said Masika. “It’s horrible. It terrorizes people. Who knows the harm it could cause.”

“If we see Pooka coming, we can stop it, can’t we?” asked Cordelia.

“We could try, if we see it,” said Lana, “but we might not. Pooka can take on any form.”

“How did Pooka appear to you?” asked Nerissa.

“A dark horse,” said Cordelia.

“I still think…” began Lana before being interrupted by a loud knock at the door.

The girls froze like statues, only their eyes moved as they exchanged sideways glances. The knock came again.

“Cordelia, are you in there?”

Hearing Mazu’s voice, Cordelia held her hand over her chest as she slowly

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