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Book online «Star Rider and Bonds of Love: A Sci-Fi Space Opera with a Touch of Fantasy Heidi Skarie (fox in socks read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Heidi Skarie

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hespoke again. Toemeka didn’t understand the words, but could hearthe challenge in his voice.

“Kumaroo will fight any man forToemeka,” Jake said. All the natives stepped back, indicating thatnone of them wanted to challenge him.

One of the warriors spoke to Jakein Owayan. “Kumaroo is a strong, skilled warrior and none of themen will fight him for her.”

“Tell Kumaroo our ways aredifferent,” Michio said. “Toemeka and I made vows to each otherthat no man can break.”

The chief stepped forward andsaid in the universal language, “You are in our tribe. You willfollow our tribal ways. If you want the woman, you must fight Kumaroofor her.”

Michio strained against the twomen holding him. “I’ll fight him.”

“The winner gets the woman,”the chief said. “Michio, the medicine man says you know magic. It’sforbidden to use supernatural powers during the fight. If you do,your life will be forfeit. You and Kumaroo will fight without weaponsuntil one of you yields or dies.”

Michio and Toemeka were bothreleased and she ran into his arms. “Don’t fight him. He couldkill you.”

Michio held her close. “I don’tsee any other choice.”

“I could agree to be his wife,then threaten him with a knife if he comes near me.”

Michio’s mouth curled up at thecorner. “I admire your courage, but I don’t think Kumaroo will beintimidated by a knife.”

“Toe’s pretty good with aknife,” Erling said. “I’d give her one if I had one.”

Michio scowled at him.“Fortunately, you don’t. None of us do. I’ll fight him.”

“It’s too dangerous,”Toemeka said. “He comes from a larger race of people. It won’t bea fair fight.”

“Size isn’t everything. Havesome faith in my abilities.”

“I do, but things can go wrongin any fight.”

Michio looked at Erling. “Don’tlet anything happen to Toemeka, no matter what the outcome of thefight.”

Erling nodded grimly.

Kumaroo stripped down to hisleather pants. Tattoos covered the warrior’s broad shoulders,massive chest and muscular arms. He stood a head taller than Michioand was more massive, though Michio was a good-sized man for hisrace.

Michio walked over to where themen gathered around the chief and removed his jacket, shirt andmoccasins.

“Kumaroo’s built like atank,” Erling said. “What do we do if Michio loses?”

Before Jake could reply, Toemekasaid, “Jake, convice the chief to stop the fight.”

Jake shook his head. “It’stoo late for that.”

Toemeka couldn’t see Michio andKumaroo over the heads of the natives who’d formed a circle aroundthem. “What’s happening?”

“They’re performing some typeof ceremony,” Jake replied. “The medicine man is sprinklingsomething on the ground around Michio and Kumaroo.”

The sound of drums startedbeating and the natives began chanting. “We have to stop thefight!” Toemeka exclaimed. She started toward the circle ofwarriors.

Erling grabbed her arm. “Michiois a skilled warrior. He can take Kumaroo.”

“Let me go!” she demanded.

“Maybe you should take her tothe teepee,” Jake said. “This is bound to get bloody.”

“I’m not going anywhere,”Toemeka snapped.

Erling looked at Jake. “IfMichio loses, I’ll have to fight Kumaroo and you’ll have toescape with Toemeka.”

“I’ll take one of theaxterdons.”

“Michio’s not going to lose,”Toemeka said, hoping it was true. “Erling’s right. Michio’s anAhimsa warrior.”

“What’s that?” Jake asked.

“A spiritual warrior.”

“I don’t see how that’sgoing to help.”

Erling started toward the circle.“The fight’s about to begin.”

“Freck!” Toemeka exclaimed.She pushed through the warriors until she was in the front row; themen followed.

Michio stood alert, calm anddetached as Kumaroo moved closer. All at once, Kumaroo let out ablood-curdling scream and sprang like a panther. Michio agilely leaptaside, chopped the back of Kumaroo’s neck with the side of hishand, then followed through with a dance-like kick to his stomach.

A roar rose up from the nativesand a wave of excitement filled the air as everyone realized thiswould be a good fight. Although the blows should have knocked him tothe ground, Kumaroo stood like he hadn’t even been touched.

Michio stepped back, his facebetraying surprise and concern. Toemeka tensed as Kumaroo chargedagain. Michio turned aside at the last instant and kicked Kumaroo inthe thigh. Before Michio regained his balance, Kumaroo swung aroundand pounded him in the ribs. Michio fell to the ground, moving withthe momentum of the fall and, in one fluid motion, sprang back to hisfeet.

Erling winced. “That had tohurt.”

The natives chanted louder andthe drums beat in a heavy rhythm.

“I didn’t realize Michio wassuch a good fighter,” Jake said with new respect in his voice.“Where did he learn to fight like that?”

“At a monastery.” Toemekacrossed her arms tightly in front of her chest. “This form offighting is called Soku.”

“In a monastery! I thought mensat around and prayed all the time in monasteries.”

“They do other things, too.”Toemeka bit her lip, keeping an eye on Michio who was obviously inpain. He held his side where he’d been kicked and sweat glistenedon his bare, muscular chest.

Kumaroo walked around the circlewith his hands raised. A loud, rhythmic chanting arose from thenatives. All at once, Kumaroo sprang at Michio with a deadlyexpression.

Michio deflected the blow andspun out of the way, coming up behind Kumaroo. He slid his arms underKumaroo’s armpits and put his hands behind Kumaroo’s neck.

Kumaroo bent his head back,screaming a deadly roar, breaking Michio’s hold. He flipped Michioover his shoulder. Michio crashed to the ground, landing on his backwith the wind knocked out of him. He didn’t regain his feet.

“Get up!” Toemeka yelled.

Kumaroo leapt on top of Michioand seized him around the neck and started choking him.

“Yield!” Toemeka screamed.“He yields.”

She ran over to Kumaroo, grabbinghis arm. “Let him go!”

Kumaroo swung the back of hishand at her, hitting her on the chest, and she flew backward and fellonto the ground. Michio slammed his fist into Kumaroo’s chin, thenthrust his knee into Kumaroo’s stomach.

Springing to his feet, Michiopulled Toemeka up. He thrust her toward Erling who’d steppedforward to get her. “Keep her away before she gets seriously hurt.”

Erling grasped Toemeka’s upperarm saying, “Kumaroo always turns to the left when he pulls away.He’s protecting his left thigh, the one with the scar.”

“Got it,” Michio replied,without looking at Erling. His eyes stayed focused on Kumaroo.

Erling pulled Toemeka back towhere Jake stood. She locked eyes with Kumaroo. His desire for herwas evident and the thought of him touching her made her skin crawl.She eyed a knife hanging in a sheath from

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