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Book online «The Godsend Backfire: The Beginning Harold Straugh (bearly read books TXT) 📖». Author Harold Straugh

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with Mylicious and take me along.  You can take him to Derium’s head, then we can go explore,” she said and smiled out of the side of her face.

“You’ve thought about this haven’t you?” I said, I smiled, it started to feel nice to have someone care about me, but I was to dead inside before to care back, or so I thought.

“More than you know,” she said, she had the habit of leaning on me, it was a silly little thing she did that I enjoyed.

“We will see, we can talk to Mylicious in the morning.”

“Do you want to rest under the stars tonight? they’re always beautiful after a full moon.”

“Won’t you get cold?”

“I’ll be next to you and we have furs and will have a fire, I’ll be fine.”

“There’s nothing else to do?”

“I’ve made my jewelry and clothing, made some arrowheads to trade. Mylicious made some knives and hatchets to trade, there is nothing to do.”

“Well, there really is nothing to do,” I said, “So let’s go.”

We got up, she went down the center tunnel and came back with some a bunch of furs.  I grabbed some dry wood and we headed up and out into the cold night.  I built the fire immediately, using some oil from the torches and what dry bark I could muster up.  It was cold out, I could see Yura shivering and I could feel it as well.  She laid down the furs as I put more wood on the fire.  When I turned around, she was undressing.

“Are you mad?”

“Trust me!” she said and got under the furs, “Now you, lose the clothing.”

I was hesitant at first, but slowly took my clothes off and got under the furs. It was like an oven in there, she was so hot and I do mean temperature wise.  She put her head on my chest and her arm across me.  We stared off, not saying anything to each other, watching the stars. There was something special about laying next to someone, completely naked and not having sex. It was sexual in its own way, but we never touched each other sexually.

I watched the Northern lights pop up again, and I pulled her close. I was relaxed, I was feeling again. I soon noticed her breathing changed and when I looked down at her, she was asleep.  I wanted to sleep, I wanted to know why everyone enjoyed sleeping.  I was content though, with her asleep on me.  I started to think of how it was like with Noemi, but no, this was different, way different from Noemi.  Yura liked me and could love me back unlike Noemi.

Amaruq was right as well, I was still full hate and I needed to let it go.  I closed my eyes and thought of Ireland, the mountains and the ocean which I didn’t really like, but with good comes bad..  I opened my eyes shortly after and spent the rest of the night with Yura in my arms, under the stars.  I got to thinking that it might be something I could get used to.

The sun came up and I heard footsteps, then a shadow blocked out the sun.  I looked up and Mylicious was standing over me, with a smaller, more normal grin on his face, “You can’t just stay away from her can you brother?”

“I’m finding it more and more hard to do,” I said.

“It’s morning, you said you would have me an answer in the morning.”

“That I did, and I do, I will help you, under one condition,” I said.

“Name it,” she said.

“I want Yura to go with us, she wants to see where we came from and where I love to spend my time,” I said.

“Okay, if she wants to go.”

“I do,” she said and lightly rubbed my chest.

“You know brother, if you ran around naked, no one would be able to see you,” Mylicious chuckled, making light of my white skin.

“I wish he would,” Yura said and kissed my chest.

Mylicious left and headed back to the tunnel. Yura and I got dressed.  I helped her carry the furs back down and then Mylicious had me help him move the boat out to the surface.

“It’s not going to be fun dragging this, but it’s better than carrying it, plus Yura will be helping us. I made us some more oars, made one for Yura as well,” he showed me an oar that was half the size of our oars.  I found it kind of insulting to Yura, but Mylicious was happy, so I didn’t say anything.

Mila and Tapeesa gave us some food to hold us over until we reached the land in which I was from. Then, we were on our way, trekking across the ice-laden land once again.

The sun was too bright that day, it was blinding, and wind was whipping us all hard in the face.  It slowed us down more than dragging the boat.  It took longer to reach the ocean than it should have, it was more in the early evening than midday.  We finally, pushed the boat in the water, I was in first, then Yura, then Mylicious. Even though, Yura had a shorter oar, it didn’t’ stop her from helping us.

We were speeding along, the boat making little wakes of water.  I was wanting to see whales, but I didn’t that day.  Soon, day turned into night and Mylicious used the stars to navigate as Yura and I continued to paddle.  We were a lot further along than before because when day broke, I could see the nice green of my homeland, Ireland, but we didn’t stop there.  Mylicious wanted to go to directly where I leapt from.  So, I told him where I leapt from, which is now modern day Calias, and we put the boat on the

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