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Book online «Rayna's Sacrifice (The Katori Chronicles Book 3) A. Lombardo (best smutty novels txt) 📖». Author A. Lombardo

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the deep blue water edged against the pale sky. It was a welcome sight. The main Kahoma city clung to the shore all along the coastal cliffs as far as the eye could see. Where the road and the river bisected the city, Kai noticed the largest concentration of structures.

Everything about Kahoma seemed unique. There were many stone structures and music flitted through the town. Before long, the dirt road transformed into a sandy-colored flat stone path with bits of crushed seashells. Coming down the hill, Kai could see the main wide road carved through the center, while smaller roads curved away on either side.

The more he studied the layout, he realized the city was designed like a wagon wheel, with meandering spoke roads connected by other offshoots. Everything encircled the center structure, the Agora, the Kahoma’s temple to Alenga. It was another behemoth of a building. All throughout the city, statues of sea creatures popped up out of fountains.

The Bodhima trees here were squatty and stout. Cosmos vines snaked around their trunks adjoining the next tree. Much like the Hiowind village, some homes utilized stone structures to weave additional space and create bridges between dwellings. And like everywhere, the water flowed throughout the city—a blue ribbon of life inside a stone channel.

“Now we have to get to the shore. We may yet catch Lucca,” Ryker insisted. “Yulia, can you and Rayna get more supplies? Meet us on the beach when you can.”

Yulia nodded, and she and Rayna disappeared into the crowd.

Ryker hustled through the crowds. Liam and Kai kept pace. While they went, Kai tried to look at his surroundings, but the streets were too crowded. Twice he bumped into someone when he gawked at the city.

People offered pleasant bobs and smiles as they passed. Much like the Hiowind tribe, the Kahoma dressed in bright colors, though the style was less flowy and more form-fitting. They wore their hair restrained in braids, beads, and silk strips. That is unless it was cropped short. Another difference was that a few wore sandals or heavy boots.

Kai kept pace behind Ryker and Liam. Their speed continued to accelerate. There was no more time to take in the sights. Focused on their destination, he searched the stretch of land before them. Even at their pace, it would take time to reach the cliffs. A sheer cliff, to be precise.

Ryker arched around the edge of the city before they reached the cliffs. His speed slowed dramatically to weave through the growing crowd. Along the cliff, people gathered, each wearing various shades of purple–Weathervanes. Kai studied their movements and their glowing crystals. The first drops of rain struck Kai’s head. Small wet beads. One, two, three. The wind smelled of saltwater and seaweed.

A steady stream of people came from the cliffs. Confused, Kai stepped closer to the edge. Stone stairs on the cliff wall provided access to the beach about forty feet below. “Wow, the cliffs are much higher than I expected,” he called out.

More rain fell. Larger drops. One after the other, a steady stream of wet. Ryker wormed through the crowd. He did not wait. Kai slipped between two men and followed. The wide stone stairs were pitch black with a bit of grit embedded in the surface. “There,” Ryker pointed to a long pier in the distance. “It’s Lucca boarding a boat.”

Down below the cliffs, a white sandy beach met the rolling blue waves. Two boats bobbed against a wooden pier. Kai watched three men scurry onto a small cutter. He gleaned the men boarding the ship—Lucca, Basil, and another man, whose purple crystal gleamed bright.

“We have to catch them!” Kai pushed through the crowd, knocking a woman to her knees. “Sorry, ma’am.” He helped her stand before continuing down the stairs behind Ryker.

Lucca was within reach. Kai could taste their success. After all their struggles, he had caught Lucca. He would force him to return the necklace. Heart pounding, his feet stepped onto the soft sand. A few drops of rain smacked his cheeks.

A signal light at the dock waved in the air. The blue sky disappeared behind the converging clouds, dark and swollen with rainwater. Ryker’s boots dug into the sand, and Kai raced to keep up. The heavens opened and a deluge fell from above. Heavy, blinding rain soaked the beach.

One vessel left the dock and charged into the waves. By the time Ryker and Kai traversed the length of the pier, Lucca’s boat was out on the open water. The wind whipped around the beach, and Kai held onto a post. Waves slapped the wood and splashed them both. The water was cold. The sea was angry and dark. Salt accumulated on his lips.

“Why don’t the Weathervanes stop the storm?” Kai shouted over the thunder.

Lightning cracked the sky. “Stop it? They are the ones creating it. Take another look. See the sun on the other side of the break? My guess is they are here to help Lucca leave, and keep you from following.” Ryker motioned to the cliff top. “This is not natural, but the ocean will be happy to feed their creation and the storm will last for hours.”

The darkening sky and black sea made it impossible to see much. But the sun did indeed

shine down on Lucca’s departing vessel. On their side, rain lashed at their faces. Waves pounded the pier. Lightning and thunder loomed overhead. Kai turned back to the cliff. Tiny purple lights dotted the precipice, crystals worn by the Weathervanes. Yulia stepped up to Kai, a large leather bag slung over her shoulder. “We will be going nowhere until this storm lets up. Come take shelter in the caves in the cliffs.”


When the storm passed, sunlight poured through the cave entrance, and Kai felt the heat warm his back. “Time to go.” Ryker grabbed their food supplies and Liam led the group to the shore.

“According to the boat master,” Liam pointed, “my boat should be ready. It should be on the far

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